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Post originale di: oldturkey03


jose lopez, it appear that your unit actually has a self diagnostics mode. Try this from the manual


If a failure is detected on the digital board, there will be a green light constantly lit up. This light is located under the OFF touch pad button. The board will need to be programed into the Diagnostic Maintenance & Status Report mode to determine the failure and the procedures to correct the failure.


To enter Diagnostic Status Report mode, press and hold the up and down arrows and, while holding, quickly press the COOL key twice.

Active Failures.

• If there are no active failures or lockouts, the display will show a double dash, “- -”. If there is a code listed, see the

unit “Diagnostic Codes” chart for a list of definitions.

Operating Temperatures.

• If not in Diagnostic Status Report Mode, enter as instructed above and press the Fan Speed key.• If already in Diagnostic Status Report mode, press the Fan Speed key. The display will show the temperature of the desired set point, SP; the temperature at the wireless thermostat, rL; the indoor ambient temperature behind the filter, IA; the indoor coil temperature, IC;the indoor discharge air temperature, Id; the outdoor coil temperature, OC; the outdoor ambient temperature, OA;and the spare probe temperature, IH. If any of the probes are not populated the display will show the corresponding failure code.

Past Failure Log

• If not in Diagnostic Status Report Mode, enter as instructed above and press the Fan Speed key twice.

• If already in Diagnostic Status Report mode, press the Fan Speed key. While the display is showing operating temperatures, the last 10 failure codes active or past can be requested by pressing the Fan Speed key again. The codes are displayed last entry first followed subsequently by each preceding code.

Note that modes F1 and Fd are also displayed in the normal control operation (see “Diagnostic Codes” chart).

To exit Diagnostic Status Report mode, press the OFF key." This might generate an error code that we can research. Give it a try and let us know. Good Luck.

