As far as I know, you shouldnt get problems as long as your SSD/HDD has a capacity of less than 2.19 TB !
I suggest reading yourself ...
... limitations of 512-byte Sector Size may prefent you from using drives with higher capacity and there might be problems with capacities of more than 4TB, although HPF+ should support volume sizes of up to 80000000 TB = 8 exabyte ( )
... limitations of 512-byte Sector Size may prefent you from using drives with higher capacity and there might be problems with capacities of more than 4TB, HFS+ should support volume sizes of up to 80000000 TB = 8 exabyte ( )
As far as I know, you shouldnt get problems as long as your SSD/HDD has a capacity of less than 2.19 TB !
I suggest reading yourself ... limitations of 512-
byte Sector Size may prefent you from using drives with higher capacity and there might be problems with capacities of more than 4TB, although HPF+ should support volume sizes of up to 80000000 TB = 8 exabite ( )
I suggest reading yourself ...
... limitations of 512-byte Sector Size may prefent you from using drives with higher capacity and there might be problems with capacities of more than 4TB, although HPF+ should support volume sizes of up to 80000000 TB = 8 exabyte ( )
As far as I know, you shouldnt get problems as long as your SSD/HDD has a capacity of less than 2.19 TB !
I suggest reading yourself ...
I suggest reading yourself ... limitations of 512-
byte Sector Size may prefent you from using drives with higher capacity and there might be problems with capacities of more than 4TB, although HPF+ should support volume sizes of up to 80000000 TB = 8 exabite ( )
As far as I know, you shouldnt get problems as long as your SSD/HDD has a capacity of less than 2.19 TB !
I suggest reading yourself ...