Whenever you're dealing with water damage it's always at best a 50/50 chance on getting the device fully restored to its previous condition. There's also a lot of misinformation out there about fixing devices that have been immersed in water. Your first mistake was to fall for the "Rice Trick" method. Your device has many layers in the design. From the back there's a protective casing/frame, cables, a battery, a logic board, camera, speakers, vibration motors, and more. Water is a liquid which is quite handy at getting into the tightest nooks and crannies. Throwing it in a bag or bowl of rice helps only in absorbing the water nearest to any openings on the device but it doesn't really touch or help evaporate the other liquid still within the various layers.
What you're dealing with could (and likely is IMO) related to a faulty display. After water damage I always recommend replacing the battery, charging port and display to begin with. One may reasonably need to replace other components too as they fail but these are usually the main components to start with. But screens can be expensive and you're trying to save on cost. What's going on is you likely have a faulty digitizer or digitizer connections. So let's go the cheap method of troubleshooting. Disassemble the device and take out the logic board. Purchase some Isopropyl Alcohol of at least 91% purity (should be about $3 from Rite-Aid/CVS/Walgreens) and then a soft bristled toothbrush ($.99). Take the alcohol and pour it into a washable clean container and submerge your logic board within the solution for about 30-60 minutes. Longer is better in my experience. Take out the board and use the brush to gently clean all the connections then, once fully dry, reassemble the device and test your screen. If it's functional that may have fixed the problem. If not, your next method of troubleshooting is with a new screen.
*iFixit allows you to purchase a part you may need to fix the repair and, within 30 days, return the part for a refund if it turns out the part doesn't fix the problem you're experiencing.
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21 Commenti
My ZTE ZMAX also was damaged by water. after the rice and even breaking the phone down(removing battery, screen, separating motherboard, ect.) then again trying the rice with phone separated the screen continued to light up but would not respond to touch. I then replaced screen plus digitizer and even then the phone's issue with the screen remains unchanged. I'm very upset as I like this phone and don't have money to replace phone. To continue to try n invest time n money in the phone is something I'm wondering will eventually end up equaling out to be the same as the cost of the phone itself?
da chrisse1224
My ZMAX has never had water damage, i treat my phone very well, but all of a sudden the screen wont respond in one spot. It wiggs out of nowhere, but when i lock the screen and unlock it it works okay for a minute, then does it again.
I just dont understand
da Marlene scott
Mine is doing the same
da Rebecca Toy
Mine is the same way . Did any find away to get there's working ?
da Khristian Beasley
I think I figured it out. Mine has been doing the same for the past 4 days. It was exposed to just a little bit of moister a week before it started happening. But I think it's just the phone getting old and having a flaw. Try getting you're zte really warm it takes a few min for the warmth to reach the inside but this is the only thing that resurrects my zte. It's only a short term but try it to salvage any important info you may have
da Travis klocek
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