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Questo smontaggio non è una guida di riparazione. Per riparare il tuo LG G5, usa il nostro manuale di assistenza.

  1. Smontaggio LG G5, Smontaggio LG G5: passo 1, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio LG G5, Smontaggio LG G5: passo 1, immagine 2 di 2
    • Siamo molto interessati al design del G5, ma all'interno si nasconde anche del potente hardware. Le specifiche prevedono:

    • Display multi-touch IPS "Quad HD" da 5,3 pollici con risoluzione 2560 x 1440 (554 ppi)

    • Processore Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 con GPU Adreno 530 e 4 GB di RAM

    • Doppia fotocamera posteriore (principale da 16 MP con stabilizzazione ottica OIS e grandangolare da 8 MP) e fotocamera anteriore da 8 MP

    • Memorizzazione interna da 32 GB, espandibile fino a 2 TB con scheda microSD

    • USB-C + 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac wi-fi + Bluetooth 4.2 + NFC + emettitore IR

    • Sensore di impronte digitali + accelerometro + giroscopio + sensore di prossimità + barometro

    • Android 6.0 Marshmallow

  2. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 2, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 2, immagine 2 di 2
    • Un rapido confronto con l'LG G4 dell'anno scorso evidenzia l'esterno più liscio, arrotondato e più metallico del G5.

    • Quando messo di fronte (oppure sopra) al suo predecessore, il G5 sembra un po' più massiccio del G4. Quest'ultimo sembra anche più piacevole da tenere in mano e un po' più facile da impugnare.

    • In apparenza, la mossa di LG verso un design modulare e l'uso della lega di alluminio LM201 ha portato l'LG a tornare indietro rispetto al fattore di forma, lievemente più sottile, dell'anno scorso. Detto ciò, pensiamo che dentro ci siano delle belle sorprese.

    • È solo una nostra impressione, o l'LG5 somiglia parecchio a Johnny 5?

  3. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 3, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 3, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 3, immagine 3 di 3
    • Ci fermiamo un attimo per apprezzare il piccolo remainder di LG che ricorda che il G5 ha una batteria super-rimovibile. Davvero brillante.

    • Premendo un comodissimo pulsante, facciamo scorrere fuori il modulo batteria del G5. Certo, rimuovere la batteria è ancora più facile rispetto al precedente top di gamma.

    • Le batterie sostituibili ci rendono felice. Hanno un ruolo importantissimo nel minimizzare la quantità di rifiuti speciali associata all'elettronica di consumo. E non va dimenticato che aggiungono la possibilità di portarsi dietro una batteria extra, evitando di rimanere a secco.

    • Dubitiamo che sentiremo mai raccontare di un G5 buttato via a causa di una batteria morta.

    Not only does the battery come out, but the charge port does too. If that ever breaks it will be quick to fix too.

    Gigabit87898 - Replica

  4. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 4, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 4, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 4, immagine 3 di 3
    • Non vediamo l'ora di iniziare a tirar via cose, ma ci tratteniamo giusto il tempo di una scansione a raggi X. I nostri ingegnosi compari di Creative Electron ci mostrano un'anteprima di quello che affronteremo questa volta.

    • È la nostra vista a raggi X che ci inganna, oppure questo sembra molto un iPhone? Diremmo di sì, salvo naturalmente per la batteria rimovibile in un amen.

    • Una piccola copertura metallica al centro del telefono, la scheda madre a destra, la batteria nella parte inferiore sinistra: un telefono all'insegna del Feng Shui?

    • L'allineamento a raggi X conferma che il G5 è giusto a metà strada tra l'iPhone 6 (a sinistra) e il 6 Plus (a destra).

    • Sembra che quel modulo all'estremità sia più di un semplice supporto batterie e USB. È ora di provare ad aprire 'sto coso.

  5. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 5, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 5, immagine 2 di 2
    • Ci vuole una bella forza per tirar via la batteria del G5 dal suo modulo: è una cosa che difficilmente si può fare per sbaglio.

