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Post originale di: Jim Templeton


Thanks for all the info. at end of 2024 I'm going to ditch it. Love to give it away but dont know anyone in Australia that would collect it. Had a gutful of repairs over my 30 + years as a technician. Even if I did use a Dremel to cut a slot, there is no guarantee the cogs could be repaired or last that long.  I hate throwing things out but being over 70 years of age, I just can't afford the time anymore.

I am really impressed, though, with the help you all are giving each other in trying to save possessions,  needlessly going to landfill. I will probably save the power supply and return new ink cartridges to Ebay.  I really have saved so many other things going to the dump, even an old 78 rpm record player with is purely transistorised amplifier (no integrated circuits).  Sometimes, you have to give up as your time on this planet becomes a little more precious.  To all of you that help others, I salute you.  Live long, and prosper!

