This is a very weird problem so bear with me folks
i have the most random issue ever
It's literally making me crazy , so the problem is the following:
I have a laptop (asus rog gl553ve) ,sometimes when i press the power button nothing happens, sometimes it starts, sometimes only the bulb led turns on without an actual boot, and when it starts (finally) it works just fine like there's nothing wrong,sometimes when i turn it off it turns off completely but the keyboard lights still on!!, when i put it to sleep and press any key , boom nothing happens, it won't wake up until i long press the power button then it'll turn off and I'll be back to square one .
This problem happened suddenly since like 3 months and then everything was okay until now.
So what could be the issue here?!
P.S. , i took it to a repair shop and they found nothing wrong in the motherboard or the components whatsoever.
I really need your help here guys
(if you're reading this you're an absolute KING!)