"Performing a hard reset on your Kindle Fire may resolve intermittent issues like a frozen screen, battery issues or trouble downloading content to your Kindle Fire. Allow your Kindle Fire to charge for approximately 30 minutes, then try the following steps.
To perform a hard reset on your Kindle Fire, press and hold the power button for 20 seconds and then release. After the device has completely turned off, press the power button to restart your Kindle Fire.
If your Kindle Fire is still unresponsive, try charging your Kindle Fire before trying to reset the device again." from [http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/forums/kindleqna?ie=UTF8&cdForum=Fx1GLDPZMNR1X53&cdThread=Tx14JZOVJUD5NSI|here.] Hope this helps, good luck.
"Performing a hard reset on your Kindle Fire may resolve intermittent issues like a frozen screen, battery issues or trouble downloading content to your Kindle Fire. Allow your Kindle Fire to charge for approximately 30 minutes, then try the following steps.
To perform a hard reset on your Kindle Fire, press and hold the power button for 20 seconds and then release. After the device has completely turned off, press the power button to restart your Kindle Fire.
If your Kindle Fire is still unresponsive, try charging your Kindle Fire before trying to reset the device again." from [http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/forums/kindleqna?ie=UTF8&cdForum=Fx1GLDPZMNR1X53&cdThread=Tx14JZOVJUD5NSI|here.] Hope this helps, good luck.
"Performing a hard reset on your Kindle Fire may resolve intermittent issues like a frozen screen, battery issues or trouble downloading content to your Kindle Fire. Allow your Kindle Fire to charge for approximately 30 minutes, then try the following steps.
To perform a hard reset on your Kindle Fire, press and hold the power button for 20 seconds and then release. After the device has completely turned off, press the power button to restart your Kindle Fire.
If your Kindle Fire is still unresponsive, try charging your Kindle Fire before trying to reset the device again." from [http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/forums/kindleqna?ie=UTF8&cdForum=Fx1GLDPZMNR1X53&cdThread=Tx14JZOVJUD5NSI|here.] Hope this helps, good luck.