Introduction |
A properly maintained Maglite flashlightsflashlight can work for a long time when you properly maintain them. Mine is a model 4D (asIt can easily work for over twenty years! in, a D Cell battery flashlight), and it has operated perfectly since I bought it.However, sometimes old parts breakdown and your beloved Maglite may no longer turn turnson. If you see moisture in the head of your Maglite, this guide is for you. | | The model we will look at today is the 4D, from the late 1990s to early 2000s. This guide should also work for other D-cell battery Maglites made after the 4D model.
If you observesee moisture in the flashlight head of your Maglite, this guide is for you. You might have a damaged O-ring. This guide covers replacingwill show you how to look at and replace the O-ring on a 4D Maglite when you observe moisture in the flashlight head. |