When i was installing the latest cm12.1 nightly, after trying a few other roms, i also installed, by mistake, an old jb bootloader/bootstack.
As result the phone entered in Bootloop, but not a normal bootloop, on the screen start appearing some crazy interferences and then the phone boot up, but the screen not. The phone made sounds and the touchscreen work, but the screen was black/off.
I've managed to solve the problem with an unbrick method, but now i have a huge problem: the screen, on the rigth side, from the top to the botton has 6/7 black lines. I have no idea how to solve this and if is a hardware problem ... I've read it's an kernel problem, not hardware, but don't know how to solve the problem :/
When i was installing the latest cm12.1 nightly, after trying a few other roms, i also installed, by mistake, an old jb bootloader/bootstack.
As result the phone entered in Bootloop, but not a normal bootloop, on the screen start appearing some crazy interferences and then the phone boot up, but the screen not. The phone made sounds and the touchscreen work, but the screen was black/off.
I've managed to solve the problem with an unbrick method, but now i have a huge problem: the screen, on the rigth side, from the top to the botton has 6/7 black lines. I have no idea how to solve this and if is a hardware problem ... I've read it's an kernel problem, not hardware, but don't know how to solve the problem :/