Hi! Does anyone know how to fix this lamp? It has three sockets inside and is touch sensitive. You can touch it up to three times to turn each bulb on. I’m not sure if I accidentally put 60 watt bulbs in instead of 40 watts and burnt it out. It just won’t turn on anymore.
Here is the URL with the specs: [https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/737962/Adesso-Hepburn-Floor-Lamp-66-H/|https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/737962/Adesso-Hepburn-Floor-Lamp-66-H/]
Hi! Does anyone know how to fix this lamp? It has three sockets inside and is touch sensitive. You can touch it up to three times to turn each bulb on. I’m not sure if I accidentally put 60 watt bulbs in instead of 40 watts and burnt it out. It just won’t turn on anymore.
Here is the URL with the specs: [https://officedepot.scene7.com/is/image/officedepot/737962_p_adesso_hepburn_floor_lamp?$OD-Dynamic$&wid=250&hei=250|https://officedepot.scene7.com/is/image/officedepot/737962_p_adesso_hepburn_floor_lamp?$OD-Dynamic$&wid=250&hei=250]
Here is the URL with the specs: [https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/737962/Adesso-Hepburn-Floor-Lamp-66-H/|https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/737962/Adesso-Hepburn-Floor-Lamp-66-H/]
Hi! Does anyone know how to fix this lamp? It has three sockets inside and is touch sensitive. You can touch it up to three times to turn each bulb on. I’m not sure if I accidentally put 60 watt bulbs in instead of 40 watts and burnt it out. It just won’t turn on anymore.
Here is the URL with the specs: [https://officedepot.scene7.com/is/image/officedepot/737962_p_adesso_hepburn_floor_lamp?$OD-Dynamic$&wid=250&hei=250|https://officedepot.scene7.com/is/image/officedepot/737962_p_adesso_hepburn_floor_lamp?$OD-Dynamic$&wid=250&hei=250]