    • La batteria al litio-ioni da 3,85 V e 10,8 Wh del G5 fa registrare 2800 mAh alla bilancia, superando di un qualcosa la cella da 2750 mAh dell'iPhone 6s Plus...

    • Però si tratta di un leggero calo di capacità rispetto agli imponenti elementi da 3000 mAh trovati nel predecessore del G5 e nel recente Samsung Galaxy S7.

    • La nostra spiegazione? LG pensa che i suoi clienti trarranno vantaggio della batteria rimovibile per cambiarla sul campo in caso di necessità, quindi non serve un valore estremo di capacità.

  6. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 6, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 6, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 6, immagine 3 di 3
    • Ok, ma cosa c'è all'interno di questo stesso modulo?

    • Probabilmente magia.

    • E colla. Le coperture anteriore e posteriore del modulo sono molto ben incollate per tenerle al loro posto.

    • Aggiornamento Plasticgate 2016: questa piccola cover anteriore è in plastica, ma quella posteriore è certamente realizzata con un bell'alluminio.

    • L'apertura del modulo si fa scoprire alcune viti, della colla e una sorprendente quantità di cose interessanti e meritevoli della nostra attenzione.

    • Oltre a rendere la sostituzione della porta USB di una facilità mai vista finora, il piccolo modulo batteria contiene anche un altoparlante, delle antenne e molti contatti a molla.

  7. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 7, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 7, immagine 2 di 2
    • Acquisito il fatto che abbiamo rimosso la batteria senza aver dovuto aprire il telefono, rivolgiamo la nostra attenzione alla scheda SIM.

    • Un singolo vassoio accoglie sia la scheda SIM sia la microSD.

    • Benché il G5 non supporti la funzione adoptable storage di Android, LG resta fedele alla sua tradizione di integrare un supporto per memorie esterne nei suoi telefoni al top di gamma: un'altra vittoria per la longevità e, con tutta polarità, una netta riduzione nella produzione di rifiuti elettronici.

    • Certamente verrà il giorno in cui non basteranno più 2 TB di memoria nel tuo smartphone. Ma ora come ora, questo giorno sembra ancora abbastanza lontano.

    If someone wanted adoptable storage on the LG G5, it isn’t too hard to run adb commands:

    labwolley - Replica

  8. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 8, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 8, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 8, immagine 3 di 3
    • Tolte solo due viti e fatte scattare alcune clip, solleviamo facilmente il display. Nessun fastidio, nessun adesivo.

    • È decisamente un'apertura del display di tipo iPhonesco, inteso nel miglior modo possibile. O almeno è molto simile a come la rimozione del display dell'iPhone era una volta, prima dell'irruzione di tutto quell'adesivo che ha fatto finire la festa.

    • La realtà è che, a parte quello che c'è all'interno, LG alla fine ha risolto la questione unibody modulare. Il display è montato senza apparenti giunzioni, dando all'insieme un aspetto di classe pur mantenendo l'accesso alla batteria. Speriamo che questo trend prenda piede.

    • Che cosa c'è di meglio di una batteria rimovibile dall'utente? Perbacco, una batteria rimovibile dall'utente con un ammortizzatore meccanico.

    • Questo aggeggio meccanico a molla aiuta la batteria del G5 a scivolare perfettamente nella sua area di parcheggio e quando la fai scattare in posizione fa sentire un piacevole clac tattile.

    My g5 battery wont fully go in. The chin wont fully click into place. Is this thing broken?

    Zhe Ghost D1 - Replica

  9. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 10, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 10, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 10, immagine 3 di 3
    • Con il display fuori dalla circolazione e la batteria rimossa fin dall'inizio, lo chassis ha poco da nascondere: motore di vibrazione, jack cuffie e pulsanti sono tutto quello che resta. È ora di vuotare la vasca.

    • Una piastra metallica massiccia e molto ben incollata tiene il pulsante premuto contro il case e probabilmente aiuta a lasciare fuori acqua e polvere. (Ci ricorda anche un po' il logo bimetallico Apple).

