Alienware m17rx4 3d applications crashing on start.

My friend has an old alienware from 2013. It is running a gtx 675mx, 3rd gen core i7, and the rest I don't know. He tells me that upon running any game that uses a 3d engine the driver crashes and the computer freezes. This all started a few months ago when he decided to play overwatch. First time it ran great, second time it was very stuttery and then the computer crashed. We were able to let him play games by using the integrated GPU, but that left a lot of performance to be desired and after a few hours of gaming TF2 started dropping to the low 20s. The iGPU is intel 4000.

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3 Commenti:

Are the drivers up to date?


What are the temperatures like when attempting to use the dedicated GPU?


He is using the latest drivers and he cant check the temps, all programs crash his PC other than simple ones like gamemaker


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