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Questo smontaggio non è una guida di riparazione. Per riparare il tuo Magic Keyboard, usa il nostro manuale di assistenza.

  1. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard, Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 1, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard, Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 1, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard, Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 1, immagine 3 di 3
    • Prima di iniziare, diamo un'occhiata alle specifiche:

    • Dimensioni: 10,9 × 276,6 × 114,8 mm

    • Connettività wireless Bluetooth

    • Batteria interna agli ioni di litio

    • Porta Lightning (per la carica e l'accoppiamento)

    Still no lit keys... and no replaceable battery? No thanks. I will keep what I already have, and when they break I'll still buy the old model.

    crus - Replica

    Replaceable battery? What is this, 1999?

    glundmark - Replica

  2. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 2, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 2, immagine 2 di 2
    • Girando a faccia in giù la nuova tastiera, troviamo un magico, nuovo numero modello: A1644.

    • E una porta Lightning! Se hai sentito una brezza dlicata, è stato il sospiro di sollievo da milioni di telecomandi: non si vedranno più rubare le batterie per una tastiera!

    • La porta Lightning ha due funzioni: un accoppiamento veloce e semplice (magico?) con il tuo Mac via cavo e ricaricare la batteria integrata.

    To the right of the lighting port (opposite of the power button) is cutout from the aluminum, it looks like a place for a slot. Any idea what that is for?

    spaceguymit - Replica

  3. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 3, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 3, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 3, immagine 3 di 3
    • Tempo del confronto! Vediamo come la Magic Keyboard se la cava a confronto con la Wireless Keyboard di 3a generazione.

    • La nuova tastiera adotta una disposizione leggermente rivista di quella del MacBook del 2015, inclusi dei tasti freccia sinistra e destra a "dimensioni piene" e i tasti funzione.

    • Il passaggio ad una batteria interna significa che gli ingegneri di Apple si sono liberati del tubo delle batterie, rendendo la tastiera più sottile. Questa sarà una buona pratica per digitare sulla nostra nuova Smart Keyboard dell'iPad Pro!

    • Vuoi avere una scrivania lucida e snella? La Magic Keyboard si abbina anche al Magic Trackpad 2, con un profilo simile. Per saperne di più su quest'ultimo, leggi il nostro smontaggio del Magic Trackpad 2!

  4. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 4, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 4, immagine 2 di 2
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    • Questo sembra un buon posto dove iniziare. I produttori spesso nascondono le viti sotto i piedini in gomma per avere un'aspetto pulito e senza interruzioni.

    • Rimuovendo un piedino sveliamo una fessura che tiene fermo il piedino. quasi una vite! Ma nulla, questa è solo della plastica modellata.

    • Grazie ad una completa mancanza di una chiusura o un fessura, è tempo di aprire degli occhi con un iOpener.

  5. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 5, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 5, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 5, immagine 3 di 3
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    Curved Razor Blade
    • La fessura tra la plastica inferiore e la cornice in alluminio è troppo sottile anche per i nostri plettri, quindi abbiamo messo al lavoro il nostro strumento di apertura per Apple Watch, sperando di riuscire a fare leva.

    • Una volta aperta una fessura abbiamo messo da parte il nostro coltello e siamo passati alla plastica. Plettri in plastica.

    • L'intero pannello inferiore è incollato, quindi abbiamo eseguito un perfetto scalda, fai leva e ripeti. Delizioso, ma arduo per la riparazione.

  6. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 6, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 6, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 6, immagine 3 di 3
    • Dopo aver sollevato abbastanza il pannello inferiore, in modo da riuscire a gestirlo, possiamo separarlo dalla parte inferiore, dopo altra fatica.

    • Al di sotto troviamo i primi componenti: la scheda logica e la batteria ricaricabile. E un altro strato di plastica carica di adesivo.

    • La batteria ha un connettore a pressione: niente saldature qui, quindi Apple la ha resa se non altro in qualche modo sostituibile.

    • Qualcuno ha incollato una batteria per iPhone qui?

    • Ok, non proprio. Questa batteria ha delle dimensioni diverse da quella di un iPhone, ma condivide alcuni elementi della progettazione. Sfortunatamente, quelle eleganti strisce adesive non sono uno di questi.

    I have seen you also break the on/off switch, this tutorial is not specific enough, I almost broke it by flip inside plastic out. you should specify that only open the thin back up, not entirely plastic

    Kyle Bing - Replica

    At the top of every teardown, we post this banner “This teardown is not a repair guide. To repair your Magic Keyboard, use our ++service manual++.” in an effort to keep people from following this as a repair guide. You are more than welcome to start a guide yourself and help future fixers!