    • Il sensore di impronte digitali del G5 è un po' diverso da quello che abbiamo trovato nel Nexus 5X prodotto dalla stessa LG, ma integra un set familiare di contatti a molla.

    What kind of adhesive should I use for the power button metal plate?

    Ethan Keltner - Replica

  10. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 11, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 11, immagine 2 di 2
    • Ed ecco che se ne esce una fotocamera anteriore e una (delle due) fotocamera posteriore: evviva la modularità!

    • Quella grande e brillante è la fotocamera posteriore primaria da 16 MP, dotata di un contorno extra per ospitare il meccanismo di stabilizzazione ottica dell'immagine.

    • La terza e ultima fotocamera, quella posteriore supplementare da 8 MP con il furbo obiettivo grandangolare, è intrappolata senza speranza sotto la scheda madre, quindi torneremo a occuparcene tra un momento.

  11. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 12, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 12, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 12, immagine 3 di 3
    • Tiriamo via la scheda madre e acchiappiamo l'ultima fotocamera per la classica foto di famiglia! Da sinistra a destra:

    • Come il G dell'anno scorso, il G5 adotta una fotocamera ƒ/1.8 da 16 MP, con un sensore immagine formato 1/2.6".

    • LG ci ha messo dentro anche una fotocamera grandangolare a 135° con apertura ƒ/2.4 e un sensore di immagine da 8 MP: la soluzione perfetta per le tue sequenze fotografiche con tigri che balzano.

    • A completare il trio, la minuscola fotocamera anteriore da 8 MP, in linea con il cattura-selfie dell'anno scorso.

    our tiger jumping. hahahaha

    Han Han - Replica

  12. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 13, immagine 1 di 1
    • Si è parlato molto della nuova lega di alluminio del G5, ma ora diamo un'occhiata al suo silicio:

    • 4 GB di RAM LPDDR4 Samsung K3RG2G20BM-MGCJ sopra il processore quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820

    • 32 GB di Universal Flash Storage 2.0 MLC Samsung KLUBG4G1CE-B0B1

    • Controller NFC NXP 54802

    • IC Quick Charge 3.0 Qualcomm SMB1350

    • Trasmettitore Ultra-HD Analogix SlimPort ANX7816

    • Controller/Switch USB-C Analogix SlimPort ANX7418

    • Codec Audio Qualcomm WSA8815

    There is WCD9335 audio codec in near of NXP 54802 NFC Controller

    Han Han - Replica

  13. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 14, immagine 1 di 1
    • Un'altra beneficiata di chip è sul retro della scheda madre:

    • Chip combinato 5G e Wi-Fi Broadcom BCM43455

    • Ricetrasmettitore LTE Qualcomm WTR3925

    • Amplificatore di potenza Multimode Multiband Avago ACPM-7788

    • Modulo amplificatore di potenza LTE Skyworks 77814-11

    • Switch RF Skyworks SKY13560

    • IC gestione alimentazione Qualcomm PM8996

    • IC gestione alimentazione Qualcomm PMI8996

    Concernant le dual sim version H860 est ce que c'est même carte mère . car j'ai un probleme de réseau.avec d'aure mobile je capte bien le signal contrairement a mon G5 où il affiche appel d'urgence ou pa de service surtou a l'intérieur de la maison

    Tou ghanou - Replica

    How I can replace the SIM+microsd socket? Do I need a welder or is a clip "plug & play"?

    Vicent Aleixandre - Replica

    Hello sir lg g5 H860 power ic problem . How to fix it.plz help.

    Suman biswas - Replica

    Nice blog post.

    Usman IT - Replica

  14. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 15, immagine 1 di 1
    • Come operazione finale, diamo un'occhiata più da vicino al display (prodotto da LG come è abbastanza ovvio). Il suo cavo integra chip e stampigliature; inoltre troviamo qui un altoparlante e una manciata di contatti.

    • Uno sguardo ravvicinato al cavo del display rivela che questo G5 in apparenza ha un nome: Alice.

