Hello, i am new here!
I need help with this vintage Casio Sk-60 keyboard, it needs a replacement for that missing (slider) switch. I would love to repair it!
I know how to solder simple things. Adding a lineout or connecting two cables ;) but i am totally lost on this one.
Here you can see on off i prepared for the keyboard. When it will work i will drill a bigger hole for it.
Thats the inside of the keyboard.
And here you can see the part where the switch was. The upper position was (On)
I also found this sceme here, but i dont get it...
I was hoping that maybe someone here sees the solution right away and can help me out. That would be great!
I want to replace that missing switch with a simple on/off button. I know how to solder simple things. Adding a lineout or connecting two cables ;) but i am totally lost on this one.
Hello, i am new here!
I need help with this vintage casio keyboard, it needs a replacement for that missing (slider) switch. I would love to repair it!
I know how to solder simple things. Adding a lineout or connecting two cables ;) but i am totally lost on this one.
Here you can see on off i prepared for the keyboard. When it will work i will drill a bigger hole for it.
Thats the inside of the keyboard.
And here you can see the part where the switch was. The upper position was (On)
I also found this sceme here, but i dont get it...
I was hoping that maybe someone here sees the solution right away and can help me out. That would be great!
I want to replace that missing switch with a simple on/off button. I know how to solder simple things. Adding a lineout or connecting two cables ;) but i am totally lost on this one.
Here you can see on off i prepared for the keyboard. When it will work i will drill a bigger hole for it.
Thats the inside of the keyboard.
And here you can see the part where the switch was. The upper position was (On)
I also found this sceme here, but i dont get it... [image|1178279]
I also found this sceme here, but i dont get it...
I was hoping that maybe someone here sees the solution right away and can help me out. That would be great!
I want to replace that missing switch with a simple on/off button, i know how to solder simple things, but i am totally new in electronics.
I want to replace that missing switch with a simple on/off button. I know how to solder simple things. Adding a lineout or connecting two cables ;) but i am totally lost on this one.
Here you can see on off i prepared for the keyboard. When it will work i will drill a bigger hole for it.
Thats the inside of the keyboard.
And here you can see the part where the switch was. The upper position was (On)
I also found this sceme here, but i dont get it... [image|1178279]
I was hoping that maybe someone here sees the solution right away and can help me out. That would be great!
I want to replace that missing switch with a simple on/off button, i know how to solder simple things, but i am totally new in electronics.
Here you can see on off i prepared for the keyboard. When it will work i will drill a bigger hole for it.
Thats the inside of the keyboard.
And here you can see the part where the switch was. The upper position was (On)
I was hoping that maybe someone here sees the solution right away and can help me out. That would be great!