A1302 (2nd gen) harddisk change guide used on A1409 (4th gen)?
I have a 2TB A1409 Airport Time Capsule. The drive is full and backup didn't work since I got Sierra (middle March 2017). I am wondering if it needs a reset, maybe even a format, and I think it's a good time to upgrade the drive. Both Time Capsule and Mac has the latest updates available (I think it is 7.6.7 for the Time Capsule)
Can I use the 2nd gen (A1302) HDD change guide for my 4th gen (A1409) time machine?
Can I use a 10TB drive as suggested elsewhere (i.e. Seagate ST10000DM0004), or would the power draw, temperature or other issues make this a bad option?
If I don't care about the rubber mat, wouldn't the unit be better cooled off without it? I plug a USB powered fan into the unit anyway, to keep it cool (maybe I should use a standalone USB rather than the built in?)
Thank you for answering.
Update (04/08/2017)
Bonus question: When I remove the internal drive, can I retrieve the backups from it without using a Time Capsule (like a power/USB connection that suits this drive type)?
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