Hello everyone,
I've been experiencing the same or similar problems with my thunderbolt 27" monitor. Lost the USB ports and the camera, then it started to flicker and soon complete blackout. Well I read about the cable and how it might be bad, but for whatever reason I didn't go down that road. I chose to replace the power supply. That seemed to work, for about a day or two, before I lost the USB ports and the camera again. Then the display started to blink on and off. Needless to say I was pretty bummed. I was researching and found this discussion board. Well long story short I disconnected the "integral thunderbolt cable from my Mac mini and connected the monitor to the computer using a dedicated cable going to the "aux thunderbolt port". This was two days ago and everything seems to be working great. The only downside is that you lose the "aux" port. I does seem to be an issue with the thunderbolt connection inside the monitor. But that's a bit out of my league. Good Luck.