    Sam Goldheart -

    Funny reply from Sam Goldheart to this comment, since there is no "service manual" - the page is there, but no manual whatsoever in it.

    yay nay -

    “Nifty adhesive strips?” Really? I’ve done about two dozen iPhone battery replacements and have never been able to remove one intact or as advertised. My theory is that it depends on the age of the strips. I think there’s a chemical change to the glue, the plastic or both and the strip breaks after 25% to 50% is removed. Then you have to pry the battery out any way that you can. I think the instructional videos are made with relatively new devices when the glue hasn’t quite set and the plastic that the strips are made of are ‘fresh.’ Age and heat cycling (battery charging) changes the equation. “Nifty” is not the word I’d choose to describe them. Just my opinion.

    Thomas Daniel - Replica

    The battery in my now aging keyboard expanded considerably. Obviously it could not be left as is. Such batteries are potentially dangerous when expanding, and it makes the keyboard virtually useless. I was able to find no replacements online, but wondered if it would work with the battery removed. Just using the lightning plug to connect. The answer is, yes. I discovered no difference in operation, other than it must be connected to use. Sure beats just throwing it out.

    I found it interesting that the entire keyboard is held together with double-stick tape. Maybe extra sticky, but plain old, transparent double-stick tape, nonetheless. So if double-stick tape is considered okay for holding the whole thing together, why did Apple glue the battery in permanently? The only reasonable answer is, so it would need to be thrown out when the battery breaks. But if you’re careful, the battery can be slowly pried out with a spudger. (The same way I’ve had to pry out every other battery glued in with this nasty stuff.)

    Jack M. - Replica

  7. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 7, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 7, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 7, immagine 3 di 3
    • Senza quelle strisce adesive estensibili, servono un plettro e della leva forzata per liberare la batteria.

    • La batteria da 2,98 Wh ha meno della metà della capacità di quella nell'iPhone 6s. Ma dovendo fare meno cose, dovrebbe durare qualche mese con una singola carica.

    • In quanto le batterie ricaricabili riducono i rifiuti elettronici, Apple chiama orgogliosamente questa tastiera (e anche il trackpad e il mouse) più ecosostenibili.

    • Questo potrebbe essere vero, ma è importante ricordare che tutte le batterie non sostituibili limitano la vita dei dispositivi, eliminando la possibilità che l'utente utilizzi delle batterie rimuovibili e ricaricabili e ostacolando molto il riciclaggio a fine vita.

    What's the lifespan of a battery like this?

    I haven't owned a rechargeable mouse or keyboard before, but I know my iPhone battery is crappy after only 2 years.

    Tito Jankowski - Replica

    I know this is two years late, but about 2-5 years.

    Liam Powell -

    Liam, no way! Considering that the battery gets about 5 charge cycles a year, 2-5 years lifespan is very low (especially for a keyboard). Otherwise I’d rather buy the 3rd generation keyboard.

    Surgie -

    Hello, I need help with the battery of this keyboard, where I can get or buy, another apple model is compatible, I can not find it to change, I have broken swollen.

    Diego Bernal - Replica

    I have the exact same issue. Did you ever find a replacement battery?

    Matthew Jennings -

    There are none available anywhere that I could find, but the keyboard works just fine without the battery. It just has to be kept plugged in. Other than no longer being wireless, the keyboard works fine without a battery.

    Jack M. -

    I wonder - maybe the battery from computers works for the keyboards?

    aondrze - Replica

  8. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 8, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 8, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 8, immagine 3 di 3
    • Scolleghiamo un promettente connettore della porta Lightning, e anche se non è un groviglio saldato, la porta rifiuta di muoversi.

    • Tutto quello che ci ostruisce la strada è qualche vite Torx T3, e poi la (piccola!) scheda madre è libera!

    • Niente Pentalobe? Grazie, Apple! Apparentemente non si aspettavano che superassimo quella colla fastidiosa.

    So how does the Bluetooth antenna work? There seems to be an antenna connector on the logic board, which does not obviously have an antenna etched in, but none of the steps shows anything attached to that connector.

    Dominic Dunlop - Replica

    I know this is a long time after your comment, but...

    Look at the second image of step 6 on the top right of the logic board, above the unused antenna socket, there is a spring contact to the case. The connector is probably for pre-assembly testing, I'm sure they wouldn't want to use all that glue to seal in a non-working logic board to then worthless $99 / £79 / €119 device; waste of glue for starters ;-).

