A1418 stuck on chime loop after disk replacement
Hi Everyone,
I’ve replaced the HDD on my Late 2013 21.5” iMac A1418 (EMC 2638).
After installing the new HDD the iMac on power up showed the folder with question mark, I’ve inserted USB with High Sierra 10.13 created with TransMac after started install it showed Apple logo and was stuck 10minutes, I’ve pressed the power button, after power up again the iMac is stuck on chime reboot (5 sec) tried to boot in Safe Mode, tried PRAM reset (pressing the Option, Command & P + R keys before pressing power button) any ideas?
Best Regards
Questa è una buona domanda?
What drive did you put in? Make & Model.
da Dan
I put in a SanDisk SSD it recognized it correctly and displayed folder with question mark (no system found on SSD).
da matej