    • Non andremo ancora più a fondo in questa tana da conigli; abbiamo un punteggio da assegnare!

    What are the contacts on each side of the ear speaker? I ordered a replacement screen and they are not included. They go below the plastic frame.

    Charles Holder - Replica

    I also need this information!

    Daniel Berthelsen Wohlfart -

    I am missing the two that are on the right of the speaker, I can not tell if they are specific to network? Help please.

    steve -

    Same thing here. I am missing a contact in the replacement display, which is the terminal to a flatband cable buried in the displays plastic frame in the original. (Antenna ?) This contact connects to a pad on the back cover. But everything on my phone seems to be working fine, bluetooth, nfc, gps,wifi,cell. Any idea ? In the picture the contact is top/right close to the rim.

    dl7utx - Replica

  15. Smontaggio LG G5: passo 16, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio LG G5: passo 16, immagine 2 di 2
    • Punteggio di riparabilità dell'LG G5: 8 su 10 (10 è il più facile da riparare)

    • La batteria scorrevole, rimovibile dall'utente, comporta un enorme beneficio per la vita utile del telefono.

    • L'assenza di colla e l'uso limitato delle viti rendono relativamente semplice la procedura di apertura.

    • Le viti sono standard Phillips #00, quindi è probabile che tu abbia già lo strumento giusto nella tua cassetta degli attrezzi.

    • Molti componenti sono modulari, quindi la sostituzione delle parti e più facile ed economica.

    • Le cover del modulo sono incollate, rendendo le riparazioni un po' appiccicose, ma il modulo in se stesso semplifica di molto la procedura di sostituzione di una porta USB guasta.

    • Il gruppo display monoblocco deve essere sostituito se si rompe l'LCD oppure il vetro, aumentando i costi.

    i want to ask a question is panel of any lg g5 like h830,h850 or any lg g5 is compatible with lg g5 h860…plz help me out

    sony - Replica

    please help me . can panel of any lg g5 model is compatible to lg g5 h860.

    sony - Replica

    i want to ask that Can I use this picture for my instagram posting

    유지희 - Replica

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90 Commenti

very good teardown! it's nice to see a flagship-phone with this score. much better than Samsung S7/S7edge. Kudos LG

Peter Lang - Replica

One thing I have done on my previous LG's is to replace the camera lense (or rather, glass facing outwards). They usually become more and more scratched, leading to lower quality photos with time. This wasn't mentioned, is it possible? I assume both lift right out with the black rectangle thingy in the back shell?

erik - Replica

I solved this problem using a plastic watch polish paste.

It's not actually the glass that scratches. As far as I know the glass used is sapphire glass that is extremely scratch resistant. It's the oleophobic coating which can be polished away.

This worked with my lg g2 anyways..

Used "polywatch" bought on German amazon. Not sure if sold worldwide.

Malo M -

I need to figure out how to replace that outward facing glass over the camera myself. Shattered inside the case...if anyone can lead me to the right piece, and process?

Chris Klopfenstein -

Yes, I ordered a replacement on Amazon for like $15, cracked open my phone, carefully peeled out the glass, and popped in the new one. Little muss or fuss, and my picture quality is as good as new!

J. Jones -

Step #9, when devices have that *click*, it always sends tingles throughout my body ;D

jvelez - Replica

same. XD

i have to buy this flagship. :P

Miguel Vogt -

I realize that the motherboard is on the back of the LCD assembly, I'm foreseeing heavy blows to the LCD assembly may have a potential to reach the motherboard right behind it, but I could be exaggerating.

jvelez - Replica

Heavy blows? Jesus!! What are you doing to your phone. Take care of it just like you would take care of other belongings.

Mohsin Khan -

You know that there is a metal plate between the display and the MB, right?

The force required to go through that is so big that you need to either drop it into some press accidentally or hit it with a hammer purposefully.

Leon bed -

Where exactly is the NFC antenna? Embedded in the frame?

whosdadog - Replica

Looks like it's probably the rectangular coil to the left of the IMEI sticker on the metal portion of the body.

