Onkyo TX-SV525. "ERROR DSP" msg displayed only when choosing video src

This has several resistors and an area about the size of a quarter that is looking a burnt brown on the pcb near the front of the unit. There are about 5 or 6 ringed resistors total in this area. I need to know how to test them to see if bad or not. When using the tuner/radio portion all seems to be fine (uses the bypass mode for radio). When using the bypass feature (which only utilizes the 2 rear channels I believe) for the video/theater audio, this works too. The option to use anything that utilizes the DSP portion is a complete fail. Just a low hum or his is presenting thru speakers. Shame to toss this in the trash because this receiver is an oldy but goody. Seems like I could place a few resistors and all would be well? Hopefully the community here will be familiar with the issue. Thanks in advanced! I have located a service manual but lack the knowlege to read it. I also have pics of the overheated resistor location.

Pictures and service manual have been uploaded. Thanks!

6/9/2021 - still have this on my shelf in need of an answer. Please help…anyone?

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Actual board part number (I think) is ncar-5121. These are numbers from the board anyway. I didn't find them on the schematic but that service manual is the same model as my receiver.

Resistors in the burnt area:

r923 (actually labeled r23 on pcb)

r925 (actually labeled r25 on pcb)







I've resoldered all of those resistor and transistor contact points plus re-soldered all the contacts on about 1/3 of this board.Improvement has been noticed as not all of the resistors listed below are as hot as they were with the exception of the 3 listed below.


The resistors and their tested values ​​are:

r930 = 118.8 ohm HOT TO TOUCH!

r929 = 118.5 ohm HOT TO TOUCH!

r928 = 18.4 ohm HOT TO TOUCH!

r935 = 22.1 ohm

r923 = 1.5 ohm

r925 = 11.4 ohm

r926 = 11.5 ohm

These seem to be within range

Values ​​for outputs tested by touching the negative to the G (?) Terminal and pos to the O terminal (is this the correct way to test?):

Q921 = + 11.7v

q922 = -11.6v

q923 = + 6.02v

q924 = - 5.8v then drops to 0 usually (this one drops voltage after heating up)

q925 = + 5.5v

Pls provide suggestions on comparable replacements if needed? Where to get?I've been studying on how to test these v regulators as well. Is it necessary to remove them first?


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