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Why is my computer running so slow?

Recently I've been having troubles opening and closing programs. The computer seems to be running slower than before.

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states script runing causing computer to run slower.


What is a script?


Using HP Pavilion with windows 10.



and what would you say if even after having reinstalled windows 10, the computer is still super slow ?

its a icore 7 with 8gb so it shouldn’t be slow.

thank you for your help.


when you reiinstall windows 10 its doing alot of background stuff, updates getting your settings back etc, so at 1st it will be slower, you fail to mention if your hd is small / old or a ssd...and 8 GB of ram is low for windows 10, you also don't mention which I7 you have, and what maintence you have done after the install, disk cleanup defrag etc, so without more info can't really answer you, cept for the standard, run windows update till it says it has everything make sure you have the CORRECT drivers for your hardware, audio, video, network, and especially the chipset and sata drivers, that by itself will slow the pc down, then do a disk cleanup using the app that comes with 10, and then defrag the hard drive, using the defragmenter in 10 (its not real good but its better then not doing it at all)


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If your laptop is running more slowly than usual or has become increasingly slow over the past several weeks or months, see the Acer Aspire 5253 Is Running Slowly problem page for possible problems and solutions.

The most common cause for this behavior is a fragmented HD in WinDUHows, a full HD, or, eminent HD failure (depending on the age and care of the HD).

Different versions of OS X require different amounts of "free space" (empty space on the drive) anywhere from 7-20% depending on the type of drive (SSD drives need more), and the size of the boot drive.

So if your boot drive is nearly full that could be a reason. Also running a machine without a hard reboot (complete shutdown and restart) can cause some issues as RAM that should be completely released when you quit a program isn't, or the RAM gets fragmented and large segments needed for some applications are available so VRAM gets used (VRAM is always slower than actual RAM).

Lastly if you've recently started using a new application that requires more physical RAM than you have you could see this behavior..

If this answer is acceptable please remember to return and mark it.

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Punteggio 31

7 Commenti:

lol i cant understand anything


LuHan fan - Try breaking it down into small sections using a dictionary (or google search) for terms/words you don't understand. Try to ask a concrete clarifying question saying "I can't understand anything" leaves no useful point from which anyone could begin to help you to understand.


originalmachead - is you some kind of genius? the way you express yourself, it's so precise like in a school or science textbook.


Isaac Jeffrey Newton Smith

It isn't genius. They're a nerd, like me.

I've been using computers, since I was 3.

My first OS was Windows 3.11.

We nerds, just understand these terminologies.

We breath technology and code.

It just comes naturally to us.

You'll just have to learn everything that originalmachead said via google.


So what OriginalMacHead is saying in more understandable terms is:

- You need to defragment your disk, you can do this by searching "Defrag" in the search bar of your computer. Then click defragment and optimize drives, then select your hard drive and click optimize.

- The second thing he said is that you need to keep the used storage on your hard drive low, to a point that there is 7%-20% of the hard drive left unused. And for an SSD you need more, this is also called overprovisioning :)

What I would recommend is replacing the hard drive with an SSD here’s some good options that should work for you:

- 250gb SSD:

- 500gb SSD:

- 1tb (1,000gb) SSD:


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i know i had the acer for like last 4 years. thease steps will help

1-just remove all unwanted startup programs they slow down the computer boot

2-remove all unwanted software using any software remover tool like revo uninstaller

3. check the computer R.A.M if possible please change or upgrade it .

4- for windows 10 or windows 8 user i would say visit

Open Start Menu and find the Control Panel. Click on it.

Here in the Control Panel, go to the Search field at the top-right of the window and type Performance. Now hit Enter.

Now find Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.

Go to the Advanced tab and click on Change in the Virtual Memory section.

Now untick the option “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.”

Select the default C: drive where Windows 10 is installed and then choose Custom Size. Then change Initial Size and Maximum Size to the recommended values by Window . lets see if this works and solves the problem with slow computer issue .

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Punteggio 18

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what do you mean with " Initial Size and Maximum Size to the recommended values by Window". How can I know that value?


If you look further down in the box toward the bottom, the recommended sizes are there..word 'recommended' next to them.


Recommended only has only value, what exactly is for Initial and maximum value?


Your method4 worked for me who installed Windows 11 on a 2GB ram Acer laptop


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13 Reasons Why Your Computer is Slow

1. Your browser has too many add-ons

Not all browser extensions are created for good. “People often assume a slow computer is because of a virus, but a lot of time it'll be a browser add-on or plugin bundled with a free software download. These add-ons may proclaim themselves popup blockers or search protectors, but they're actually browser adware that can slow your computer down by downloading ads and popping up ads every time you open your browser.

Fix it

Disable or remove browser extensions and toolbars you don't really need:

Firefox: Hit the menu button on the far right, select Add-ons / Extensions, then select disable or remove for each item on the list.

Chrome: Right-click on any extension button / Manage Extensions, then uncheck the box to disable a particular item, or click the trash can to wave it goodbye.

Safari: Hit Safari (top left) / Preferences / Security / Extensions, then select an item to uninstall. You can also turn off all Extensions here.