Edit: I don't see any way it connects and looking again those may just be cnc mill marks, so maybe it's a part of the plastic camera surround that has multiple spring contact points.

abqnm -

Nfc on the G5 is up by the camera so probably the black loop around where the cameras go.

Nick Horvath -

Nice teardown! Kudos to LG for innovating some killer features. Trend setting technology on display.

nsancc - Replica

EXCELLENT tear down.Our korean neighbour has done a good job.Comments from a loyal fan from china of ifixit.

aj86 - Replica

What SD card reader, controller, does it have. Will it read UHS-II cards?

Jay Rieken - Replica

Are there contacts there for dual sim? Is it possible to just change the tray that holds a micro SD card and sim with one that has 2 sims? Are the dual sim phones different other then the carrier?

repatch42 - Replica

I think that dual sim phones need specialized network chips and also software modifications over the single-SIM version

niccotaglia -

The glass that covers my rear camera lens shattered when I touched it with my finger.. but I can't find the replacement glass for that anywhere.. seems like the quality of that rear glass is weak...

ntmock - Replica

I found it on ebay. Has anyone found instructions on how to replace it?


so many dead phones would simply need an electronical access to internal memory to rewrite the basic data [gpt, secondary bootloader..].

would be nice to have included manufacturer's (lack of) support for these things into the "ifixit" report.

julieaurdani - Replica

have you found a way to access the internal storage with a dead device?

Cory Darland -

Does anyone know where I can buy a replacement battery module? I'd like to try and modify it for wireless charging but don't want to mess up the one that came with the phone.

Aaron Taulbee - Replica

Great as usual, thanks guys. This guide gets me kind of inlove with the new G5. Do you think I can find it below $ 100, XD XD, otherwise my wife won't let me buy it. Thanks again, and blessings!!

Juan Javier Triff Cabanas - Replica

Nice job LG. I was interested in the repair-ability of G4. Glad to see such a great tradition carried on. I am seriously considering buying a G5.

heroxbd - Replica

How to fix the button to take the battery my button stop working now i catn the the battery out.

Andy Hernandez - Replica

Can you do a button repair to take the battery out my button to take the battery out doesnt work !&&* me out.

Andy Hernandez - Replica

LG are currently being unreasonable and not willing to help me with the issue of my phone. Even though under warranty they are not happy to fix the problem I am having with my phone which is that my sim card is no reading. They say that the phone was damaged by myself although i put a nano sim in the phone and it worked for an hour before it stopped reading my sim. Please note that I have the phone for a total of 2 hours before I had this issue... So its brand new.

I need to replace the sim compotent of the phone, but where would I be able to get this from?

Jay Panesar - Replica

I replaced my usb ribbon , I have a LG G5 from verizon, however after I replaced the ribbon and tried to boot, it says the module is not compatible, however when I put the original one back in, it works fine. So I think I have the process down well, but for some reason it is saying not compatible and not sure why. I tried 2 different usb ribbons from ebay, both of which say they support the verizon module, so not sure what to do.


Terry Horgan - Replica

This made me prefer the G5 over the Galaxy S7. I'd be much more at ease knowing that my phone is this simple to disassemble with the LG in my pocket. Even though its screen and buildquality are inferior, I'd pick the G5.

kepeter97 - Replica

I bought it and it is really awesome but after overheat while charging now It doesn't recognize any sim card at all and also GPS is not working correctly. So, watch out when you are charging yours

davisgarces - Replica

is there a replacement for Broadcom BCM43455 5G Wi-Fi Combo Chip?? my bluetooth and wifi are not turning on on my device

Tomas del azar - Replica

I have the same problem, have you tried the replacement?

Guizmoww -

Replaced badly broken front assembly easily. But no service error now. Checking network connectors, etc does not solve the issue. Anybody have any ideas?

RepairTechGirl - Replica


where is WCD9335 dac? Is it possible that g5 does not have one?

