My Beats Studio wireless won't charge
My Beats Studio wireless won't charge I have tried resetting them connected to power and not connected to power I've tried 3 different cords none of which have work I have done a bunch of research trying to figure out how to fix it. I can't use my adapter cord because that doesn't work and it never has worked but since I had Bluetooth I never really need it to use it. I am very disappointed about my Beats Studio wireless not working anymore because I've only had them since Christmas 2016.
RIP Kylie's Beats Studio Wireless
Christmas 2016~July 5, 2017
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15 Commenti
Experiencing a similar issue. In my case, the micro usb port has become worn and won't charge from any cord but the one that shipped with them. Even that, requires some delicate positioning to get the cord just right. Wonder if anything can be done to repair worn micro usb ports?
da Daniel Nguyen
I'm having the same problem when i try to charge them its not lighting the squares white which means they are charging all its doing is a slow red flash on the last led square
da jakob.hesketh
Does anyone know how I charge my studio beats? They are not wireless. They have a regular stereo Jack that you plug a cord into. And the other end plugs into my phone. There is a switch on one side we're a little red light comes on. I didn't know how they stayed charged all this time? Suddenly the light will not come on and there is no USB port anywhere on the left or right side. How they worked all this time is a mystery. I just thought they were playing directly from my phone, but evidently they have to be charged somehow or other? I am baffled. If someone could help me out I would appreciate it. I have googled a dozen questions and all they show me are wireless beats.
da Steve Nance
I forgot to post my email address. I am not sure if it shows up on here? And don't know if I can log back on to here or not. My email is thanks.
da Steve Nance
You have to put on batteries
da cruz.dean
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