Step by step instructions on how to root this device please?

I discovered after purchasing this device that it does not allow me to automatically save apps to the 64gb micro SD card I bought.

I know I need to root it and am a pretty technical person. I also know that if I do it wrong, it will likely be unrecoverable.

Can someone please provide me with step by step instructions (with pics please, I am a very visual person) on how to do this safely?

It just seems very wrong in my opinion that if I want more than 16 gb of storage built in, I'd have to spend another $300 or more just to double the storage when I can spend roughly $20-$30 and get an SD card or two that SHOULD give me what I need..

Thanks in advance!


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1 Commento:

When you say "save apps" do you mean when you download from the Internet, or install them? The app itself needs to support being installed to an SD card. When you go to Apps, the ones that support it will say "Move to SD Card".

If you mean to use the "SD Card as Adoptable Storage" try these instructions:


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