Charging port fried, usb board replaced, computer doesn't see device.

So one car ride trip using a cheap usb car adapter and my phone stopped charging. I couldn't hardly charge at all. It would register on and off a charge if I shut off the phone and let it charge in an off state. Still took 12 hours to charge when off. It was obvious it had been fried.

Rather then replace the whole phone, I replaced the board that houses the USB port and also replaced the battery for good measure. The USB port is a small board that connects to both the mainboard and the screen, attaches to 2 antennas and also consists of the devices front facing LED. I replaced this part and was able to resume using this device for awhile. Touchscreen was fully functional, LED didn't work but it wasn't a big issue. But much later I realized ADB won't recognize this device. I can't get the computer to recognize the device at all. No device drivers install, no system chime registering a connecting device. No hidden devices in device manager. I have developer options on, I've got usb debugging on, I've got it set to MTP data connection, I've toggled these settings on and off and still the computer never registers a device being connected at all.

I know there is going to be doubt about my story because this device is notorious for device driver issues but I've searched extensively on the internet and done everything. You name it I've done it. Its an OEM cable, I attached a different phone to ensure this cable can carry a data connection. I've looked for improper drivers being installed, I've tested my ADB and fastboot installation with another phone. I've tried two computers, neither of them even recognizes a device was even connected.

At this point, I say since I know the LED was a dud, I'll just get another replacement part from another vender. Hopefully my connection issue would go away. With the second replacement part I got a functioning LED now but no data connection and to make things worse, the new part causes a screen flicker so I went back to replacement number 1 for a functioning screen and looked to RMA 2nd replacement immediately.

Is there a chance that my mainboard is fried? I've replaced the USB port twice. And while the other issues I'm having with these replacements is one thing, could both parts have the same data connection issue? Or does anybody think my original short could've been carried all the way to the mainboard and fried some kind of controller there?

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