We have one of these and when ours did this it was because we overloaded it with stuff that it couldnt handle or we pack it in to tight. y sugestion to you is to clean it out and run it with just water in it and see if it works right if it still smokes then you toasted it.
We have one of these and when ours did this it was because we overloaded it with stuff that it couldnt handle or we pack it in to tight. My suggestion to you is to clean it out and run it with just water in it and see if it works right if it still smokes then you toasted it.
We have one of these and when ours did this it was because we overloaded it with stuff that it couldnt handle or we pack it in to tight. y sugestion to you is to clean it out and run it with just water in it and see if it works right if it still smokes then you toasted it.