Specific patterns of long and short blinks along with long and short beeps (where applicable) identify errors during the startup process. Newer computers have two-part blink sequences with different color lights to indicate specific errors. The LED blink/beep sequence near Caps Lock and Number Lock keys indicates the type of error:
* '''The red Caps Lock LED blinks are long'''.
* '''The white Caps Lock LED blinks are short'''. For example, ‘3.5’ indicates 3 long red blinks and 5 short white blinks.
* On systems that do not have a dual-color LED, both long and short blinks are white.
* Some systems do not have a speaker and do not beep.
Note the blinking sequence and use the chart to identify the error condition. Then use the troubleshooting steps to solve the issue. Url to troubleshooting chart:
This troubleshooting chart will help.
The video is worth watching a few times until you understand the blinking sequences.
Have you connected an external monitor?
Removed the BIOS coin battery and tried powering on? It may need to be replaced. The machine is 10 years old.
Are you sure the RAM is compatible with that model?
Here’s the url for the HP Service and User manuals:
'''Troubleshooting Lights and Beeps:'''
Specific patterns of long and short blinks along with long and short beeps (where applicable) identify errors during the startup process. Newer computers have two-part blink sequences with different color lights to indicate specific errors. The LED blink/beep sequence near Caps Lock and Number Lock keys indicates the type of error:
* '''The red Caps Lock LED blinks are long'''.
* '''The white Caps Lock LED blinks are short'''. For example, ‘3.5’ indicates 3 long red blinks and 5 short white blinks.
* On systems that do not have a dual-color LED, both long and short blinks are white.
* Some systems do not have a speaker and do not beep.
Note the blinking sequence and use the chart to identify the error condition. Then use the troubleshooting steps to solve the issue. Url to troubleshooting chart:
This troubleshooting chart will help.