I could not find the part either, though [link|https://smd.yooneed.one/|this site|new_window=true] is usually a good reference. However, I don't this part is actually the problem, I'm 99% certain that's a [link|https://www.royalcircuits.com/2019/08/28/the-reverse-polarity-protection-diode/|reverse-voltage protection diode|new_window=true] (based on where it's located on the board and the package it's in) and it should only heat up if something else on the board is drawing lots of current.
Unfortunately, if this part is warm and the device is unresponsive, it's a good indicator that something else is wrong, like a short or blown component elsewhere. I would look around for other suspiciously warm components and / or damage to the board that could be causing a short.