    Bryn Jones -

  9. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 9, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 9, immagine 2 di 2
    • Un veloce sguardo alla scheda madre del silicio che non vediamo l'ora di vedere da vicino. L'hardware notevole include:

    • Single-Chip Solution Broadcom BCM20733 Enhanced Data Rate Bluetooth 3.0

    • ST Microelectronics STM32F103VB 72 MHz 32-bit RISC ARM Cortex-M3

    • IC di carica NXP 1608A1

    • Caricatore batteria agli ioni di litio Texas Instruments BQ24250C Single Input I2C/Standalone Switch-Mode

    Bluetooth 3.0 ? I was expecting an Apple keyboard with bluetooth LE...very disappointed.

    mastroalberto - Replica

    A 32-bit 72 MHz CPU? That’s more computing power than all my computers I owned until I was 18 together… And that for just a keyboard… :-P

    Dirk Blom - Replica

    The bluetooth antenna removed off from the board. I see it when troubleshooting. Now I am unable to connect to it. is there any way to fix this ?

    Ambu K G - Replica

    I see an antenna connector on the board. Do we know what type of port that is? I broke the metal fin off the board and the reception it terrible. I’m hoping to be able to use a plug in antenna on that port.

    webpablo - Replica

  10. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 10, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 10, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 10, immagine 3 di 3
    • Un altro strato mangia la polvere!

    • Questo strato distanziale a nido d'ape è circondato da colla, rendendo la tastiera abbastanza resistente da resistere anche ai più... entusiasti dattilografi.

    • La porta Lightning è finalmente, dopo un paio di viti, libera.

    • Almeno la sostituzione della porta è possibile, anche se incredibilmente frustrante.

    You didn’t mention the power switch in the corner

    phaseangle - Replica

  11. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 11, immagine 1 di 1
    • Via le coperture dei tasti!

    • Allerta spoiler: niente tasti a farfalla in questa rete, solo il nuovo fantasioso meccanismo a forbice di Apple.

    • Ad un primo sguardo sembra lo stesso meccanismo che si trova nel MacBook del 2015.

    • Comunque, stando ad Apple, hanno riprogettato il meccanismo a forbice per aumentare la stabilità e migliorare la corsa dei tasti. Dalle nostre migliori misure, la nuova progettazione offre un'incredibile corsa da 1 mm e una pressione completamente piatta, o qualcosa del genere.

    • Sembra che gli utenti desktop debbano aspettare la Magic Keyboard 2 per l'effetto i tasti a farfalla.

    I can't believe that apple spend all that time making the butterfly keyboard design and promote it to be much better than the normal keyboard, but rather than continue to back it they bring out a new keyboard using the scissor's almost like they dont think the butterfly mechanism is any good

    pauldixon1986 - Replica

    To me it sounded like the butterfly keyboard is *thin and still good*, not *the best*. So it only makes sense in a product that must be thin.

    thesmok -

    Butterfly mechanism of the MacBook-2015 is only 1mm travel distance; hard to use for any typing, very hard to use for long typing.

    This new Magic keyboard is only 1.5mm travel distance, not as hard as the Butterfly, but hard to use as well. Less wobbly than previous Apple scissor switch generation, but you have to understand that the previous generation was a joke and very wobbly.

    This and the Butterfly are ok for short texting and short typing. I do not recommend any of these for long typing sessions.

    Azteca - Replica

    I’m a programmer and I use my MacBook for development and I have no issue whatsoever with that keyboard as far as typing.

    In fact I think it’s much better. Just enough travel and far less noise. My colleagues appreciate it when I don’t pull out my old mechanical IBM keyboard from the 90s, the loudness of that one is distracting and annoying.

    That said, I still think Apple has a lot of progress to make with its keyboards.

    It’s 2017 and they still haven’t figure out a way to make a keyboard that resist the smallest drop of coffee.

    Come on Apple, I can’t imagine your grand vision is for you to make profits by selling more keyboards.

    rapha -

    I tried to swap to keycaps and was impossible to attach them back. Is there a special tools needed?

    zarkogermek - Replica

    Same here.. Space bar off .. Won't back


    haphog -

    Same here, no chance to put it back. Ificit please give a solution for that!