Neb Sli - Replica

buenas alguien que me ayude porfavor, tengo un equipo lg g5 modelo Rs988, la Wi-Fi no se enciende tampoco el bluetooth, en la dirección MAC de la Wi-Fi aquí aparece 02:00:00:00:00 y la del bluetooth aparecen solo ceros 00:00:00:00:00, la batería se descarga en menos de 4 horas, la versión del sistema actual es la 6.0.1 actualizado asta septiembre.. ya e probado todas las posibles soluciones a los problemas pero ninguna soluciona creen que serán a causa de hardware o software??????? gracias

basic - Replica

Hi did you find solution to that problem? The same thing happens to me exactly

Jose David Correa Duque -

Got my g5 September 25th and yesterday it shut off suddenly,wont turn on at all,cant take it back for exchange bc Verizon has 14day policy which I've passed,so im trying to fix it myself without totally ruining it for good (if not already), anyone have any suggestions?

syn - Replica

Can you offer me some advice or help. The GPS on my G5 doesn't pick up location and when it does pick up location it'll be off by about a block.

Geo - Replica

It might be an issue with contacts, I had the same problem and fixed it by following the instructions published on youtube at this link: actually experts say that the contacts involved do not concern the GPS antenna but the volume rocker, anyway that fix worked for me, perhaps because by disassembling and reassembling some contacts got realigned.

Andrea Viceré -

Where could I buy a LG G5 H860 replacement motherboard?

Dillon - Replica

I loved my G5 for about 4 weeks i then moved to Australia and fitted a new sim this was the last time my phone worked. There is an obvious weak point with the sim card reader pins and it cannot be repaired as the reader is part of the mother board. So in my opinion you are better off with the Samsung. I am one very unhappy LG G5 owner.

David - Replica

Some G5 was released with defective mobo (wifi and bluetooth and gps start to fail). The one who bought it overseas will not have any assistance in local LG shop. So be careful and think twice before loosing money.

opapamail - Replica

I have H850 from Polish T-Mobile...One day WiFi stopped working...MAC 02:00:00:00 ..LG repair service rejected due to bending the phone .... it does not bend and they wrote that because my LCD bottom right corner are bended from the begining and tampered glass reveals that.....Never ever LG

suchypl1985 -

Hi did you find solution to that problem? The same thing happens to me exactly.

Jose David Correa Duque -

my RF antena connector is broken, how do i fix that? anyone please?

aag1388 - Replica

I ran my g5 over with a forklift at work. Inside an otterbox it only broke the glass and lcd. No damage to the motherboard. Phone is repaired other then needing the flue for the frame that goes around the LCD assembly. A+ in my book!

Amanda Bennett - Replica

I've got a G5 that was supposed to be unlocked, but actually wasn't because the Orange shop had an clueless clerk.

I put in a new nanoSIM an it asked for a code. I input the PIN of the SIM and it wasn't right. After about 6 retries I called my carrier Vodafone, hey what's going on? They said it's all right if I block the SIM, they'll unblock it, go on.

Except that the phone wasn't asking for the SIM PIN, but for the network unlock code.

I didn't understand that, because I wasn't expecting anything of the sort. I just thought that newer phones have a different word for PIN, whatever. I had a coworker with me when doing this, we both had a brain malfunction and used up all the 10 retries.

Orange Service told me that the baseboard is permanently locked and cannot be reflashed, but must be replaced for $200.

Is that true? Perfectly working hardware has to be replaced because of wrong data input? What kind of colossal paranoid made this design decision? Is it because of the carrier (Orange) or because of LG?

Silviu - Replica

So I did the full screen assembly with housing replacement and now my flash for my camera doesn't work. Any ideas? I can't find any advice else where

Tyler Carlisle - Replica

Does anyone know the specs for the accelerometer/what model the accelerometer is?

Liz - Replica

Hi, can you tell me, LG G5 H860 and H850 is same or not?

sh.buishvili - Replica

Does anyone have the service manual for this appliance?

Juscelino Junior - Replica

My barometer sensor didn't work correctly, it said -100m while i am standing on 2nd floor

minh hieu le - Replica

You can’t calculate altitude knowing only barometric pressure.

