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Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2

Cosa ti serve

  1. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimuovere le viti dall'interno del vano batteria: passo 1, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimuovere le viti dall'interno del vano batteria: passo 1, immagine 2 di 2
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    • Inizia aprendo il vano batteria e la rimozione delle batterie usando le dita o qualcos'altro per tirarle delicatamente verso l'esterno.

    • Stacca i tre adesivi nascosti che nascondono le viti usando le unghie o qualcosa di appuntito come un paio di pinzette.

    • Gli adesivi coprono tre delle viti. Questi non sono mostrati nell'immagine.

    • Svitare le tre viti Torx T5 dietro gli adesivi utilizzando un piccolo cacciavite Torx.

    • Rimuovere la quarta vite situata all'interno del foro accanto alla parta superiore del vano batterie utilizzando lo stesso cacciavite Torx.

  2. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Fai leva sul frontalino: passo 2, immagine 1 di 1
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    • Fai leva delicatamente sul frontalino usando uno spudger o un cacciavite a testa piatta.

    • La piastra è fissata con adesivo, quindi potrebbe essere un po' difficile da rimuovere la prima volta. Non devi preoccuparti poiché è anche tenuta in posizione utilizzando perni di plastica.

  3. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimuovi le viti da sotto il frontalino: passo 3, immagine 1 di 1
    • Rimuovi le cinque viti Torx T5.

    • Rimuovi la vite T5 nera più lunga.

    • Rimuovi le due viti T4 più piccole.

    • Queste viti potrebbero essere difficili da rimuovere. Usa una costante pressione verso il basso con il tuo cacciavite per evitare di danneggiarle.

    • Rimuovi la singola vite T5 lunga argento.

    The ring is going to fight you every step of the way, by design. Many of the screws are angled in such a way as to put the ring in the way of a driver. You may need to just use a bit and hand-screw them.

    Thomas Stage - Replica

    It seems, that the yellow marked screws are something under T5, like T4 or T3. With my T5 bit, i couldn't remove these screws.

    Gulliver - Replica

    Yes, I use T4 for the yellow marked screws

    Allan Vendiola -

    The screws in the yellow (at least in my experience) are T4 not T5

    Trevor - Replica

    I’m unable to open the yellow screws with a T5 screwdriver as well, it only works with a T4 for me.

    Darkn - Replica

    can sombody help i cant remove the blue marked screw at all when i screw it it just scews in place and bobs up and down a little i tried it on the other controller and it does the same thing

    bahmed79op - Replica

    When unscrewing, slip something like a credit card or other type of flat plastic shim under the screw head with one hand while unscrewing with the other

    Duck Splash -

  4. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimuovi il guscio di plastica esterno: passo 4, immagine 1 di 1
    • Usa uno spudger o un cacciavite per premere la tacca di plastica finché non si stacca.

    • Partendo dal lato senza la tacca, rimuovi delicatamente il rivestimento aiutandoti con le mani, allontanandolo dal centro della console.

  5. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Separa il controller: passo 5, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Separa il controller: passo 5, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Separa il controller: passo 5, immagine 3 di 3
    • C'è un perno di plastica inserito in un foro, per separare le parti devi fare un po' di attenzione nei passi seguenti.

    • Usando le mani, allontana leggermente (0,5 cm) la metà sinistra dell'impugnatura dal controller.

    • Tenendo il lato sinistro come descritto sopra, spingi il lato destro verso il corpo del controller.

    • Ora puoi far scorrere la parte destra verso destra e rimuoverla.

    • Il perno si trova qui.

    I am struggling with this step there is a pin holding it right behind the button you push with your middle finger and it won’t come loose.

    Kaleb Israel-Everett - Replica

  6. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Scollega il cavo a nastro: passo 6, immagine 1 di 1
    • Scollega il cavo a nastro. C'è un fermo che si apre sul circuito (freccia blu). Questo è facile da smontare, ma è faticoso da rimettere insieme. Assicurati di avere delle pinzette o delle pinze ad ago per quando lo rimetti insieme.

    You just need to pull, in paralel direction to the board. There is no latch to open. I got it back in using flat head pliers but slightly scratched the coating. Still works but idealy you use pliers with plastic tips.