    Ivan Stojkovic -

    What older scissor mechanism would fit for this keyboard? I broke one scissor mechanism while replacing keys and I need to buy one. Will Macbook Pro Retina scissor mechanism fit? Or? Thanks.

    neeedz - Replica

    Is it possible to rearrange this keyboard to a dvorak layout? I tried with a previous wired apple keyboard and some keys were attached at a different orientation. - Replica

    What tool is that being used to remove the key?

    julian a - Replica

    I had an issue with my delete key and didn’t want to spend $180 replacing the whole keyboard like Apple support advised me to.

    I used an exacto blade to remove the keycap, though it might not be advisable.

    Removing Keys:

    1. Carefully insert a spudger from the bottom side of the keycap (i.e. south side of the chicklet). You shouldn’t insert more than 1-2mm.

    2. Carefully pry upwards until the key pops off the scissor mechanism.

    3. Carefully remove the key cap from the assembly.

    Reattaching Keys:

    1. (For long keys only) Align the protruding hooks of the metal bracket into their respective slots right and left of the scissor mechanism.

    2. Very carefully lower the north side of the keycap so the 2 tiny slots on the keycap’s north underside mate with the 2 north pegs on the scissor mechanism.

    3. Once the north side is slotted properly, swing down the south side of the keycap, align the chicklet so it’s concentric with the frame around it, then press down until the keycap clicks into place.

    Kevin - Replica

    Hey there, do you think it would be possible to replace a key - the top arrow key for example - with a key from the previous wireless keyboard, say just with super glue? Or do all the little interlocking bits have to be pretty exact.

    mudbox -

    To add to this comment: If after ‘reattaching’ the key it doesn’t pop up. The ‘hooks’ on the back of the key might be bent from trying to reattach.

    I had this exact issue with my ‘Control’ key and only after using an otoscope found that they were bent. After using a very thin screwdriver bit (ifixit #1) the hooks were pried back into shape and the key was able to slide back into the slots on the mechanism.

    Mark -

  12. Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 12, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio Magic Keyboard: passo 12, immagine 2 di 2
    • Il punteggio riparabilità della Magic Keyboard: 3 su 10 (10 è il più semplice da riparare)

    • La porta Lightning e la batteria possono essere separate indipendentemente dalla scheda madre, se riesci ad aprire il dispositivo.

    • Anche se delicate, le coperture dei tasti sono rimuovibili e sostituibili.

    • L'uso eccessivo di adesivo resistente rende molto difficile rimuovere il pannello inferiore, ostacolando l'accesso a ogni componente interno.

    • Senza una manuale di servizio, è difficile aprire la tastiera senza danneggiare i componenti interni.

    Buen info. para alargar la vida a nuestros dispositivos queridos i de calidad. Apple. 👍🧐

    Kim Escoda - Replica

    The keyboard can be pried apart without too much trouble, as long as you’re patient, and take your time. Keep away from the on/off switch, though. Just work around it, and you should be okay. I’d give the repairability a rating of one though. Can’t replace the battery at all, and successfully repairing anything else inside is about as easy as pulling hen’s teeth.

    Jack M. - Replica

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34 Commenti

I have removed my spacebar and can't put it back properly. It just stays pushed down as if it was pressed. Can't find any help online with that. People, please help!

artur - Replica

same over here. It does work but stays down. Did you find a solution?

lvdw -

I had the same issue, and I went to Apple Store today, they said they have no way to fix. They can take my keyboard back and give me $10 discount on the replacement. Which I refused.

And I found this video, it saved me. Please follow the way how he slide in and bush back into the keyboard from the 12 second of this youtube video.

Ian Chen -

The YouTube video helped me immensely (thanks Ian), for other people with a similar issue where replacing the key doesn’t work…

My ‘Control’ key was stuck flat. It seems the issue was the key itself where the ‘slot’s on the top underside of the key where the mechanism slots into were bent from trying to put it back (I used an otoscope to find this out!). I used the thinnest iFixit screwdriver bit (#1) to lever the ‘slot’ on the key back into shape so the mechanism could fit into it rather than be forced to the side.

Then inserting the key as per the video worked first time. Thanks!

Mark -

I spilled milk on my magic keyboard :S and now the f1,2,3 'til f10 and the right shift key don't work. and I made the stupidity to take off the f1 and f2 to see if I was capable to clean and make it work... not... now I have two keys that I can´t attach again and I think I broke a little part of the mechanism... big $@$*. today I went to the official apple store here in aveiro and they told that can´t help me, that don't have any mechanism parts to attach again the keys and that I have to buy a new keyboard if I want all the keys working, what?? anyone know any website that sells just the new scissor mechanism for the magic keyboard? many thanks.

miriamelefante - Replica

Hi, I also have the Portuguese Keyboard, can I ask if you did find any way to fix your keyboard there in Aveiro?

