donnahowland try this first :"If it goes right into Safe Mode without giving you the chance to make choices, try to force your own by re-starting, then tapping F8 or what ever key you need, some machines use the Delete or F12 key.
When you get to the screen, use the down arrow key to choose "Boot from last known good Configuration" touch Enter or Return, and see if that helps.
If the machine already goes to that screen select "Last known Good Configuration", and reboot.
2.) Check msconfig. Type/copy/paste msconfig into the Search or Run box (preferred) select General Tab make sure Normal Startup is selected. Then go to Boot Tab, and make sure Safe Boot is not selected.
3.) Try a System Restore" from [|here]. " let us know which OS you are having and for how long this has been going on, and if anything happened to the computer hardware/software that may have precipitated this.