    VR Wizard - Replica

    There is a latch on almost all ribbon connectors, if you didn't find it, you risk breaking it

    Ryan Meeks -

    I got to this part and the little plastic clip just disintegrated.. what a cheap worthless pos..

    Groltank - Replica

    You can get to this ribbon cable if you teardown the handle further and then you can remove the ribbon cable from the handle and fit it better to the circuit board and avoid the risk of tearing the ribbon cable just by removing the bottom part behind the battery bay and to give your self more space you can remove the bottom trigger

    Juic-e - Replica

    I agree that removing the rest of the handle and removing the ribbon from both ends is easier. The ribbon is also glue to part of the handle so don't pull on it and be careful freeing it as it can tear if you using anything sharp. Other wise it's fairly difficult to put back on.

    Carlos Negron -

    I struggled with getting the ribbon cable re-attached until I saw this Youtube video: At 9:20 he explains how to break the handle down further. After that, it took me 10 seconds.

    David Reavis - Replica

    A nabour tore the ribbon cable connector of the board when taking the controller apart. Anyone know the name of the connector model?

    Gustav Krantz - Replica

    And... this is where I broke the latch 😒....

    Dominique PERETTI - Replica

    Ok now I'm pretty sure I broke the latch because there is no latch to lift up. This may have changed in most recent controllers, but THERE WAS NO LATCH on mine. VR Wizard is right. It just needs to be pulled horizontally.

    This tutorial need to be amended. It literally made me break the connector 😓

    Dominique PERETTI - Replica

  7. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimuovi le viti dal circuito stampato e scollega il joystick: passo 7, immagine 1 di 1
    • Ora è necessario rimuovere le 4 viti che fissano la scheda al controller.

    • Il joystick ha anche un piccolo nastro (nastro blu), ma è facile da collegare e scollegare. Solleva il fermo per scollegare il nastro del joystick.

    • NON lo rimuoverai completamente, basta sollevarlo abbastanza in alto per rimuovere il joystick.

  8. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimuovi il joystick: passo 8, immagine 1 di 1
    • Solleva il circuito stampato e libera il joystick. Il pulsante X e il pulsante Oculus potrebbero cadere. Non è un grosso problema, assicurati solo che siano rimessi nella posizione corretta prima di sigillare tutto.

    this looks extremely similar to gulikit switch joy-cons anyone knows if they could be used instead?

    Emmanuel Espinal - Replica

    Sadly no they cant.

    The switch thumbsticks go at a right angle to their contact point. These as you can see are a straight line.

    It would make things much easier tho. But, companies gotta be all unique with their stuff and have zero interchangeability. Honestly i keep praying someone will come up with “hall effect” sticks for quest and switch.

    William Scott - Replica

  9. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimuovi la gomma dell'analogico: passo 9, immagine 1 di 1
    • Estrai la gomma dell'analogico dal joystick.

    There is a myth going around that the Oculus/Meta Quest 2 joystick/ thumbsticks have a capacitive censor on the rubber pads. That seems to not be the case as there are no circuits attached to it.

    Think For Yourself - Replica

  10. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Apri l'alloggiamento del joystick: passo 10, immagine 1 di 1
    • L'alloggiamento è tenuto insieme dalle linguette sulla piastra inferiore. Piegale all'indietro per farlo uscire. Fai attenzione, ci sono molti pezzi piccoli e una molla che può saltare via.

  11. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Riga inferiore delle parti del joystick: passo 11, immagine 1 di 1
    • Ecco tutti i pezzi all'interno del joystick nella riga inferiore.

    • 1 - Il sensore che provoca il drift quando è sporco

    • 2 - La parte inferiore del joystick in cui si inserisce lo stick. Questo è ciò che sposta il sensore a sinistra/destra.

    • 3 - Questo pezzo si trova sopra il #2. Questo è ciò che muove il sensore su/giù

    • 4 - Lo stick. Questo si inserisce attraverso il foro nel #3 e si inserisce all'interno del #2.

    • 5 - Questi due pezzi sono quelli che entrano in contatto con il sensore e vengono spostati da #2 e #3

    • MANCANTE DALLA FOTO - C'è un piccolo pezzo di plastica nera che ha la forma di un arco che blocca il #2 in posizione nell'alloggiamento.

  12. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Riga superiore delle parti del joystick: passo 12, immagine 1 di 1
    • Ecco tutti i pezzi all'interno del joystick nella riga superiore.

