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The HP Spectre x360 13 -ac023dx is a compact laptop which is light, powerful, and has smart security features.

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Tastiera va SOLO con alimentatore collegato e batteria scollegata

Spectre x360 13-v102nl

Ciao a tutti,

ho un problema troppo strano col mio ultrabook. L'ho già aperto 20 volte e non ne esco più.

Praticamente la tastiera ha smesso di funzionare di punto in bianco, ma la cosa strana è che non è la tastiera il problema.

Se scollego la flat della batteria e accendo il PC con solo l'alimentazione collegata, la tastiera funziona benissimo. Se attacco la flat della batteria smette di funzionare. Sia con PSU collegata che senza.

Insomma l'unico modo per veder funzionare la tastiera è quello di tenere il pc collegato all'alimentazione MA tenere la batteria scollegata.

Non capendo quale fosse il problema ho comprato tastiera nuova e batteria nuova, stessi seriali, prese su ebay da negozio tedesco (articoli nuovi in stock, non seconda mano!) infatti erano ben confezionati e ancora impellicolati, perfetti.

Con la batteria nuova, il PC ha funzionato per un giorno intero anche senza alimentazione collegata.
Il giorno dopo di nuovo, la tastiera smette di funzionare.

Quindi sono punto a capo, Ovvero, con la batteria collegata, la tastiera non vuole sentirne.
Se stacco la batteria e accendo il PC con solo l'alimentazione, la tastiera va perfettamente.


Aggiorna (18/11/2022)

Hi @oldturkey03 sorry, but when i'd open the thread, there wasn't my spcific model and i did not find a way to insert the correct number,

The HP is this: Spectre x360 13-v102nl

The old battery worked fine. The old keyboard too. the situation is the same with both the old and the new parts. That is, the keyboard works only if I unplug the flat battery cable and power the PC with the power supply.

I wanted to change the battery because I thought it was faulty and it was she who didn't make the keyboard work. But even with the new battery connected the keyboard doesn't work. (Neither the old nor the new keyboard.)

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Awesome One (AwesomeOne) Sorry to answer you in english but sadly enough,I do not speak italian. Just to clarify, your computer is a HP Spectre x360 13-ac023dx? If not, then we need to know the exact model number. Take a couple of good pictures and post those with your QUESTION. Let's see how the cables fit around the battery. Check to make sure that the trackpad is connected properly. Was the old battery puffed up at all?


Awesome One (AwesomeOne) Scusa se ti rispondo in inglese ma purtroppo non parlo italiano. Giusto per chiarire, il tuo computer è un HP Spectre x360 13-ac023dx? Se no, dobbiamo sapere il numero di modello esatto. Fai un paio di belle foto e pubblicale insieme alla tua domanda. Vediamo come si inseriscono i cavi intorno alla batteria. Verificare che il trackpad sia collegato correttamente. La vecchia batteria era gonfiata?


Awesome One (AwesomeOne) thank you for the clarification. Do you think there is a possibility that the battery pushes on the keyboard ribbon cable and either dislodge it or that there may be a tear in the cable? If you loosen the battery a bit and create some space between the battery and the keyboard cable, does that make a difference?


@oldturkey03 mmm... i'm think not. The flat is itselfe a flat cable... and no one have tightened the screw before, the behaviour has manifested itself from one day to one other.

Anyway, when i remove the old battery and installed the new one, i tried to power on the PC without screws on the battery, so... no, i can exlude any pushes on the flat cables.


@Awesome One (AwesomeOne) great. Thanks for clarifying. Once I get off work, I will check the schematic for this motherboard and see if there is any kind of direct connection between the battery and the keyboard. I will let you know as soon as I find something.


Thanks so much!! I can test any component with tester if I know what I have to check :D


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Hi @oldturkey03 i have an update. don't remember if i'd already say that.

If i turn the audio volume to 0 with mouse by the slider on the windows interface, the LED mute over the keyboard turn ON. Viceversa, if i turn up the slider, the LED obviously turn OFF.

Again, if i connect a USB keboard, and with this one i push MAIUSC/CAPS LOCK for uppercase digits, the LED of the hp keyboars turn ON. vceversa, if i push again caps lock on the USB keyboard for removing the uppcercase digits, the LED of the hp keyboard turn OFF.

This thing is pretty strange, it mean that the Keyboard response to the bios, and LED switch correctly if a specific function exist in the keyboard.

but the "press" button on the HP keyboard, don't produce anything... This happen with old and new keyboard only with battery flat plugged in.

Now i'm thinking about performa a trick on the battery side, like soldering all + and all - tracks to share - signal or + signal.

or maybe, isolate the central 4 tracks that I thing are suppose to be the lines for control/communication with the motherboard.

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i was thinking to solder the 2 lines, can you see? do you think that it will be a bad idea? i think that for the battery, the line togheter will not be a problem.... positive with positive.... negative with negative...

this is the idea:

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Awesome One (AwesomeOne) nothing to lose at this point. It won't hurt to solder those together. The four in the middle are obviously data lines, so those I'd be careful off.


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@oldturkey03 no luck... same behaviour... the soldering are ok with the tracks (not so clear but + and - are all connected)... anyway, this has not help, uff ... no way.

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