It would be nice if the mfg of tablets and sellers of those tablets would collectively get together and fix what ever the problem is with Android based OS and tablet batteries. Go to U Tube or Google this problem and you see at once the extent of this issue. When someone tells me to push the on/off button and the sound bar at the same time to "fix" a "reset" of the battery on a 2 month old tablet I become a bit peeved. I even saw a U tube the other day on how to open the back, disconnect the battery wire connection and reconnect in order to reset the battery. Another showed how to "hard wire" as USB cable directly to the tablet so to avoid the entire problem of loss of USB charging ability and issues connected to battery function. When it comes to tablets - if you look at them closely it becomes apparent that all of these are made by the same mfg just different names and or software in the initial package. All seem to have USB charging issues, and battery functionality problems.
Good luck to all