My console shuts off when I put it down on a table surface

My friend gave me his old DS lite conse that he found years after it got chucked in the storage and I just finished replacing the Top and Bottom LCDs since the old ones were melted.

Everything from powering up, powering down, sound volume, touch screen and screen display (top and bottom) is functioning perfectly. It can even read the cartridges well.

The problem comes when everytime i go to place the console on a table top surface with the normal pressure (I'm not slam dunking it down for sure, TLC and all that), the console will shut off completely. It doesn't shut off when I'm extremly delicate in putting it down.

I've made sure to double check all wires are connected properly and nothing was loose, but the issue persists.

I'm suspecting that this could be a battery issue, from having been kept in storage for years, or that the screen ribbon cables/connectors are faulty in some way.

Has anyone faced this issue before? What could be some solutions I could look into?

Thanks again in advance

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Follow up: I tried tapping around and behind the console to see if theres a specific point of impact that shuts the console off but came up empty handed. Putting it down back-face down is the only thing that triggers the shutoff


@rltc Commenting as a mental note to myself to have a look at some stuff when I get up properly. Also as a reminder to go find my DS 🤣


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