I don't know if you fix it or not, I have another problem, with my acute accent and crasis key, doesn't work any more. Now, I don't know if you even your keyboard any more, but if don't, I can buy it from you...? Or anything... I don't know...

Severiano -

Anybody looking to repair a keyboard w sticky keys or weird key responses due to spillage watch this video: Just rinse under warm to hot water spray, swoosh water around for a while, shake water out, dry outside and get as much water out as possible shaking and patting upside down. then stick in oven at low temperature like hundred something degrees Farenheit to 200 degrees F or whatever other creative way to dry for over 1 day.

norakat -

I have removed caps lock and can't put it back. It just stays pushed down and no return. How can I put it up?

Wookjong Kim - Replica

@artur I just had this exact same issue, but managed to resolve it. If a key stays down after you clip it back in, it means you didn't clip it in properly, and the top of the scissor mechanism isn't clipped into the key, so it doesn't get pushed up. Remove the key again, and look at the little clips on the underside of it. You'll see the ones at top of the key need you to slide the key upwards towards the top of the keyboard to clip it in, wheras the ones at the bottom just requrie you to push down on the key to clip them in. So, position the key towards the bottom of it's "gap", then push down on the top part of the key, and then push the top part of the key up towards the top of the keyboard to get the top clips clipped in. Then just push down on the bottom of the key to clip it in.

James Cocker - Replica

I had the same issue: When I put keys back on keyboard, the key stayed pressed in. So I followed James Cocker’s advice. It did not work in the first place, because the little plastic hooks on the downside of the keys were bent. So I carefully bent them back (with iFixit Angled Tweezers) (such that the small scissor clips are able to fit into the key’s small plastic hooks) and it worked again. Phew…

Fachexot -

@jcwacky I could not understand your suggestions here. Like many others I've been unable to reattach the Spacebar key to the Magic Keyboard. Unlike other previous keyboards, this spacebar uses a design that makes it very difficult to reattach.

The main problem is as described, you reattach and it stays stuck down. From what I can tell, there is an orientation where small clips connect to the butterfly mechanism. Those go toward the bottom I think.

However, no number of other attempts make the key attach properly. I can not see any way to fix this. There are no youtube videos showing how to reattach the spacebar on the magic keyboard. Closest thing I found was someone saying it was nearly impossible and their key works worse now.

I'm super bummed I tried to clean this.

rb - Replica

I spent a bunch more time on this and was able to restore the key. It was not as good as before, but it did get back into place and it is now usable again.

One major issue with this is that the metal pins used to hold the metal bracket ends can bend or warp fairly easily. I think that a bent pin may have been what caused the stickiness on my space key in the first place.

Here's my guide: Come riattaccare la barra spaziatrice alla Magic Keyboard

rb - Replica

are these tools available in India?

prateek goyal - Replica

Someone has any luck in finding keys to the keyboard to solve this "stays pushed down as if it was pressed" problem (@artur; @lvdw)? It's not a clip properly @JamesCocker, if I change places with another key, the other key is working normal, in my case its really a "broken key" problem...

Thank you all!

Severiano - Replica

To solve the key stuck problem, do as James Cocker suggested! Let me try to explain again. You need to slide the keycap UP first so the top part latches to the little clips at the top, then press down on the bottom part. This will let the keys spring back. If you just press down on the top and bottom parts to push in the key, it will stay down and won’t work.

I have a question myself, I spilled sticky fluid on my keyboard. 3 keys now don't work and 1 is outputting 2 letters. How do I clean it? I was going to try to take the battery out and run it under tap water and wait a week for it to dry in rice but it looks like a hassle to take the battery out…no hope here?

Yingbo Wang - Replica

Is it possible to rearrange this keyboard to a dvorak layout? I tried with a previous wired apple keyboard and some keys were attached at a different orientation. - Replica

greetings from Spain, the problem of my keyboard A1644 is the SHIFT RIGHT key, it works intermittently, I have to give it several times to start working, once it works well during use, I removed the key and cleaned well all the possible part, I think the plastic key must be deformed because when I try to press directly on the inner rubber or I tighten the two side contacts works perfectly, under the rubber I can not clean it is stuck can this rubber be removed? I think that some liquid could get inside this rubber and that's why when I do the test without the key I put more pressure and it works.

Fernando Pleite Cano - Replica

I’ve removed the up and down arrow and I cannot put them back.