The altitutide is relative to barometric pressure and the barometric pressure changes with temperature and humidity, so at the same floor also altitude change.

Giovanni -

Where are the cellular antennas located?


alkesh mehta - Replica

I have an issue with the fingerprint sensor waking up the screen. It seems that the sensor recognizes the fingerprints but doesn't wake up the screen.

The screen wakes up either after double tapping on it or after some time (1 or 2 minutes).

Recently, I removed the micro sd card (64GB Sandisk ultra) and the fingerprint scanner started working fine, without any delays for waking up the screen. I have also tried other different micro sd cards but the result is the same, screen does not wake up. It seems some sort of software issue, because the sd card just works fine for storing images and etc.

Have anyone experienced the same issues? Is there any solution to this problem?

Hayk - Replica

Do the G5 and G5se share the same body? Can it both replaced by each other?

Boontarin Charoenthitiwong - Replica

Man, what does a company have to do to get a 9? Make the phone out of Lego? I'm hoping that there was some internal debate about whether the phone merited a higher score. I don't honestly see the fused display as a problem any more than I see the fact that components are soldered onto the mainboard rather than pressed; those two pieces need each other for strength.

jrhooker - Replica

I replaced the screen assembly on my Verizon LGG5 with a digitizer & frame assembly & now the Cellular signal has dropped dramatically, any idea's what I might have done? I'm not seeing anything jump out at me. Thanks for your input in advance.

Tim - Replica

I have the same problem jave you fixed?

Riccardo Valletti -

Did you ever get this sorted!? I have exactly the same problem!!!

Steve Baker -

I broke off the tiny tab from the logic board to the battery holder on the bottom and lost signal to the point where my phone is receiving only very close tower signals but works fine over wifi. I was told motherboard needs to be replaced to fix

Ed Hettman -

Any clue if the CPU is actually soldered correctly, it seems that the G5s are suffering from the same boot loop trend we are seeing from LGs, any idea if it is from the same cause.

Owen M - Replica

Where are the pryable clips? I only found one that came loose basically on it's own when I took the right screw out. If there's one on the left I haven't found it other than some little black piece next to the battery removal button but I can't tell what it is and don't want to go around breaking anything.

Matt Prince - Replica

So I replaced my main camera on my lg g5 and I ended up dropping a piece that I could not figure out how to fit back into its place. It was small, rectangular shaped and black. It keeps the right side of the battery locked into the phone and I am having NO luck finding that piece to replace this one with. Any one have any idea on what this piece may be called or how to get your hands on a replacement one with out having to buy some ones dead phone to do so?? Thanks!

Kayce - Replica

Congrats for the excelent work on yours "diy" guides!

I've a h850 wich got some water and the touch doesn't work. The problem is on the mainboard (maybe nearby the lcd/digitizer connector). I've carefully cleanned it with contacts cleanner, heatead up with an air solder station and still no results. Shall I reflow part of the connector (very hard work because the size of it)? Is there some component that usually stops working permantly? The option for a new board will be, of course, the last one.


Filipe - Replica

Excellent breakdown! Easy for a non-tech person to understand, and helpful to a semi-tech like me.

I have a G5, and I discovered a downside: the USB-C cable makes contact with the charging port before it is properly aligned. The port is perhaps too close to the opening; I never had the problem with my S4 in the four years I've owned it.

So, in trying to find a replacement (I don't have the right tools to do the port), I can't find any parts that exactly match my markings. So, I guess it's off to iDropped, or ship to LG.

Any recommendations?

Mike - Replica

Fast charging..issue..phome disconnects and reconeects in fast charging 2.0

..what item shhould be replaced

usama tariq - Replica

hello i have a question, if the metal plate that keeps the back button pressed to the case in step 10 just suddenly fall off when i removed the battery, will it cause my LG G5 any problem? nothing happened until now, (it just happened this morning)

rissapristina - Replica

How about the GPS contact problems I have been reading about?

