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Why is my hp laptop not connecting to wireless internet?

HP laptop is not connecting to wireless internet and I think my wireless card is broken or something. Should I replace it or should I restore the computer?

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Are you getting any errors when you start up your system?


Please tell us more about your laptop and the network you are attempting to connect with and it's location (home, business, school, etc). Have you tried resetting the modem and/or router? How far away from the access point(usually the router) are you? Have you ever connected to this or any wireless network before with this laptop? Can you see any available networks? What operating system are you using?


Wireless laptop shows my wifi network but will not connect. Please help!


First, check that your wireless card is plugged in correctly by undoing the back of your laptop and seeing if any terminals are showing, if they do then push the card into its slot, second, go to 'Device manager' under 'network adapter' and see if your wireless network adaptor is showing in the list, if not, reinstall the correct or updated driver. Third, if these steps don't work then your wireless card is faulty, so replace it as these cards are very simple and they don't really go wrong unless they are faulty or there is something wrong with their driver and it needs to be reinstalled. Good luck


I paid a lot of money for this stupid ass laptop. I shouldn’t have to go through all this. This is why apple is winning and should’ve gave them my money from the start


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First of all try this:

  1. Use Windows "Troubleshoot problem" (right mouse click on the network icon on the task bar near to the clock).
  2. Open "Device manager" and find your Wi-Fi card (something like Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom, etc.). Press the right mouse key on it an uninstall the driver.
  3. Now restart the PC and Windows will reinstall the WLan driver. This will reset your Wi-Fi driver.
  4. If this not fix your problem then you need to open the laptop and reconnect the wlan card.
  5. The final step is Wi-Fi card replacement.

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@Zfix - I am confused, you seem like a very competent tech., with so little information on the network they are attempting to connect to, the settings in the operating system, etc... ad nauseam: Why are you starting out with reinstalling the driver followed by replacing the WIFI card?


Agreed! Basics first: Errors (if any) and config/setup


These are 4 different methods to solve the problem. If the first method does not resolve the problem, then you go to the next one.

No need to go to the next solution if the previous solved the problem.

Replacing the Wi-Fi card is the final solution - if others are not helped you.


lmao, windows troubleshoot is a joke. Most of the time resetting the modem or the router solve the problem. You assume to much. Just like I did in my previous comment to you.


Omg..I'm soon excited right now. I've tried almost everything and finally this worked..I was going insane...thanx


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Wi-Fi networking is a convenient way to access the Internet. However, a lot of things can go wrong when using a wireless connection, and it can be frustrating when the connection is slow, intermittently drops, or cannot connect. Follow these steps:

- update the wireless adapter using recommended setting and please check the firewall and your antivirus for any update after doing all steps restart the computer .

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it was my firewall which was blocking the connection . thanks you made my day


I faced the same problem with my HP lap. It got solved when I selected "Obtain DNS server address automatically" under Ipv4 properties of wi-fi adapter


Thanks this was the same problem for me.


Question! Hp laptop with wireless internet not connecting to any website's! How do I update driver's etc?


Thank you so much! I was having so much trouble with this. It was frustrating how everyone else in the family could connect except for me.


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i had the same problem and solved now. undergo the undermentioned steps:-

1. connect your wifi device to your computer through a cable (cable is provided to you when you buy your wifi device.

2. now you are connected to the internet.

3. enter the configuration ip address of your device in the site bar.,.,., for example it is in case of witribe

4. enter username and password

5. go to network setting--> WLAN-->SSID WPA settings

6. set the cipher type key to TKIP and change your pre-shared key

7. now when settings are saved, remove the cable and connect to your wifi with your new set key.

8. hope it helps you

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Thanxxx a Lot Yaar. Just amazing worked. No hassel doing it.


too good. thank you so much


Oh My Gosh!!! Thank you for your help!!! his suggestion works on me! Oh My Goodness! his suggestion is very helpful!


Great, thanks a lot. It worked. Saved lot of my time


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Make sure you are not using a static IP Address. Go to Network & Sharing, click on the network you are trying to join. Next right-click on Properties. Then double click Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP/IPv4. Make sure you are obtaining your IP address and the DNS server automatically. Same with alternate configuration. If that doesn't work uncheck IPv6 in the properties tab.

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Thanks! It solved the mystery like abc. No need to enter command prompt & so on!


Thanks a lot worked...appreciate


Internet Protocol Version 4TCP/IPv4 had everything at automatic. But unchecking IPv6 worked. Thank you so much!


My Hp laptop is not connecting to the internet, it says no internet connections but are connecting.


Can't believe I've been searching heaven and earth just to uncheck a box. Thanks a lot!!


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Just solved this issue on my HP laptop, Go to Start, Type Command prompt, A black box will appear type ipconfig then space /release Then hit enter This will disconnect all wifi addresses. Then after you see all the configurations pop up, Type ipconfig/renew This should solve your problem, It worked on mine, Good Luck

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Oh my god!! It worked!!!!


