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Those are D#$n small screws!

dangoldmd -

iPhone 5

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

15 minuti - 1 ora


Il Mio Problema

My iPhone 5 battery was giving out. So iFix-ed it!

La Mia Riparazione

The repair took twice the time it should have due to having to hunt dropped screws. If the screws get much smaller, I may not be able to continue iFix-in-its.

Phone working great.

Il Mio Consiglio

i did have a magnetic mat but it was lost in my recent trans continent move. Make sure you have one so when you drop your screw(s) they don't bounce. Little buggers are hard to see and hold.

Immagine iPhone 5 Battery
iPhone 5 Battery


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