Why does my guitar go out of tune so often?
The strings are not exactly new, but I have never had a problem with them before. It seems like I'm always having to tune my guitar when I want to play it.
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The strings are not exactly new, but I have never had a problem with them before. It seems like I'm always having to tune my guitar when I want to play it.
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Tighten your tuning knobs, they might be loose causing the strings to go out of tune. Also replace your strings every 3 months if you play everyday. I personally like DR Strings, they stay in tune and play great. Plus last long if you take care of them. Also check your neck, it might need adjusted. Same with the guitars intonation. I would take your guitar to a professional guitar repair shop and not Guitar Center for those jobs.
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Tension stretches strings. Part of leaning to play is tuning. Good musicans often tune stringed instruments.
Cheap strings and instruments do tend to have this problem more than high quality.
Rapid changes in temperature and humidity can cause this also.
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good advice from dancheripka but one more thing to add, don't put to many wraps on the tuning peg if you get too much string wrapped up on the tuning peg the tension unravels ever so slightly and its out of tune
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I have an Ibanez FREAH 7 1200$ and I have to tune it EVERYTIME I play. The cheaper guitars do not get the same care as the USA or Japanese, custom shop guitars. The drying process is super important. If the guitar goes through a substandard process, the foundation has issues and therefore you’ll have issues with a guitar staying in tune. Save money for the better guitars and you will have less issues.
It’s super annoying, I know because I have this issue.
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