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Post originale di: Abhi Sharma


iPhone no service error 100% fix in 5 minutes

I had this issue for about 1 month & i went through everything- Googling,yahoo search & apple discussion.

At last I have fixed my iPhone4 in 5 min.

First of all u need to know if it a software or hardware issue-

1. Toggle airplane mode for 4 seconds & wait for network.

2.  Reboot iPhone.

3. Network reset.

4. Manually choose network.

5. Hardware repair method-

(Switch off your iPhone & take out the sim tray before continuing)

Take out the 2 screws from the bottom near the speaker mesh. Slide up the back panel & take it off.

Now take off the battery by taking off the little screw on the battery terminal.

You will find a very thin black wire near the battery terminal with a small plate on its end.

Near the terminal stand u will find a place to fit the plate. First clean the plate with a cotton cloth gently.

Connect plate on its place it & press it a little till u hear the little sound- tick.

(*Remember not to press so hard*)

Connect the battery & put the screw back. Get the back panel again & put the bottom screws.

Yippee..!!! U have fixed the annoying- NO SERVICE error on iPhone 4.

