bluetooth and wifi not working
How to activate my WiFi and Bluetooth
Questa è una buona domanda?
How to activate my WiFi and Bluetooth
Questa è una buona domanda?
Hi @gnteo ,
To enable WiFi, go to Home > tap Settings app > tap WiFi to enter and then switch it on.
To enable Bluetooth, go to Home > tap Settings app > tap Bluetooth to enter and then switch it on
Here is a link to the User Guide, click on Manuals and Downloads and select the 3rd link down]. Scroll to p.44 onwards to view how to setup WiFi and Bluetooth
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4 Commenti
Hi @gnteo ,
What is the make and model number of your phone?
da jayeff
Hi Jayeff,
da Gladys Nteo
I have this same problem. The WIFI is unable to detect available connections when other phones are able. the bluetooth is not detectable when searched for. I have done a factory reset still no way. Please who can solve this? Thanks in advance.
da Don
C'est un défaut structurel connu de Huawei. Lors de la période de garantie, Huawei échange le portable pour un neuf. Une fois la période de garantie achevée, le problème revient naturellement.
Il faut intenter une action pour vice caché. Voir l’intérêt comparé au rapport prix du portable/ cout de la procédure...
da spammy