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Is your SAFFUN Wireless N64 Controller experiencing stick drift? Use this troubleshooting guide to help diagnose why.
Dirty Analog Stick
Dirt and grime can build up under or around the thumb sticks, this concludes that removing the debris, with these simple steps it may ensure a smoother video game mobility.
- Simply pull up the thumb stick and blow on it for 10 seconds, slowly rotate the thumb stick simultaneously, when finished push the button back down and continue to rotate the stick for 10 more seconds.
- You can use a small toothbrush to clean deep in the joystick. Move the joystick to open up all the crevices and directions to get all the dirt and grime built up in and around the joystick.
- Get Isopropyl Alcohol and lightly dip a Q-tip in the alcohol. Swab the Q-Tip lightly around and in the joystick to clean the dirt without damaging the Controller.
Jammed Analog
When using a controller for a long period of time, analog may become jammed or delay in game may occur due to consistent.
- With the controller in hand, hold the analog stick in the opposite direction of the initial issue from which the movement from in- game would tell, mildly press down and hold for 15-30 seconds. This would alleviate any pressure that accumulated in its use over time in place of the analogs sticks.
- With the same process take further action by rotating the analog for an additional 30 second with mild pressure. this adjusted reset is needed for the controller to recalibrate for in-game movement/performance.
This may be just a temporary fix for some. If the issue continues to occur, it would be best to re install new analogs or purchase a new controller.
Water Damage
Its pretty common for a spill to occur onto devices, when this happens it may effect the controllers performance abilities. underlying conditions to the controller may be reversibly if attended with immediate care.
- Simply place the controller onto a top surface, now you will be needing a device that can immediate heat at a fast rate, such as a blow dryer or temperature adjustable fans. Hold the device such as i presented up towards the controller facing the analog sticks. Hold this position up to 2-5 minutes in order to alleviate the underlying issue
Liquids dry up at a faster rate resulting from a higher temperatures within an atmosphere, knowing this is why immediate attention is advised.
Waiting to long to fix an issue due as a result of water submerge or liquid spills may be irreversible and damage the motor functions within the controller itself.
Regular Wear and Tear
Wear and Tear on the analog sticks from use or age can cause the sticks to start drifting.
- The solution to this would be to replace the analog sticks on the N64 with new ones. Here are the steps to replace the old analog sticks with new ones
- With a Philips head screwdriver remove the screws on the back of the shell of the controller and then carefully remove the shell watching for any ribbons or cables you need to disconnect
- Remove the circuit board on the back of the controller. You can use a flathead screwdriver or your finger to pry a clip to the side.
- Remove the old joystick assembly by popping out the connector with your finger or a flathead screwdriver.
- Install the new joystick
Following these steps would ensure promising results.
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