Mine said "this requested operation requires elevation". ????


@Donna I think "this requested operation requires elevation" means you have to hold your laptop above your head until it connects (I'm sorry Donna. I know that wasn't helping. I'm so sick of MY laptop! We have two very different wifi signals in our building. And EVRYTHING connects to both ... except this $%&$ laptop which of course is the main one that has to be used! But of course it connects to my phone hotspot - OF COURSE! Major money and battery waster. Oh I just want to pull out my hair!


@ Kaye Z bro same is happening with me laptop connects to mobile hotspot but not the home wifi but everything else does. i have reinstalled drivers but doesnt workk


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Hello everyone

issues that could cause laptop WiFi problems-

  • overheating or faulty hardware
  • outdated/ corrupted network adapter driver
  • critical windows update or outdated operating system
  • Firewall blocking Or outdated antivirus security software
  • Router settings change or software corruption

to fix almost any kind of wifi trouble with hp laptop you would need to know to the problems. Now many of people here are recommended me to update the driver without understanding that when user is not even to connect with internet how can he update it unless you use cable internet or install WiFi from the driver list already installed with in computer.

i don’t know which steps fixed it but i got great help from the post to help fix the problem.

  1. first thing you do is restart all devices involved in process. reboot modem/router & your computer
  2. update windows & antivirus software
  3. check update/uninstall the wifi network adapter driver
  4. login router & check settings, update router firmware or try changing the password.

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Here is another solution that may fix your problem:

If you have recently upgraded to windows 10 and you get the issue where you get limited access, even on a plugged in ethernet cable. Then you may have an incompatible program causing this to happen. Usually an anti-virus program such as:

(This if you don't have a Windows 10 compatible version)

- McAfee

- Trend Micro Internet Security


The issue can even cause the command prompt command ipconfig to display nothing.

Here are more solutions through a blog website as well:


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1.检查是否安装了正确的驱动程序 。




1. Check that the correct driver is installed.

2. Install hp shortcuts and power management drivers.

3. Use the shortcut keys to see if the wireless function is turned on.

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I had this problem a day before and i'm here to give you my answer

1) right click on your computer icon and click properties.

2) Top right you'll see device manager, click it

3) On network adapters right click on your wi-fi driver and click properties

4) Cilck on the drivers tab and update!

Thats how i solved my problem

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Way 1: Reset the WLAN AutoConfig service

Step 1: Open Services window in Windows 10.

Press Windows logo+R keys to open a Run dialog box on your keyboard. Then type the services.msc and click OK button.

Step 2: Find and double-click WLAN AutoConfig on the right side of the Services snap-in window.

Step 3: When the new pop-up dialog appears, change the Startup type to Automatic and click Start button.

Step 4: Click Apply followed by OK to save changes and exit the window.

See if your HP laptop is now normally connecting to wireless internet. If not, go ahead to Way 2.

Way 2: Disable network adapter power saving Settings

Step 1: Open Device Manager in Windows 10.

Step 2: In the Device Manager window, expand Network adapters. Right-click your Network Connection and select the Properties option.

Step 3: When the Properties dialog pops up, go to Power Management tab, uncheck the option which says “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” and click the OK button to save your changes.

Restart your HP laptop to check to see if the issue persists. If so, you may need to try other ways are listed below.

Way 3: Adjust the speed and duplex of network connection

Step 1: Open Network and Sharing Center in Windows 10. Click Change adapter settings in the left-side panel.

Step 2: In the Network Connections, right-click the network adapter (I’m using Ethernet) and click Properties from the context menu.

Step 3: Click Configure

Step 4: Switch to the Advanced tab, scroll down to the bottom and click Speed & Duplex, set the Value as 10 Mbps Half Duplex and click OK button.

Now, check to see if your wireless internet connection is working properly. If the problem still exists, you need to follow the next Way.

Way 4: Using Command Prompt (Admin)

Step 1: Open Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 10.

Step 2: In the administrative command prompt, type the following commands, press Enter after each command.

ipconfig /flushdns

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew

Close the window and check if your wireless internet connection is in a stable state.

Hope it works for you.

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Way 1 worked for me after struggling with so many other tries. Thank you


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If your HP laptop is not connecting to Wi-Fi in Windows 10, use the Windows Network and Internet Troubleshooter using these steps: Enable the wireless signal by turning on the wireless key or button on your computer. Right-click the wireless connection icon on the taskbar and select Troubleshoot problems.

