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Post originale di: theronjessica


Before resetting the '''router''', press the "'''Power'''" button back and forth to see if it powers on. If it doesn't, press and hold the "Reset" button on the back of the '''router''' to restore the device to the default factory settings. After resetting the device, press the "'''Power'''" button to '''turn''' it on.


Please check the power outlet where you have attached the router. Because insufficient power supply wont allow the power LED or any other bulb to light on your wifi router. Next, if you find the electric outlet is working, try to check the router's hardware using test pin and confirm that there isn;t hardware issue.

After your router's passes the above steps, if you still don't see any LED lightning on machine then, reset the wifi machine by pressing the RESET button at the back of the router.

Important: With this action, your device will lose all the customized settings and may display green flashing light.