    • 6 - Alloggiamento in metallo

    • 7 - Molla per premere il joystick

    • 8 - Anello di metallo per mantenere il joystick in posizione e per creare un contratto con la molla (#7)

    • 9 - Alloggiamento in plastica

  13. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Pulisci il sensore e i contatti: passo 13, immagine 1 di 1
    • Ora che l'hai smontato, usa il detergente per contatti per pulire entrambi i pezzi nella casella rossa a destra e pulisci il sensore nella casella rossa a sinistra. La pulizia del sensore è la cosa più importante. Dopo aver spruzzato con un detergente per contatti, di solito uso un piccolo pennello per pulirlo.

    • Le 3 sezioni nere (frecce blu) sono quelle che riconoscono su/giù/sinistra/destra. Se c'è qualche residuo su di essi, questo causa il drift. Più usi il controller, più il materiale nero si rompe e lascia residui. Inoltre, più lo usi, più sudore/polvere/sporcizia si insinuano nell'alloggiamento.

    • Se usi il controller abbastanza a lungo, alla fine si guasterà e non potrà essere riparato. Questo è un problema con tutti i controller, non solo con Oculus.

    so seeming that the problem is residue from the black material and foreign debris. is it possible to seal the housing?

    Ryan Montgomery - Replica

  14. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimonta l'alloggiamento del joystick: passo 14, immagine 1 di 1
    • Metti il #3 nell'alloggiamento di plastica

  15. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimonta l'alloggiamento del joystick: passo 15, immagine 1 di 1
    • Posiziona lo stick attraverso l'apertura e attacca il #2 alla parte inferiore dello stick in questo modo. Sia il #2 che il #3 possono stare nell'alloggiamento di plastica solo in un certo modo. Se non si muove correttamente, probabilmente è questo il problema.

  16. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimonta l'alloggiamento del joystick: passo 16, immagine 1 di 1
    • Spingi leggermente lo stick verso l'alto in modo da poter posizionare entrambi i #5 nella scanalatura. Il #2 e il #3 si trovano sopra il #5. A questo punto dovresti essere in grado di vedere come il joystick fa muovere #5.

  17. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimonta l'alloggiamento del joystick: passo 17, immagine 1 di 1
    • Posiziona l'anello di metallo.

  18. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimonta l'alloggiamento del joystick: passo 18, immagine 1 di 1
    • Posizioma la molla e il piccolo pezzo nero. Quel minuscolo pezzo nero (freccia blu) blocca il #2 in posizione.

    Is the tiny black piece important

    Daniel Allcorm - Replica

  19. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Rimonta l'alloggiamento del joystick: passo 19, immagine 1 di 1
    • Posiziona il sensore sull'alloggiamento di metallo. Può essere posizionato in un solo modo.

    • Ora, unisci l'alloggiamento senza far scivolare nulla.

    • Piega le linguette di metallo in posizione in modo che sia fissato.

  20. Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2, Conclusione: passo 20, immagine 1 di 1
    • Usa le istruzioni in ordine inverso per rimontarlo. Fai attenzione con il cavo a nastro che ho menzionato nel passo 6.

    • Alcuni pezzi richiedono un po' di raffinatezza per essere rimontati, specialmente il pezzo posizionato intorno al grilletto.

    • Assicurati di non aver scollegato nessuno dei cavi a nastro. L'ultima volta che l'ho fatto, ho allentato accidentalmente uno dei cavi sotto il grilletto (freccia blu) e alla fine si è disconnesso.

    Can you reattach the the part the ribbon slides into if it comes detached from the circuit bouard

    Michael Franta - Replica

    my controller doesn't have screws behind the battery place

    That Amogus Guy - Replica

    You have to remove the sticker first

    JR Thompson -

    Hello. Can anyone help me with a problem i have?
    I think i might've damaged my controllers in the process.
    the right controller wont track properly and randomly disconnects and connects. and sometimes it disconnects completely.
    even with a fully charged battery inside. i have to take the battery out and put in again to make the controller work again.
    the tracking is all over the place.
    my left controller works fine no problems at all.

    Tonni Rössing - Replica

    Thank you so much mate. Turns out my sensors were dirty, and it was causing a massive drift to the right.

    After cleaning and air spraying it, works like a charm.

