Wiki con Collaborazione Studenti
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Burning Smell While In Use
Unusual burning smell is coming from the hair dryer.
Hair Dryer Is Overheating
While in use, press the blue 'Cold Shot' button for about 10 seconds throughout your hair drying session to prevent your machine from getting too hot. If the hair dryer still overheats, then turn off and unplug the dryer; let cool for about 10 minutes.
Blocked Air Ducts
With a microfiber towel, gently pass over the filter guard at the bottom of the machine. Where the filter guard's red dot lines up with the white dot on the handle, turn guard to the left to line up the red dot with the outlined dot on the handle. Pull the filter guard down around the power cord. Let your machine rest for at least 10 minutes before testing it again.
Flashing Lights
Three white lights or three red lights are flashing on hair dryer.
Defective Electronic Card
Using an alternating current voltmeter, position the multimeter to measure if the input and output voltage is correct. If the voltage is not the same it is faulty and will need to be replaced with a new one.
Filter Is Dirty
Use a microfiber cloth and brush the filter cover on the lower part of the hair dryer. Once the outside is clean, remove the filter using this guide and brush the cloth and brush over the inside of the filter. Place the filter cover back on the hair dryer and plug it in, seeing if the sound is back to normal. If the hair dryer is still unusually loud, remove the filter cover again and use a toothbrush to brush inside the filter to clean it more thoroughly. Then plug in the hair dryer again testing if the sound has improved. If the sound has not improved, remove filter cover again and clean with a wet microfiber cloth.
Failure To Turn On
None of the lights are flashing, and the on switch is not turning the machine on.
Power Switch Is Dirty
Unplug your machine and use a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol to clean the power switch well. Move the switch back and forth, cleaning the well while the switch is flipped to on and switched to off.
Power Voltage Is Not In Range
Ensure that the voltage range of the country you purchased your machine from is the same voltage range as the country you are using your machine in.
Power Source Is Off
Test other power uses in the same room as your machine by turning off and on your light switch. Once you know the power in the room is working, plug the power cord into a different plug socket to retest your machine's power.
Tripped ALCI
Plug your machine into a working plug socket and press the yellow 'Test' button. Once the red 'Reset' button has popped out, unplug your machine from the plug socket. While unplugged, press the red 'Reset' button. Plug your machine back into a working plug socket and test the power again.
Air Temperature Too Hot
Temperature of the hair dryer is too hot and uncomfortable.
Filter Is Dirty
Use a microfiber cloth and brush the filter cover on the lower part of the hair dryer. Once the outside is clean, remove the filter using this guide and brush the cloth and brush over the inside of the filter. Place the filter cover back on the hair dryer and plug it in, seeing if the sound is back to normal. If the hair dryer is still unusually loud, remove the filter cover again and use a toothbrush to brush inside the filter to clean it more thoroughly. Then plug in the hair dryer again, testing if the sound has improved. If the sound has not improved, remove filter cover again and clean with a wet microfiber cloth.
Broken Temperature Button
Check the three LED lights located on the back on the hair dryer. There are three modes: one red light for low gentle drying, two lights for regular drying (80°C/176°F), three lights for fast drying (100°C/212°F). Check temperature button to verify proper functionality. Button may be malfunctioning and stuck on high heat. Remove back of hair dryer to check button functionality. Use a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol to loosen the button if jammed.
Air Temperature Too Cold
Temperature of the hair dryer is too cold for use.
Filter Is Dirty
Use a microfiber cloth and brush the filter cover on the lower part of the hair dryer. Once the outside is clean, remove the filter using this guide and brush the cloth and brush over the inside of the filter. Place the filter cover back on the hair dryer and plug it in, seeing if the sound is back to normal. If the hair dryer is still unusually loud, remove the filter cover again and use a toothbrush to brush inside the filter to clean it more thoroughly. Then plug in the hair dryer again, testing if the sound has improved. If the sound has not improved remove filter cover again and clean with a wet microfiber cloth.
Broken Temperature Button
Check the three LED lights located on the back on the hair dryer. There are three modes: one red light for low gentle drying, two lights for regular drying (80°C/176°F), three lights for fast drying (100°C/212°F). Check temperature button to verify proper functionality. Button may be malfunctioning and stuck on low gentle heat. Remove back of hair dryer to check button functionality. Use a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol to loosen the button if jammed.
Unusually Loud
Hair dryer is making loud or unusual sounds.
Filter Is Dirty
Use a microfiber cloth and brush the filter cover on the lower part of the hair dryer. Once the outside is clean, remove the filter using this guide and brush the cloth and brush over the inside of the filter. Place the filter cover back on the hair dryer and plug it in, seeing if the sound is back to normal. If the hair dryer is still unusually load, remove the filter cover again and use a toothbrush to brush inside the filter to clean it more thoroughly. Then plug in the hair dryer again, testing if the sound has improved. If the sound has not improved remove filter cover again and clean with a wet microfiber cloth.
Object Stuck Inside
Unplug your hair dryer and open the filter. Then check for a stuck object inside, and then remove it. If the hair dryer is still making a loud noise, open the hair dryer by removing the handle and buttons to see if any dust or objects are stuck inside.
Hair/Dust Is Caught Inside The Motor
Remove the handle, buttons, and the O-rings inside the hair dryer and then remove the cage around the motor. Use a pair of tweezers and retrieve any pieces of hair or dust found on the motor. If there is more dust inside the motor get a Q-tip and brush inside the filter to get a more thorough cleaning.
Cold Shot Malfunction
Machine does not change temperature when Cold Shot is pressed.
Filter is Dirty
Use a microfiber cloth and brush the filter cover on the lower part of the hair dryer. Once the outside is clean, remove the filter using this guide and brush the cloth and brush over the inside of the filter. Place the filter cover back on the hair dryer and plug it in seeing if the sound is back to normal. If the hair dryer is still unusually load remove the filter cover again and use a toothbrush to brush inside the filter to clean is more thoroughly. Then plug in the hair dryer again testing if the sound has improved. If the sound has not improved remove filter cover again and clean with a wet microfiber cloth.
Jammed/Stuck Button
Remove the forward panel of the hair dryer, use a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol to clean around button area to loosen any existing debris. Ensure the area around the button is clean. Clean buttons before replacing buttons back in hair dryer, replacing the front panel. Follow this guide here.
3 Commenti
Morning wondered if you might be able to help. My dyson hairdryer will only blow cold air and I can't adjust the air speed. Pressing the buttons does nothing. Dyson say they can't repair it but I still want to take it apart to try. Any ideas what I might be looking for?
Nlchola Morrlson - Replica
Flashing white light on the handle
Susan Hogan - Replica
What is a "Defective Electronic Card"? Is that one of the circuit boards?
eaguirre - Replica