Hey there!
My little answer here is follow what literally everyone has said to this point, but never hesitate to do teardowns. If you do not know how to tear it down, I think that is the beauty of it. For example, I repair older retro consoles and I normally research the device by model and then make a little diagram of what each chip is and its function. If a teardown does not exist and you can verify this on ifixit here, I say there is no shame in starting your own, the community is awesome here and if there is a missed word, or grammar issues (along with other doo dads) then they will help contribute to your article to make it even better! This is a fantastic hobby for me and it can be for you also. Another thing of note is to never get discouraged, there is a lot of electronics out there, and boy can some of them get intense to fix (talking to you SNES) but if you have a question, someone I am sure has ran into it on here and would be happy to answer! Happy fixing and welcome to ifixit!