Laptop stuck on " Preparing Automatic Repair " during start up.
Laptop: HP Pavilion 14-b109wm.
Running Windows 8.
My father's laptop isn't working. When you turn it on it starts to load Windows 8, but only says "Preparing Automatic Repair" then goes to a black screen.
I tried holding the power button for 20sec, but there was no change during start up.
I restarted again and tried holding F9, F5, F10 to try and run a self diagnostic test, but that didn't work either.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Laptop stuck on " Preparing Automatic Repair " during start up.
Laptop: HP Pavilion 14-b109wm.
Running Windows 8.
My father's laptop isn't working. When you turn it on it starts to load Windows 8, but only says "Preparing Automatic Repair" then goes to a black screen.
I tried holding the power button for 20sec, but there was no change during start up.
I restarted again and tried holding F9, F5, F10 to try and run a self diagnostic test, but that didn't work either.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Laptop stuck on " Preparing Automatic Repair " during start up.
Laptop: HP Pavilion 14-b109wm.
Running Windows 8.
My fathers laptop isn't working, When you turn it on it starts to load windows but only says
My father's laptop isn't working. When you turn it on it starts to load Windows 8, but only says "Preparing Automatic Repair" then goes to a black screen.
"Preparing Automatic Repair"then goes to a black screen.
I tried holding the power button for 20sec, but there was no change during start up.
Tried holding the power button for 20sec but no change.
I restarted again and tried holding F9, F5, F10 to try and run a self diagnostic test, but that didn't work either.
I restarted holding F9, F5, F10 trying to run self diagnostic. But doesn't work.
Laptop: HP Pavilion 14-b109wm.
Running Windows 8.
My fathers laptop isn't working, When you turn it on it starts to load windows but only says
"Preparing Automatic Repair" then goes to a black screen.
Tried holding the power button for 20sec but no change.
I restarted holding F9, F5, F10 trying to run self diagnostic. But doesn't work.
Ever see anything like this?
Thanks any help will be greatly appreciated.
Laptop: HP Pavilion 14-b109wm.
Running Windows 8.
My fathers laptop isn't working, When you turn it on it starts to load windows but only says
"Preparing Automatic Repair" then goes to a black screen.
Tried holding the power button for 20sec but no change.
I restarted holding F9, F5, F10 trying to run self diagnostic. But doesn't work.
Ever see anything like this?
Thanks any help will be greatly appreciated.