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Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3

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  1. Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3, Back up disco rigido: passo 1, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3, Back up disco rigido: passo 1, immagine 2 di 2
    • Se vuoi eseguire il back up dei dati sul tuo disco rigido, segui le istruzioni in questo passo. Altrimenti, continua col prossimo passo.

    • Su un computer Windows/OS X/ Linux formatta un un disco esterno (con abbastanza spazio per contenere il back up dell'attuale disco rigido) nel formato FAT32.

    • Assicurati di formattarlo in FAT32. Altrimenti lo strumento della PS3 per il back up non lo riconoscerà.

    • Collega il tuo disco appena formattato alla PS3 tramite una porta USB e accendi la console.

    • Naviga la XMB fino alle "Impostazioni", quindi seleziona "Impostazioni del Sistema".

    • Seleziona "Utilità di Backup" per creare un back up dei tuoi dati. Questa procedura può durare fino a 2 ore se hai molti dati nella PS3.

    Hi everyone !

    As many users I suppose, my PS3's HDD is full, and I tried to change it for a bigger one.

    But I'm stuck at the first step :

    I've formated an external HDD in FAT32, plugged it in the usb port then turn on the PS3. The HDD lights up, I select the good menu, the PS3 asks me if I want to do it, 'YES', warn me that my XP and trophies won't be saved in this backup, 'YES', then the menu asks me to plug a HDD ...

    I've tried to plug in the both usb ports when the PS3 is off, when it's on, formated my external HDD 3 times in FAT32, fast way and long way (when the HDD is re-written with 0) , and nothing changed...

    The external HDD works, is new, is bigger than my internal HDD... it's a WD, My Passport Ultra 500 Go...

    Any idea what's wrong ?

    Thanks for the help !

    BNJ - Replica

    Hi !

    I've found the solution : the external HDD wasn't good for this operation, because it's an USB 3, so I suppose that the PS3 doesn't deliver enough power to run it correctly. It's works fine with a external USB 2.

    I'll write later the complete 'arborescence' (or 'tree diagram' ? don't know the correct word to use) who is written in my HDD, it could help someone else.

    And after all this, when you want to restore your backup datas on your new internal HDD, I advise you to copy the last PS3 system software (downladed here in a single USB key, it was easier for my PS3 to find and read it.

    See you later !

    BNJ -

    FYI: Using the default Disk Management application, Windows can only make FAT32 partitions up to 32GB in size. If you have more data than that to backup you'll have to use third party software like:

    That will allow you to make a partition/drive up to 2TB which is the FAT32 maximum.

    Patrick Hoffer - Replica

    Also, make sure it's a MBR partition and not GPT!

    Arkhane - Replica

  2. Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3, Disco rigido: passo 2, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3, Disco rigido: passo 2, immagine 2 di 2
    • Usa la parte piatta di uno spudger per fare leva sulla porta del disco rigido e staccarla dalla scocca inferiore.

    • Rimuovi la porta del disco rigido dalla PS3.

  3. Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3: passo 3, immagine 1 di 1
    • Svita la vite a croce Phillips blu da 8 mm che fissa il disco rigido al telaio.

  4. Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3: passo 4, immagine 1 di 3 Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3: passo 4, immagine 2 di 3 Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3: passo 4, immagine 3 di 3
    • Afferra l'aletta di estrazione del disco rigido e tirala verso il bordo anteriore della PS3.

    • Tira il gruppo dell'unità disco fuori dalla PS3.

  5. Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3, Disco rigido: passo 5, immagine 1 di 2 Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3, Disco rigido: passo 5, immagine 2 di 2
    • Svita le quattro viti a croce Phillips da 4,3 mm che fissano il disco rigido al suo supporto.

    • Queste 4 viti a volte sono difficili da svitare. Se ne spani le teste, le nostre pinze per l'estrazione delle viti le possono rimuovere facilmente.

  6. Sostituzione disco rigido PlayStation 3: passo 6, immagine 1 di 1
    • Rimuovi il disco rigido dal suo supporto in metallo.

    • Se stai installando un nuovo disco rigido nella tua PS3, segui questa guida per ripristinare i dati dal tuo back up.


Per rimontare il dispositivo, segui le istruzioni in ordine inverso.

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16 Commenti

Hi there!

Thank you for this (and all the other) guide!

My Hard Drive Slot looks a little bit different.

You have to spudge away the door from the left side and after removing the Blue Screw you can easily pull out the harddrive and you don't have to slide the tray to the side and out afterwards.

Maybe worth a note that there are several versions around..

Jay Ho - Replica

Nice explenatory guide!

Dirk Ronsmans - Replica

My playstation3 fell over" lost all my icons on screen. I took it in to see what's wrong, they say I need to replace hard drive. Were can I buy a hard drive and how much does it cost? Can I do it myself? Please give me some answers or tips

alexhuman49 - Replica

if you can’t figure that out you should stop gaming…

Azhrei2000 -

You can find a new hard drive on Amazon. Data's gone, though.

TheTank20 -

Any 2.5'' HDD or SSD will work. There are a few linked in the top of the guide.

Patrick Hoffer -

i have a ps3 without a hdd and i want to put a hdd from another ps3,it's that possibile?

ommatol152 - Replica

yes but HD’s are linked to specific PS3’s. It’ll format the drive you are trying to use as an external. You can backup the PS3 you’re taking the drive FROM first on an external, but I don’t know if you can restore from an external on a different ps3. I’ve done that before on mine, but it’s the same PS3, just put in a bigger drive.

Azhrei2000 -

It'd be great to mentioned that not all PS3 looks like that. Mine doesn't have a clearly labeled HDD, nor a clear door on the side. There's a small door on the bottom of the system which when opened reveals the blue screw. Then you slide the small cover (the one with all the DVD, BluRay, HDMI labels) to the right. Pull the handle and the HDD will come out strait towards you.

Ryo Saeba - Replica

hi,there.. I am getting this error on screen.

Cannot Start. The appropriate system storage was not found.. pls advice me.Thanks

Syed Ali - Replica

I need help my ps3 has a green light that comes on one time then no light and won't show on my TV but I took the hard drive out by accident and now it won't turn back on or show a screen for steps please help

Angel - Replica

hi its heino hear I lost all my data on my playstation so my hardrive stop workin now I need to instan all new b ut I don't hafe the softwareb

what do I do

Heino Badenhorst - Replica

what if the blue screw for the hard drive casing is stripped?

Jacob Einarson - Replica

Will the ps3 work without the HDD, I have a PS3 without hdd and it doesn’t even boot up, it doesn’t turn on and turns off by itself . Is is because it’s YLOD or just because there’s no hdd——(Phat PS3 CECHG#)

Rahmkar - Replica

Hola, yo tengo una pregunta? Yo antes tenía una ps3 Slim, pero se me quemó: Hace poco volvi a comprar otra ps3 Slim y pues quiero ver si puedo recuperar todos mis datos que tenía en mi anterior disco duro, pero el detalle cuando coloco el anterior disco duro en la nueva ps3 Slim me dices que hay un error en el sistema y que tengo que actualizar al 4.89 y formatear el disco duro (pero yo no quiero perder nada de ahí) ¿Que me recomiendan?

JuanJo36 - Replica

After i fix ylod ps3 fat start work,but dont make boot recovery mode how can i fix?

Endri Laci - Replica

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