Internet Explorer: Tools / Manage add-ons / Show All add-ons, then select the offender(s), and click disable or remove.

2. Your hard drive is failing

Hard drives have moving parts, so they all fail eventually. There's no way to guard against it except backing up your files. As for solid state drives (SSDs), which don't have moving parts and are theoretically less likely to break down, that's kind of a myth. While they may not suffer mechanical breakdown, their data can still be corrupted. “When they do fail, it's much more difficult to recover the data.

Fix it

Run a hard drive check. He recommends installing a program called HDTune that runs a health check on your hard drive to diagnose it healthy or ailing. Avoid dropping, throwing or otherwise causing impact to the hard drive to extend its lifespan.

3. You're running too many programs at once

Doing a trillion things at once is exactly why we have computers but, at some point, your little bundle of artificial intelligence is going to falter. Your computer's ability to run multiple programs at the same time hinges in part on its RAM (random access memory), which allows it to switch from processing one program to another with seeming fluidity, but if the demands of the open programs are outstripping your computer's memory and processing power, you'll notice a slowdown.

“Lots of folk have to keep in mind not to have too many windows open,”. That includes minimized windows, which continue to run in the background, sucking up processing power.

Fix it

Shut 'em down. For Macs, Windows 10, Windows 7 and eariler versions of Windows, you can close the programs from the file menu. In Windows 8, programs are built so that they run in the background for a while, then automatically shut down. But if you want to manually shut one down and ensure all associated files shut down with it, drag from the top of the screen to the bottom, and hold there until the icon flips over.

4. Too many browser tabs are open

If you're in the dozens of open tabs camp (“All the better to never lose a link”, you claim), your browser is likely hogging far more than its fair share of RAM.

“Having multiple browsers open can slow down the works, just like if you had 20-plus tabs open,”. Extra slow points if any tabs are also auto-refreshing (say, a live blog).

What's more, having a glut of browser tabs full of supposedly crucial information doesn't exactly help our efficiency or mindfuless

Fix it

Bookmark those “necessary” links (for organization's sake, in a Bookmarks folder titled “To Read”) and shut those tabs down. Even better, One-Tab for Chrome and Firefox does the work for you, compiling all your open tabs into a simple list on a single tab, which can then be accessed as needed.

5. Rogue programs are hogging all the processing power

It's not always a heavy-duty video or music app that's eating up your computer's processing power.

Some programs or system processes may be stuck in a loop or have encountered an error.

Fix it

Check how much processing power programs and processes are using by heading into Task Manager (Windows; Ctrl+Alt+Delete) or Activity Monitor (Mac; in Applications / Utilities). For both, click the “CPU” tab to order the programs by how much processing power they're taking up. If a program that you're not actively using is still up there in the top few programs, you can select to quit the process.

And, when it comes to browsers, Internet Explorer is especially heavy on your computer,. “You don't have to run it but don't remove it [if you got it bundled with your Windows PC] – it could cause problems as it's very tied to the operating system,” he says. Instead, he suggests the lighter, more secure Chrome.

6. You have an overzealous antivirus program

Having an active anti-malware program is a vital part of computer hygiene – but yours may be running regular background scans at the worst possible times. “Virus scans slow down the works because they're running in the background,”. Some antivirus programs may be set to weekly full scans, which can take a few hours and suck up a lot of processing power.

Fix it

Head into your antivirus settings and configure it to scan late at night when you aren't using the computer,. (However, that feature may not be available on some free antivirus programs – which makes a good case for upgrading.)

7. You have a virus

If it's not the antivirus, it could be the virus. Viruses, spyware and other malware can slow down your computer as they mess around with everything from hijacking your browser to pushing advertising or phishing sites, to crashing your computer.

Fix it

Run a malware scan. “The best free one we like is Avast,”. For more free and paid options, check out our Techlicious top picks for security software programs for Windows PCs and Macs.

8. You have too many startup programs

Newly downloaded programs often try to weasel their way into your Startup menu (Windows) or Login Items (Mac). If you didn't uncheck the box for that permission, you could have dozens of unnecessary programs vying to be ready and running as soon as your computer boots up (as if that's happening any time soon).

“Having too many icons on the desktop can also slow down a Mac's startup,”.

While some programs – such as antivirus and firewall software - should be allowed to run from startup, others – such as iTunes or Microsoft Office – could quite easily stay closed until you actually need to access a file from their digital depths.

Fix it

Mac: Applications / Systems Preferences / User Groups / Login Items, then uncheck unneeded programs. Delete desktop icons you don't use by trashing them or, in the case of files you've saved to desktop for convenience, reorganizing to the appropriate folder.

Windows 8 and 10: Windows key + X / Task Manager / Startup tab, then right-click on the programs you want to remove and select Disable.

Windows 7 and older: Start button, then search for System Configuration. Go to Startup tab, then uncheck each of the programs if you don't want starting when the system boots up.

