Cup stuck to base of NutriBullet
The cup of the magic NutriBullet is stuck to the base , can’t remove it
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The cup of the magic NutriBullet is stuck to the base , can’t remove it
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Just unstuck my nutribullet cup from base. One of the lips of cup went under white actuator. All I did was to use a small flat tip screwdriver turned the cup to make sure lip was directly under actuator, place screwdriver beside actuator and pry cup away from base lifting lip back over actuator. The job is done.
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This worked perfectly! Thank you
This worked perfectly for me too
Thank you! Was about to send it back, but your advice helped. One note as I am slow, needed to push the activator out vs to the side. This worked, thank you!
I called them because it wasn’t working for me and they said put it on the floor push down with a lot of weight then twist it. It came right off. Thank goodness I wanted my smoothie
Thank you. I was seriously ready to dump the entire thing in the trash, smoothie and all.
Nothing would work for me not even the screwdriver suggestion above, so I called them. Gentlemen was very helpful and as soon as he told me what to do I said duh that makes sense. Just put it on the floor or a chair push down with a lot of weight and then turn it. Worked the very first time. It was just sticking because it must have gotten stuff slopped down the side where the little tabs are
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Thank you thank you thank you - it worked
Wish I looked this up sooner. I threw mine out and got a new one :(
This worked! Thank you so much for sharing. I was getting worried I’d have to throw mine out.
THANK You...I was about to give up...but I placed it on the floor andnplaced my feet to hold it stable, pushed hard ,twisted and Voila...:)
Just did it!!! Worked the first time!
Just did this and it works
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I put it on the floor, put the weight of my whole body to push down. It would NOT twist AT ALL, won't push down further either. Blender base, not cup, no lip to reach under with screwdriver. at least 1 of the white tabs is split so if it locks, it WILL NOT come out. usually with cups, I use screwdriver. No space between blender base and unit to pry with. TOTALLY frustrated. I have a cooking party tomorrow I need to prep for and now have no blender.
The above solution just worked like a charm. After trying with the screw driver and using my strength to twist from the floor, I was incredibly frustrated. But turning the entire unit upside down and knocking the cup worked like a charm. Thanks!
After trying pressing it down with all my strength it would not budge and I was soo frustrated. Until I saw your comment and I tried turning the entire thing upside down and tapping the cup on the floor it finally worked! I'm so relieved.
None of the above are working - do you mean put the whole unit on the floor and twist or just the cup? The whole cup turns when I put it on the floor?
The cup would not budge. I turned it over, gave 4 solid wacks on the counter, turned it back over and the cup twisted right off, no problem. Thanks so much!
Thank you; the upside down pushing down worked for me after a few attempts. I hope I didn’t damage it
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I tossed one stuck cup and lid in the garbage and bought a new set figuring my old one was just being difficult. Nope, new ones do the same thing. I bought this rubber strap set and use it regularly... shouldn't have to, but these cup / lids suction together so hard i hardly try now before getting the straps. Ya, i have to lay it down sideways on the counter... but it loosens them every time. What i have found is if the threads get wet, the suction happens more often. So don't over fill the cup. Dry threads, smaller amount of material, fewer sticky situations. good luck
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Ok, Just fixed this problem with my 1200 series thanks to this forum. The details: Just got new unit. Wife unknowingly used old base from our old 900 and it got stuck. Freaked out a bit initially and then, after some fiddling around, found this forum. Used the inversion and thump method which worked beautifully. Couple of points for future pilgrims: as mentioned above, put down a tea towel or similar. You will likely need to give it several thumps. They will need to be quite firm, but judicious. For me, I thumped three times and it just came apart. It was like magic because we could not get it to budge by twisting. Upon subsequent examination, the bases appeared identical where they engage with the unit so it seems that they should work interchangeably, but I found that the drive wheel on the older 900 series base showed significant lateral play compared to the new one and probably needs new bearing. I’m thinking this was likely contributory. Anyway, problem solved, peace and harmony reign once again. Thanks x 1000 guys.
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😡Tried EVERYTHING I could, including the tips above. Screwdriver, sitting on it, gently tapping it, thrashing it.... IT WILL NOT BUDGE. Feel like throwing the ruddy thing out of the window, but do not want to risk injuring anyone. TOTALLY FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!
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Back again. Left it in the fridge for about 6 hours and was then able to remove the lid. I think that it builds up pressure, which disolves when left in the fridge. That's just a guess on my part.
Now I am going to try my "golden milk" and see if the whole uproar was worth while.
How many New York City 52 world trade should I pick 3000 body pods up? They lock myself in room 3 to 5 years. Why do I have to go to this trouble just to take the top off almost every time I try to use this thing and I use it every day twice.
I hit mine with a solid meat mallet. Worried I'd break the unit but didn't. The base finally screwed off.
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That’s whatI used too!
Mine was stuck as well but it wasn’t because of a vacuum issue. One of the cup tabs broke inside the machine. I had to hold it upside down then carefully prod the broken tab out of the machine. Has to be a design issue.
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This is what happened to me as well. Solved in the same manner.
The tab breaks because of the pressure buildup. It forces the container upwards. Definitely a design flaw.
Hello. I suspect that the cause may also be an asimetric position of the blade which happens once the silicon seal breaks and we don't notice it in time. I bought a new blade and since then thera areeno issues.
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My issue of the cup being stuck was resolved with the screwdriver. I believe this happens when the cup is not aligned properly
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How did you get it off? Mine is stuck with a shake in it! And it appears one tab is broken off of the canister.
I had to literally find a stationary vice, wrap it a rubber sleeve then use all of my strength to open it. I did not go past the over fill line. It all depends on what you put in the container to begin with. Pressure will build and force the lid upwards causing the lockdown. I find that looking at the bottom of the container as it’s mixing helps. Don’t let the contents reach and cover the bottom. A new design is needed.
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Useful tips! Thank you.
I eventually managed to use grips on the 2 parts of the jug - gave it a good smack on the underside after covering the connector to the main part of the machine with a rubber cloth so as not to damage it. I also slid a knife up into the part that twists off to break the airlock! As you say - it needs a new design as there are hundreds of complainers for this issue all over the internet!
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15 Commenti
Actuators move up and down but can't remove cup. When I plug it in, it runs even though actuators are in upright position... Help!
da Sherry
My problem was that the bottom lid would not screw off of the nutri bullet cup.. Because no one could get it open I had left it be for two days. Day two I’m like let me wipe it down I’ll try opening it again if not garbage it goes.. While I’m wiping the cup down so I can get a better grip of it .. all you hear is BOOOOOM! The the back piece flys off knocks me in the head bounces of my head and flys in back of me knocking down the little bit of stuff I had on my counter. Long story short I ended up getting a deep gush in between the middle of my brows.. So just take caution just in case you might have the same problem as me..
da Shakara
Awesome. Easy remedy. Thank you.
da nmwbworks
Worked, thank you!
da Lizbeth Gonzalez
I tried my best, following these steps but couldn’t get it to separate from the base. After reading Shakara’s comment, I’m afraid it’ll explode and injure me. What do I do!!!
da Minsa Varghese
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