Why would both of my toilet bowls keep losing water? They flush fine, empty out and fills back up fine but after a bit of time I'll go back in and the water in the bowls have gotten really low. I've checked for leaks nothing there & the wax rings are fine I'm just losing water out of the toilet bowls and I don't know how or where it's going. I always hear the bathtub drains clicking everytime I flush & my neighbors downstairs flush. I live in a condo on the second level, no condo above me but my neighbors below me are now saying that they have water leaking into their place that they think is coming from my condo above them. Could that be because of my toilets and is it possible for it to leak down to their apartment?
Why would both of my toilet bowls keep losing water? They flush fine, empty out and fills back up fine but after a bit of time I'll go back in and the water in the bowls have gotten really low. I've checked for leaks nothing there & the wax rings are fine I'm just losing water out of the toilet bowls and I don't know how or where it's going. I always hear the bathtub drains clicking everytime I flush & my neighbors downstairs flush. I live in a condo on the second level, no condo above me but my neighbors below me are now saying that they have water leaking into their place that they think is coming from my condo above them. Could that be because of my toilets and is it possible for it to leak down to their apartment?
Why would my toilet bowl keep losing water? It flushes fine, empties out and fills back up fine but after a bit of time I'll go back in and the water in the bowl itself has gotten really low. I've checked for leaks nothing there & the wax ring is fine I'm just losing water out of the toilet bowl and I don't know how or where it's going. I live in a condo on the second level, no condo above me but my neighbors directly downstairs for me are now saying that they have water leaking into their place that they think is coming from my condo above them. Could that be because of my toilet bowl and is it possible for it to leak down to their apartment?
Why would both of my toilet bowls keep losing water? They flush fine, empty out and fills back up fine but after a bit of time I'll go back in and the water in the bowls have gotten really low. I've checked for leaks nothing there & the wax rings are fine I'm just losing water out of the toilet bowls and I don't know how or where it's going. I always hear the bathtub drains clicking everytime I flush & my neighbors downstairs flush. I live in a condo on the second level, no condo above me but my neighbors below me are now saying that they have water leaking into their place that they think is coming from my condo above them. Could that be because of my toilets and is it possible for it to leak down to their apartment?
Why would my toilet bowl keep losing water? It flushes fine, empties out and fills back up fine but after a bit of time I'll go back in and the water in the bowl itself has gotten really low. I've checked for leaks nothing there & the wax ring is fine I'm just losing water out of the toilet bowl and I don't know how or where it's going. I live in a condo on the second level, no condo above me but my neighbors directly downstairs for me are now saying that they have water leaking into their place that they think is coming from my condo above them. Could that be because of my toilet bowl and is it possible for it to leak down to their apartment?