    David Shelby - Replica

    yay i fixed mine by cleaning the green pcb part thing with a cotton ball damped with isopropyl 70% alcohol

    Sean Quirk - Replica


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Membro da: 02/17/22

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36 Commenti

i wanna know how the controller worke. infared or bluetooth, or even area positioning system bull $@$*, please help actually sent from my quest 2

Soren Nordgren - Replica

The controller uses infared to connect to the quest 2.

Lucas C -

That's BS. It uses Bluetooth 5.0 LE. The Quest 2 has no way to send or recieve IR

Blus cream -

Both replies are half right. The controllers use BT to connect to the headset for functionality, but positional tracking is done via infrared in the halos. The 4 cameras on the front of the headset are infrared cameras.

Justin P -

Yeah, a basic inspection of the controller says it does not operate by infrared. Infrared is an optic device, and the controller has no optics. I'll stick with Lucas on this one.

Tj Casteel -

Justin P has the correct answer. Button / Trigger / Analog-Stick / Touch-Sensor inputs are communicated to the headset through bluetooth, while the positional tracking of the controllers is done visually through the headset's cameras which are looking for the (invisible to human eye) infrared spots emitted from ir leds in the controller's ring.

-A VR Developer

BAM5 -

Bam5 is correct. I suppose everybody was on the right path but he nailed it with an excellent correct explanation.

savannabenzel815 -

The controller has about 12 Infra-red lights on the controller, and the headset has IR cameras that track the distance between the lights on the controllers and does some algorithm stuff to work out the position of the controllers. Then bluetooth handles the controllers buttons and also the other sensors like an accelerometer. These sensors are used whenever the cameras cant see the controller and it does track pretty well when its behind your back etc. but only for about 3-10 seconds

Nick -

Thank you! This guide saved me from purchasing a new left controller, when it developed at “stutter” or “stumble” when i tried moving forwards. I followed the guide, though i didnt have any contact cleaner. I used isopropylalcohol on cotton swab (cotton bud?) instead with excellent results.

Mathias Hertz - Replica

thank you, fixed my controller when adjusting the deadzone and spraying contact cleaner from the outside didnt help.

Teyorya- SEA Branch KFP - Replica

thank you, but I tried opening mine and the analog assembly looks a little bit different from yours. for one the outer casing is black plastic instead of white, and on the sensor inside it only has 2 black pads while the other ones are just bare copper traces. also there are no small black piece that holds #2 in place.

I tried cleaning them still with mixed result. it does help with the jitter issue (in my case the analog keeps being tilted down on its own randomly) but it doesn't entirely fix the problem for me.

replacing the whole analog part might be the only way but sadly it's hard to find replacement for

here's a picture for reference

Galafador - Replica

Replacements are available on aliexpress

Lucas C -

you can buy replacement analogs on amazon

I got one for $12 USD

It comes with tools as well!

TheyCallMeScitter -

Thank you, we fixed both controllers at the same time. It did take us longer (4 hours, and some pizza).

Beth - Replica

Replacement now available on Aliexpress.

Илья Смирнов - Replica

Part is also on Ebay and Amazon, "look up Quest 2 Joystick replacement" Amazon even has it as a kit with pry tools and a very handy set of the torx driver and tweezers to put the ribbon cables back in!! A deal for $14.

Baba Luba - Replica

Excellent guide, fixed my left controller's jitter and drift issues! 👍

Sulfrix - Replica

I need help with the infrared LED. Everything seems fine, pressing the Oculus button + B does make the controller vibrate, but the LED's wont turn on.

Madhatter494 - Replica

Hi all,

Bulldog pup mauled right controller towards bottom. Works perfectly does anyone know where I can get outer shell and battery cover?

Justin - Replica

This worked for me. Thank you for such a detailed instruction.

The symptom I experienced was that the RIGHT controller was not selecting items in the O2 home menus. This is because the left controller joystick was constantly stealing the focus due to "noise" that this wonderful guide helps resolve. Thank you thank you thank you!

