How to solve 2n2907 Transistor Troubles or 2n2907 Replacement

Good day! 

I am having issues obtaining my board to drive a 2n2907 semiconductor unit and will use some conceptsfrom the community.

First, if I merely run the board blankthis offers American state roughly 5-Volts on pin A7:

Code: [Select]

void setup() 

and this offers American state zero.001V on pin A7:

Code: [Select]

void setup() 

I have conjointly tested the higher than on pin D13 with a similar behavior.

I have a PNP semiconductor unit 2n2907 that I will manually drive with none problems at +5V on the collector if i take advantage of a 1kohm resistance on the bottom, connected to ground. the matter is that when I connect it to the arduino board on, i'm unable to drive the {transistor|junction semiconductor unit|electronic transistor|semiconductor device|semiconductor unit|semiconductor} with any measureable modification I cannot flip the transistor on or off - it merely floats its electrode, and shifts roughly zero.2V between being force high and low through the Arduino. this straightforward take a look at does not work to show the semiconductor unit on.

Code: [Select]

void setup() 

Is there one thing that i am doing wrong here? Thanks in advance!

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