Hi David, before continuing reading this: Remove the battery as soon as possible and DO NOT CHARGE!
If a device is exhibiting symptoms of water damage the first step should be opening the device up to just double check that there isn't water still in it, shorting something out. (I have opened a phone up that got wet and was dried months ago, and still had water in it on the motherboard.)
1) Open it up, if water is there disconnect all power sources (including battery if possible), 2) next remove the water, (see footnote 1) this can be accomplished by drying with a hair dryer (not on high), 3: next put in a bag with some dessicants (see footnote 2) for 2-7 days, reassemble and voila!
Footnote 1: an optional but highly recommended step here is to pour 97% isopropyl alcohol in the device (but try not to pour on a screen, it can mess with adhesives) the benefit of this is the alcohol will often displace the water, meaning you now have a device that is now soaked in alcohol, still not ideal but way better because alcohol evaporates faster than water and is less corrosive)
Footnote 2: those little bags in food that say do not eat, can be purchased on amazon for cheap, for example: https://www.amazon.com/10g-Silica-Gel-De...
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3 Commenti
I have this problem too, infact I have replaced the screen yet the phone is still blury with continuous lines across the screen. Please help me its a Samsung A32 less than 5 months.
da Olaoniye Ayowumi
My phone is not working because i put weter in a poklet and now my phone is not working
da Sherlando Ricketts
I have this too. But my gadget is a Samsung's Galaxy Y S5360. It won't turn on. It's water damaged because I washed it with DISH SOAP. THE ENTIRE CASE AND BATTERY. I THOUGHT IT WAS DIRTY. It won't turn on now.. August 22, it whitescreened. August 17, it started glitching. August 19, still glitching. It was because when we came back from the mall, I decided to wash it.
da ThePhoneCollector12😜