Alex Olshove - Replica

I had horrible stick drift/jitter to the top and right even when I had my dead zone set to 99%💀. Took the whole thing apart and wiped away some black powder off the sensors with isopropyl alcohol and a q-tip. Put it back together and it works perfectly.

chocomosi - Replica

I did this fix this evening and the drift is completely gone. there is 0 drift now. One thing that I would recommend you add to your tutorial as I have a problem that future me will have to tackle.... When putting everything back together, please mention that the long silver screw should not be over tightened as it is very easy to break. I tightened the long silver screw and after trying to make sure it was tight, the top part without thread broke off. :-/
BUT.... nothing structurally was compromised or loose. I will just have a problem when I go to clean the joystick once more.

Thank you for this tutorial.

Joe Soap - Replica

@matty_mac are you actually still alive? I would love to have a video tutorial because my small brain can't get the controller back together. Would this be possible for you or anyone else with experience?

Blus cream - Replica

There's a dude on YouTube goes by ima_rainbow who fr does a kickass video tutorial on this if ur still needing one , or if anyone that sees this is looking for one. Dude was the only reason I choked up the courage to open mine up but ifixit (amazing site js fr lol) was the only reason I got the balls to attempt opening up the headset itself actually, when it got stuck in a bootloop

Ian Himes -

Alguna idea de como reparar el gatillo lateral?

Jalil Diamond - Replica

These are fantastic instructions. The symptom for me was that left & right was drifting and not working consistently. Upon disassembly of my joystick I found that one of the black plastic pieces (the tab that controls left-right, unsurprisingly) was broken. Gluing it wasn't a realistic option so I ordered a replacement part.

Stefan - Replica

Do you have a repair service? I'm not too technical.

hitmeat2 - Replica

Spilled some juice on the controller and the stick was stuck reading full left. Removing cap and injecting spray didn't help. Teardown revealed the joystick ribbon connector was contaminated.

Sprayed connector with electrical cleaner for a few seconds, reassembled, and performed stick calibration - good as new.

Thx for the teardown instructions!

Keuzy - Replica

The ribbon cords that r warned about at the end of this marked by the blue arrows , in case anyone else ever goes thru wat I did at least , over time have a possibility of popping off the circuit board (well the connector for the ribbon cord technically, meaning the cord is in the connector also js) and it will cause the controller to basically vibrate over and over and over plus not track since those r the ribbon cords for the sensors that go along the ring. And if this is something that happens and ur like someone like myself who doesnt own a soldering iron dont go running to buy a new controller, and I'm sure theres probably plenty of people who will look at this and say I'm fukn with people when I say if u have it at ur disposal just simply gorilla glue it back on. Obviously it doesnt need more than a drop of it but as long as u line up the popped off connector to where it should be which isnt hard and let dry rq its highly likely ull get it working again. Dont believe me well u can try it not like u can

Ian Himes - Replica

Break it if it's already broken so. Plus if ur having to get to this point because ur $@$* won't work wat else do u gotta lose lol at least that was my mentality.

Ian Himes -

I'm trying to figure out how to replace the battery circuit board tho currently , if anyone might possibly know....maybe ... lol

Ian Himes - Replica

can sombody help i cant remove the blue marked screw at all when i screw it it just scews in place and bobs up and down a little i tried it on the other controller and it does the same thing

bahmed79op - Replica

The main ribbon that is inserted into the motherboard came off. Can you help me with this? Below I have tried to explain it best I could. I had no problem with taking everything apart following your directions and it was when I was doing the assembly and went to attach the ribbon the part attached to the motherboard that the ribbon slipped into came off the motherboard. It almost seemed powdery and crumbled off. I'm no tech but was wondering if this is something I can fix or do I need professional help. Thanks and I really like your tutorials they are very helpful.

*This is the ribbon I'm referring to from the dismantling controller directions Step 6 but I was reassembling at this point. "There is a latch you flip up on the circuit board (blue arrow). This is easy to take apart but a pain to put back together. Make sure you have needle-nose pliers or tweezers for this when you put it back together." Smontaggio controller Oculus Quest 2

fiona - Replica

i eefed up the ribbon socket (step 6) it can be fixed ?

Geralt Of Rivia - Replica

Thank you for the tutorial. I did as you explained and it worked wonderfully, no drift anymore.

Details about step 5 of prying the controller apart and disconnecting the ribbon in step 6 can be supplemented with additional steps found in: between 9min00 and 10min45.

Thanks again for the help.

Peter Kronenberg - Replica

Gotta say, this tutorial is way too good. Got my drift fixed on my first try!

Enmanuel Rivas - Replica

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