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Roy Moreland -

iPhone 5

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

How to replace your iPhone 5 battery

15 minuti


Il Mio Problema

I had recently purchased a "Certified" refurbished iPhone 5 after walking into a lake with my 5c. Well, I guess that "refurb" didn't include a battery, as mine was dying about midday regardless of use.

La Mia Riparazione

The repair went off without a hitch. I had been dreading opening the case, and especially prying the battery loose. Surprisingly, the case came apart easily and the battery pried loose after only a few minutes.

Il Mio Consiglio

If possible, try to do it without disconnecting the screen. I propped it up securely using a soldering tool called a helping hand. P.s. The ifixit Pro tech kit is a Godsend.

Immagine iPhone 5 Battery
iPhone 5 Battery


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