Angela Penaherrera, looks like your monitor is suffering from "clouding." That is where the lighting "leaks" to the visible portion of the screen, causing uneven blacks. This manifests itself with uneven brightness in normal pictures. This is sometimes remedied by applying some manual pressure with a lint free cloth and push from the inside to the outside of the frame. There is really not a whole lot you can do, except to attempt to disassemble the whole panel and to check\replace the diffuse. That may fix it.
Angela Penaherrera, looks like your monitor is suffering from "clouding." That is where the lighting "leaks" to the visible portion of the screen, causing uneven blacks. This manifests itself with uneven brightness in normal pictures. This is sometimes remedied by applying some manual pressure with a lint free cloth and push from the inside to the outside of the frame. There is really not a whole lot you can do, except to attempt to disassemble the whole panel and to check\replace the diffuser. That '''may''' fix it, otherwise you are looking toward buying a new panel.
Angela Penaherrera, looks like your monitor is suffering from "clouding." That is where the lighting "leaks" to the visible portion of the screen, causing uneven blacks. This manifests itself with uneven brightness in normal pictures. This is sometimes remedied by applying some manual pressure with a lint free cloth and push from the inside to the outside of the frame. There is really not a whole lot you can do, except to attempt to disassemble the whole panel and to check\replace the diffuse. That may fix it.