Plz forgive my English
I'll try to drive the point
I have a problem with my router, it's working but suddenly every five or ten minutes stop working and restart automatically i mean that all LEDs in router include the power lamp turn off and then start again, also another problem in it that all lamps are on but is not blinking not moving and then restart again. Even during write this article it's happened, i really hope that u understood my issue and passed on one of u readers
Forgive me mistakes if i used wrong vocabularies.
Plz forgive my English
I'll try to drive the point
I have a problem with my router, it's working but suddenly every five or ten minutes stop working and restart automatically i mean that all LEDs in router include the power lamp turn off and then start again, also another problem in it that all lamps are on but is not blinking not moving and then restart again. Even during write this article it's happened, i really hope that u understood my issue and passed on one of u readers
Forgive me mistakes if i used wrong vocabularies.