The Real DoritoFan80 - Replica

Here’s my Free Office Supplies Only method:

Soy sauce on the control key, took a sticky note and edged it down along the top edge of the key until it was under enough to pull up and gently dislodge the key. Snapped a wooden stirring stick in half and pulled the loose filaments out, then dampened it to use it as a fiber brush.

To re-insert, I slid the sticky note back under the top of the scissor switch in the key socket to keep it elevated, and reattached the metal hinge to the key and slid it up into the plastic hooks. I pressed down firmly from the bottom of the key to get those two little plastic bits on the bottom of the key piece into the spaces on the key socket, and then pressed down on the top until the top of the plastic switch snapped into the two little holes facing each other on the underside of the key, then removed the sticky note.

It stayed pressed down until I slid the sticky note back under the key from the top, and pulled up gently a few times. Key became springy again, with no stickiness.

Alec - Replica

Hello, I need help with the battery of this keyboard, where I can get or buy, another apple model is compatible, I can not find it to change, I have broken swollen.

Diego Bernal - Replica

The key needs to be slid in and then pressed down. The upper part of the key is a slide mechanism and the bottom part a click mechanism. Because of the upper part te key will “stand up“, thus creating the travel!

Omar Brandsen - Replica

Wow this is sad. Many people are asking questions but nobody is providing solutions. I am not too optimistic but I will ask anyway - I spilled some beer on my keyboard and now all sorts of weird key combos are triggered when I hit certain letter keys. I thought maybe rinsing parts in water or alcohol would help. Wondering if anyone found a solution to this problem?

norakat - Replica

Anybody who spilled something on the keyboard resulting in sticky keys or weird keyboard responses you can fix without opening it up or removing any keys. Watch this video: - Just rinse under warm to hot water spray several minutes, swoosh water around for a while, repeat, shake water out, dry the outside and get as much water out as possible by shaking and patting upside down. then stick in oven at low temperature like hundred something degrees Farenheit to 200 degrees F or whatever other creative way to dry for over 1 day.

norakat - Replica

This is some pretty bad advice, while the keyboard may work initially, you will likely end u p with a lot of corrosion on the motherboard and a dead battery at some point in the near future. If you arent willing to open it to properly clean it then at the very least use pure isopropyl alcohol instead of water. In a pinch you can use dill pickle juice instead of the isopropyl but make sure you strain the juice if it was the variant with garlic added.

butterfries -

Thanks for this description : instead of repairing, I’ve completely destroyed my keyboard now.

Your steps mis one important action : before removing the inner layer, you need to unscrew the on/off button.

If not done, it will break when removing the layer, rendering the keyboard unusable. Thanks a lot.

Peter Jacobs - Replica

Hello from Argentina, my magic keyboard begans to work bad since 2 days, you press 1 and appears 15, you press q and appears qt, you press a and appears ag, you press z and appears zb. Do you have any suggestion to solve it? thanks a lot!

sonidocacomix - Replica

i ve tried all of these and i think i managed to crack the metal grips inside the metal case. now my 3 buttons dont return back… anyone?

Peter Vazakopoulos - Replica

Este es el tutorial más empalagoso que he leido en mi vida

Liannis Ginarte - Replica

I think I have a small colony of ants living in my keyboard. They don’t seem to be hurting anything or affecting the operation. It’s just annoying to have them emerge while I’m working. I’m afraid if I open it as demoed here, I’m likely to cause a problem where there isn’t really one…just an annoyance. Anybody got any ideas about how I could make the environment within the keyboard uncomfortable enough to drive them out without hurting the keyboard?


Tony Criswell - Replica

ALERT! This tutorial is NOT complete, switch ON/OFF is the most complicated stuff to manage here and it's not available in this tutorial.

ALERT! It's easy break two little plastic parts of the switch.

In my case key numbers 1,2,3,4, not work. Now keyboard didn't connect via Bluetooth. Waste of time, money and everything.

I recommend you do not open it.

freakfnlow - Replica

Attention: I think one step was missed out. The step involving removing of the power switch, and there's a ribbon there. So if you follow through and did not remove the power switch screw and ribbon and proceeded to rip the plastic plate off you may tear the ribbon off from the power switch!!! Which I did! T_T

Chi - Replica

I have a Magic Keyboard that pairs fine, but doesn’t register any key presses. I have tried it with MacBook Pro, windows desktop, and iPad. Any tips?

Alex Gower - Replica

does the battery have an ID attached to it like the iPhone? so that any third party batteries ( IF there are any ) cannot properly connect?

Jisoo Park - Replica

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