If still, your HP Laptop Won’t Connect to Wifi follow this another method:-

  • Update the wireless driver
  • Enable wireless key or button
  • Use automatic troubleshooting
  • Check and reset the hardware
  • Reinstall the wireless network adapter driver
  • Perform a Microsoft System Restore

If this method will not help you follow these easy steps:-

Step 1: Reinstall Wireless Adapter Driver
Step 2: Update Wireless Adapter Driver
Step 3: Check and Reset Hardware Settings
Final Option: Refresh or Reset Windows 10

May any of these solutions help you to connect with your HP laptop.

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So my laptop connects but sometimes it's very slow and some websites doesn't even come. Even if youtube works it stops working if it disconnects or goes to sleep....n I have to restart my laptop for it to work again..weird problem. It's ok on my phone though.


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Restart you computer, go to the bios menu and reset, save changes then reboot your system. this should do it.

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First I would make sure the wireless is on on the hp laptop then try and find the router I want to connect.

But if I can't find one then I right/left click on the internet access icon and click "Open Network and Sharing Center(Centre lol)" then click "Troubleshoot problems" then click "Network Adapter" then click "Advance" then click "Run as adminitrator" and click "Next" then click "Next" and make sure you have select "All network adapters" and you guessed it click "Next" lol. If all went right then you should be able to connect to the router.

But if that doesn't work then reset the router and if that doesn't work then reset the computer but if still nothing then I don't know what to do then.

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I have done all the trouble shootings and there was a comment that says one more protocol was lacking... it was something in the Microsoft what is it?


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A temporary fix to solve this is to open a command prompt - search for cmd.exe and when it is open, type in....

ipconfig /renew

and then press return. It renews the ip address from the router for a while and gets it working assuming its not a hardware issue. If you lose it again, do it again. Someone more technical than me my be able to find a more permanent solution but at least this can get you up and running quickly.

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I updated the drivers from the network adapter from the manufacturer's website and finally the internet connection started.

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What I actually did was way simpler and it worked for me:

I uninstall the network driver form the device manager and afterwards I reboot the laptop where it installs the automatically. ( instead of reboot you can click also scan for hardware changes button on the device manager). If it sounds complicated there is a video on youtube how to solve this issue:

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Device manager > Wi-Fi card>it will look like Broadcom, Realtek, Atheros. Just Right mouse click on it and unstall the driver. This is very important to restart your device. I am not technical person till trying to guide the people

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Had to reinstall Windows 10 on my HP pavillion.B@o.due to not being able to sign in. Well my hot spot won't work now. It's there but cannot get it to share. Meaning I cannot get other devices to run off of it


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When your PC (or other device) can’t access your Wi-Fi network, you have to find out where the problem is—your laptop or your router. So the first thing you need to do is test the network without the laptop. Try another computer—or any device that uses Wi-Fi, such as a smartphone or tablet. If that other PC or device can access your Wi-Fi, the problem is with your laptop.

  • Look at the bars next to the network’s name to make sure you have a strong signal from the router. If you don’t, try moving to a room near the router.
  • Use Windows’ diagnostics. Right-click the network icon in notification area and select Troubleshoot problems. Then go through the wizard.
  • Turn off your firewall—temporarily, of course—and try again.
  • WiFi card either has become loose from its connection to the motherboard, or the WiFi itself has gone bad and needs replacing. You may be able to use it via Ethernet. Often that part still works even when the WiFi portion stops working.

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I figured that the spectrum cable modem was at fault as it was at a different frequency band. I added a netGear G band router to cable modem and my WiFi worked.

First check WiFi connection from laptop to other WiFi networks to rule out problem with your laptop.

The newer cable modem frequency is the problem.

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First, make sure that your firewall is not blocking your internet connection (this does happen) make sure your driver is not corrupted and reinstall it again, if that dosen’t work, your card could be loose in its socket and/or damaged. if damaged, replace the WiFi mini/PCIe or similar card and if you haven’t got BT (Bluetooth) get a WiFi/BT card that I’m sure is available for your laptop, they are very cheap.

I had this problem with my Acer Aspire 5750 and I replaced the original WiFi 2.4G only card with a WiFi 2.4/5G & BT 4.0 card that added the Bluetooth as an extra option to this 8 year old laptop, now. It works perfectly and I have BT also.

As an additional suggestion (that I’ve done to my 8yrs old laptop) is that they are very upgradable (the Intel gen 2,3,4’s) as the gen 5’s onwards are all soldered on CPU’s and can’t be upgraded. These laptops can be upgraded at a fraction of the cost to what a new laptop costs.

Example, you can upgrade to better and more capacity and/or faster e.g. from a spinner HDD to SSD HDD, better CPU’s from i3 or i5 to i7’s, more and faster RAM e.g. 1600MHz etc, and even a different motherboard with an inbuild graphics card like the NVIDIA or Radeon types graphics.

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Step 1: Reinstall Wireless Adapter Driver

1) On your keyboard, press the Windows key and X at the same time, then choose Device Manager.

2) Locate and expand Network adapters option.

3) Then right click the wireless network adapter you have and choose Uninstall device.

