Power light comes on but no picture or sound
Was watching tv and screen went black sound stopped only sign of power is red light
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Was watching tv and screen went black sound stopped only sign of power is red light
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stephenbirdwell826 , First try unplugging TV for 20 min's and press and hold power button on TV for 10 sec's to reset and plug TV in and try. If no go remove the back from TV and remove plugs/ cables reseat them to make sure all have good connection and try TV again. At any time if you start getting light blink codes, use the 2nd link to diagnose the fault.
Could be possible power supply board issue, remove the back off of TV and look for any evidence of a power surge, bulged capacitor, hot/burn marks, etc., replace parts on the board or replace board found with defective parts. Check out the 1st link below for more info. on diagnosing a TV with this type of issue. If not comfortable working on the TV, have a good local TV repairman have a look, diagnose and estimate repair. Good luck.
I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.
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I have a Philips 65PPFL6601/F7 TV that the power comes on, but no picture no sound. Already replaced the power supply board as it showed bad by Ohms. Any ideas?
My TV turns on you hear the sound then it switches off what do I do please tell me
Please tell me I need answers
Plasma tv blue screen for hours then big lines come on then turn it on and off and picture comes on why is this happening
My tv turns on with sound but no picture but makes a annoying sound when it’s on
Basically all you want to do is go over to the TV power button that's on the TV and after turning it off using the button turn it back on but instead of releasing hold down that button after about thirty seconds the TV should turn back on again this is only if you're having the same problem as me which is where your TV has gone black but your power light is green and flickering or just staying solid otherwise I guess try the other methods that have been given to you but other people on this website
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If you're having trouble finding the on and off switch on the TV go to the bottom middle of the TV and it should be there if not try the edges of the said TV
It worked for about a minute then went off again
didnt work for me
Didn’t work for me. The last time it had done this I unplugged tv and the cable box. Waited 30mins then plugged them in. Tv then had came on. I did notice after pushing button if the screen turns blue around the outsides of screen it then comes on like it should.
Try pressing the ‘i’ button on the remote’s number keypad . There is a ‘self check’ feature that activates if the blank screen and no sound is a settings problem. After that, press the tv/av button on the top of the set to get your tuner back on screen. Thereafter, to avoid having to repeat this every time you use the TV, just unplug it rather than turning it off by remote (- switching off by remote seems to trigger the problem that puts all picture and sound settings to zero one-by-one.)
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I don't have a remote I used my sky one with it but obviously as I have had to use another tv I registered my remote with that one :( I think it's a duff tv now, I reset it by the volume and on button, the green light disappears and nothing happens but must be doing somethi long with the light.going off! Just a shame to chuck tv away!
Yes it took a long time to find that trick.
I have a Panasonic tv the picture is black no sound or picture the power light is blinking could you help me find out whats wrong with the TV please and thank you model # TC-P50S30
I can’t find a tv/av button anywhere
I have a Panasonic tv and I have sound but only a black screen, can anyone help
I solved mine. I had my old Panasonic Viera going black on me, no screen, no sounds. The power button was solid red after turning it on and not blinking like normal. We tried many things and already thought we had to go buy a new one. So, I grabbed the remote control and simply pushed the red ON button for a few seconds and the red light started blinking and the TV went on again. Solved! Hope it helps some of you. Cheers.
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I have a solution that may help! First I tried clicking the power button for a few seconds like some here suggested and when that didn't work, I clicked the "F" button on the TV + the volume up button at the same time, for a few seconds. Light turned green and TV is back to normal! Hope it helps!
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29 Commenti
stephenbirdwell826 what exact model is your TV? Just to clarify, you have no sound and no picture? The only thing that works is the power LED and it is red?
da oldturkey03
my is no pic no sound no light
da clairefallas
had the same problem! Great Pana tv and all of a sudden screen went black, no sound, nothing. the only thing i am able to do is unplug and replug and then the red light comes on and blinks then is solid. I can not turn it of with the remote or by the tv remote, i have to unplug manually.
How do i get to that engineers screen or whatever you guys are talking about. I cant afford a new tv either. or a repair man. I do follow directions really well though.
i tried the unplug, press power button process and nothing.
da M T
i have same problem with my panasonic tv the thing is the light isworking good not blinking but nothing works on the screen
da Cristina Rimando
i have the same problem with my element tv
da Kylee Evans
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