La guida di carica rotta causa l'impossibilità di connettere il Joy-Con direttamente alla Nintendo Switch o di caricarlo. Questa guida ti mostrerà come sostituire la guida di carica sul Joy-Con sinistro.
Prima di eseguire questa procedura, controlla se ci sono dei contatti piegati sulla guida di carica che si possono ripiegare in posizione. Se possibile, controlla se il Joy-Con può essere caricato da una fonte esterna o se il problema è con il sensore di carica sulla Nintendo Switch.
Se il problema è sul sensore guida della Nintendo Switch, segui questa guida: Sostituzione sensore guida Joy-Con sinistro Nintendo Switch
Cosa ti serve
Usa un cacciavite Tri-Point Y00 per svitare le quattro viti da 6 mm sul retro del Joy-Con.
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16 Commenti
I did this and still doesn’t work. I also changed the rail on the console side too. Very carefully of course. Any ideas?
Hey Luis,
Can you give me more detail on the problem? Like is the Joy-Con not being detected when it’s plugged in or is it not charging. If possible, can you test the console rail with a working Joy-Con?
If the Joy-Con is not charging, it could also be a battery problem. If you are comfortable with it, I would suggest swapping out the battery with a working one from the other Joy-Con to see if it solves the problem. You should probably attempt this after double-checking the connections for potential tears or if the connectors are too loose in the sockets.
Hi, I need help. My left Joy-Con is not charging because of the ZIF connector for the charging rail ribbon has been detached and I have lost it. Is there a way to fix this problem?
Honestly, I would recommend replacing the entire Motherboard, unless you can find a trusted repair shop to solder it on.
I damaged the ZIF connector for the battery on my Switch. It works with some pressure and perfect alignment, but I've had issues ever since I damaged it during repairs :/
I'm going to swap it with a functional motherboard, I would advise you do the same.
Hello need a little help. the ribbon cable will not stay connected. and it will not charger. Any thing will help.