4) When the confirm window appears, hit the Uninstall button to continue.

5) Now, navigate to the top bar and click the icon for Scan for hardware changes.

6) Your HP laptop will start to reinstall the wireless network adapter driver for you. When the process finishes, close Device Manager and restart your laptop.

7) After the restart, try Wi-Fi connection again. If the problem remains, skip to Step 2.

Step 2: Update Wireless Adapter Driver

The following instructions require an workable Internet connection. We recommend you use Driver Easy Offline Scanfeature to locate the correct driver for your wireless adapter first.

1) On your keyboard, press Windows key and X at the same time, then choose Device Manager.

2) Locate and expand Network adapters option.

3) Then right click the wireless network adapter you have and choose Update driver.

4) Select Search automatically for updated driver software.

5) Your PC will start the search for you. The process could take some time.

If newer driver cannot be found in this way, it is suggested that you go to HP website or the manufacturer of your wireless adapter (in our case, Realtek) and locate the driver by yourself.

If you are but a computer novice and have zero idea how to update your Wi-Fi adapter driver, we recommend Driver Easy. It’s a tool that detects, downloads and (if you go pro) installs drivers your laptop needs.

It also helps you find the correct network adapter driver with it Offline Scan feature.

With Driver Easy, the process of updating driver narrows down to only two clicks: first on the Scan Now button, second on the Updatebutton. The correct driver will be downloaded and you can install them as you want – either manually via Windows or automatically with Driver Easy Pro.

Step 3: Check and Rest Hardware Settings

1) Turn off your laptop first. Disconnect all external devices, such as printers, keyboard, mouse or second monitor. Unplug the AC adapter. Remove the battery.

2) Press the power button on your laptop for at least 15 seconds.

3) Unplug the power cord for your wireless router or modem. If your network includes a separate broadband modem, unplug its power cord as well.

4) Wait for 5 seconds, then plug the cord(s) back. The light should be all on. If only the power light is on and the Internet light blinks on and off, there might be some problem with the ISP (Internet Service Provide) and you may need to contact them for greater details.

5) Insert the battery in your laptop and plug the AC adapter. Do not plug in the external devices just yet.

6) Power on your laptop. Use the arrow key to choose Start Windows Normally and hit Enter key.

7) When you log into the desktop normally, right click the network icon on the tray section and choose Open Network and Sharing Center.

8) Then choose Change adapter settings.

9) Check the status of your network connection. If you see the status of it is Disable, right click your wireless connection and choose Enable.

Final Option: Refresh or Reset Windows 10

If your laptop was able to connect to your wireless network just fine, but not now, you may need to consider restoring your Windows 10, back to the date when wireless networking was working well.

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Mine has been fine until the internet went out yesterday, when it came back in, I had no WiFi, no icon, cannot get into device manager because it’s saying an error occurred. (BTW: everything else, all phones, tv’s/fire sticks, other computers are ALL working properly~ except mine.. but when I shut it down for the night, one day prior to the internet service going out, it updated before it shutdown)..Tried setting a restore point and even that came back as an error occurred, therefore I waited over an hour because it appeared to be restoring..I am in tears right now because ALL of my school work/papers are on this laptop!! help please??


Try to restart it. Mine went back to normal


# Fir of all to to the troubleshoot process and after that you will see that there will be steps to follow.

# Go for the Drivers Install then.



Thank you tech experts my problem got solved after uninstalling the driver and restarting the laptop


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Step 1: Use automatic troubleshooting

  • HP Support Assistant network diagnostics
  • Windows 7 Network Troubleshooter and Internet Troubleshooter

Step 2: Reinstall your wireless network adapter driver

  • Install the Wi-Fi driver again using HP Recovery Manager (preferred).
  • To reinstall the driver, use Device Manager

Step 3: Update wireless network drivers

  • Receive driver updates from HP
  • Use HP Support Assistant to automatically find Windows updates
  • Receive driver updates from other websites
  • Install the latest Wireless LAN Driver via Device Manager when an Internet connection is available

Step 4: Reset and check your hardware

Step 5: Perform a Microsoft System Restore

Step 6: Try Other Things

  • Your wireless environment can be changed
  • Restore your BIOS settings to the default settings
  • Reset your router settings (advanced)
  • You can change the channel band selection of your router to improve performance.
  • To troubleshoot a network problem, update the router firmware
  • Set up wireless power options (cannot be connected after you have returned from sleep mode).
  • Do an HP System Recovery
  • Service your HP computer or laptop

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Run Windows Network and Internet Troubleshooter

In Windows, right-click the network connection icon, and then select Troubleshoot problems. Wait while the Windows Network Diagnostic analyzes the network connection. If prompted, select the type of network problem, and then follow the instructions to resolve the issue.

Hope This Helps,


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Well check out this it might helpful for you:

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