9. Your hard drive is 90% full

When your hard drive gets to 90-95 percent full, that's when you see things moving at a crawl,. “A full hard drive can also prevent a computer from starting up. It's best to optimize your space as much as possible – move stuff to the cloud, or delete the stuff you're not using,” he says.”

Hard drive space is taken up by programs, updates to programs, and downloads, as well as temporary files and associated files of deleted programs, so you may be able to clear a good amount of space just by emptying your trash. Check your hard drive situation by (Mac) clicking the apple and selecting About this Mac, or (Windows) hitting Start / Computer and right clicking the primary hard drive (usually C:), then go to Properties.

Fix it

Deep clean your computer of unnecessary files from unused programs to defunct downloads and temporary files.

“It's good to remove bloatware – Toshiba, Lenovo and other PC manufacturers put their own software on computers that are supposed to run utilities or cleanup,”. And in terms of that ancient computer cleaning ritual defragging, “that really only works on Windows XP computers and older,”. System backups and restore points also can take up a huge amount of space, so don’t keep more backup versions than you really need.

10. Your OS is way too slick

It's the age old battle of appearance over performance: Having visual effects enabled – aka eye candy like those snazzy transitions for minimizing windows – can impact the speed of your PC (and to a lesser extent, Mac), if its hardware only just skates within the minimum requirements for your OS of choice.

“If you have a good video card – that's 1GB of RAM on the video card or better – you're OK,”. “But less than that, [having visual effects enabled] can slow your computer down.”

Fix it

Windows 7 and older: Start / Control Panel / Performance Information and Tools / Adjust Visual effects, then click adjust for best performance or manually choose which effects you'd like to keep.

Windows 8 and 10: Windows key + X / System / Advanced System Settings / Performance Settings / then select as above.

Mac: System Preferences / Dock, then for minimizing applications, change that super-swish Genie effect to a utilitarian Scale effect (basically just disappearing). Uncheck “Animate Opening Applications”.

11. Your room is too dusty

Sometimes the problem is not internal but external – is the back of your CPU casing matted over with dust? This can prevent ventilation which cools the processors as they whir away in an attempt to run Photoshop, Spotify, Outlook and Skype. And nobody wants a hot computer – heat increases the likelihood of malfunctions and crashes.

As for laptops, any time you notice your laptop heating up, you should check that its vents, usually on the sides, aren't blocked. For example, don't put your laptop on something soft like a pillow where it can sink in.

Fix it

Dust off the ol', um, dust. If it's really severe, you can use a vacuum cleaner (carefully) or a canister of compressed air.

12. You don't have enough memory

If you've deep-cleaned your computer and modified your browser tab habit, but your computer is still slow (and you own a PC), you might want to consider a minor upgrade in the form of additional RAM.

Some programs take a lot of your computer's RAM to run – for example, programs that work with huge files such as photo or video editing software. “A lot of people try to run Photoshop or some graphics-heavy program on a entry- or mid-level computer that can't handle it,”.

Fix it

Recommends a minimum of 2GB of RAM, or 4GB if you do graphics-heavy work on your computer. Fortunately, upgrading the RAM on your PC is inexpensive and a task most people can handle themselves. To learn what RAM upgrade options are available for your computer, try Kinston's memory options tool.

13. You need to restart your computer

The reason restarting seems to solve so many tech issues is that programs can get hung for a myriad of reasons. “A lot of stuff gets gummed up in the background. For example, if you turn off Outlook, background processes are still running,”. “You could 'end task', but a lot of folks are not that savvy about which one to end.”

Instead of manually digging into Task Manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (Mac) to divine the root(s) of the sluggishness, restarting flushes out the system, a panacea for those rogue, resource-hogging programs and a clean slate free of files and fragments.

Fix it

Bite the bullet and shut things down. You even get the added benefit of having critical system updates applied that can only happen during a reboot.

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Punteggio 10

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very good job


that 'ancient' defrag speeds things up even in windows 10


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If you are running Windows then go t the Task Manager (press Ctrl, Alt, Del and choose Task Manager) and look at the processes and applications. In Windows 10 you will get a detailed list and can see what is using a lot of CPU % or Disk writing. Usually writing to disk will slow a computer a lot. If you have an app that is using a lot of resources, that may be the issue and you may need to uninstall it.

A bad hard drive that is failing or has errors will also slow the computer and make it erratic. In Windows, right click on the Windows icon in the lower left corner, then choose Command Prompt (admin). A small black window should open. It will say C:/windows/system32> Carefully type (with no spaces) chkdsk/r and hit enter. It will say that this command can't be executed and ask it you want to schedule it to run on the next reboot. type Y for yes and hit enter. Then close applications and reboot your computer.

This will test the C: drive for errors and recover data and fix the errors if possible.

After testing this on my SSD (solid state drive) I would not recommend it for use on SSDs. It is much more likely to have a problem with the normal hard drives anyway and chkdsk may help.

However, it may not fix a drive that is just failing which will start acting bad again. In that case you need to replace the HD. You need a copy of Windows or a Windows repair disk and internet access. You will also have to reinstall your programs and back up any pictures, music, etc. you want to keep for the new HD.

Iolo system Mechanic may also help.

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