Jeff O'brien - Replica

I have this problem just now. Age of the LG G5: approx. 1 year. Before everything with the GPS was fine. 1-2 Months ago I got step by step more an more proplems with GPS-Fixe. Today no fix at all was possiblibe. Pls. excuse my poor English

Regards from Berlin/Germany

Maerker2009 -

How would i go about replacing the LG G5 SIM card reader?

Shawn - Replica

I've just replaced a smashed screen on my lg g5. I thought I'd made a pretty good job of it but since doing so ive had some troubles making and receiving calls! Anyone got any ideas what I may have done or any fixes!? Cheers.

Steve Baker - Replica

Anyone knows what antenna are located in the lower bumper? Coz one metal contact, which sits right beside the earphone port, has accidentally come off the mainboard. And this contact should connect with another metal clip inside the lower bumper. It must function as some kind of antenna. But what exactly? So far I haven’t noticed anything obviously wrong with the reception after the damage, but still upset about this.

Ethan Z - Replica

Me too. Broke off during screen repair. Bad design to have fragile silicone tab like that. Hope its fixed on future versions. Anyhow, was told the entire logic board needs to be replaced. My reception was severely affected. Works only over WiFi or when I’m very close to a tower and then only infrequently. Really, its now become a wifi phone. Very sad.

Ed Hettman -

Great teardown! IR Blaster is it only emitter or also receiver as LG G4?

Is there a color spectrum sensor as in LG G4? Some specs online report it, but not here.

Giovanni - Replica

My lgg5 phone won't turn on or power up I've had to replace the fingerprint reconstruction button still no luck is there anyway of getting the data (photos video ect) from a dead phone???

Joker Dark Lord - Replica

My lg g5 volume button always running automaticly even I already replace the flexible volume, what should I do now?

Aroz - Replica

i have broken figure sensor point on board how to fix if

Sheraz - Replica

E’ possibile sostituire i 32gb di Lg g5 con 128gb?

artyss - Replica


On the motherboard there are 3 connectors that connect to the volume buttons flex, 2 of them broke and they are not working, I assume I can replace them with soldering paste, but I cannot find the connectors. Do you know what is the name of the connector? (BTW, they broke in the process of replacing my screen)

Luis Genaro Arteaga Salinas - Replica

Hi. This is a great page!! I’m sure this is a lame question but what type/size screwdriver is used to open up the phone> Something has happened that the phone starts to boot up then stays on the startup “LG Life’s Good…. Powered by Android” screen which constantly flashes on/off. It never gets to the OS stage and I can’t use the power button to power it off but I can power it on. Also the recovery mode/hard reset doesn’t work however things like booting into the IMEI screen (hold power plus volume up/down at the same time) works plus I get the battery symbol on screen if the battery is low. I’m assuming this is coming from the ROM? The phone has been dropped a few times so I want to open it up to see if anything has come loose however I need the screwdriver to do it.

Karen - Replica

I missed the top of this page where it mentions the tools. Duh!!! #00. Thanks again. This is a great page!

Karen - Replica

When I open to Kimra Dahr her message

I have Kimra for unfortunately

فَايَزُ الُصّبّرَيَ - Replica

Hi IFIXIT Team, I am not quite sure but it seems like the LG G5 has a top and bottom microphone. I assume that in my case the top microphone broke as every time when I switch to face-calls the other side can’t hear me. The moment I go back to normal call everything is fine. While the web is flooded with examples how to replace the bottom microphone I couldn’t find a single example on how to fix / replace the top microphone. Do you have any advise where to look at or how this can be done?

Daten Fritz - Replica

Hi Daten Fritz,

it seems as if the top microphone is soldered onto the motherboard. See here (red arrow):

So replacing the top mic means replacing the motherboard.

Tobias Isakeit -

I also had the traditional problem with this phone: swelling battery. The first time, I took it in and had the battery replaced by a repairman. This time, it was stuck so bad that the little aluminum pad over the push button switch fell off. I managed to take the screws out, but I didn’t see the “pry points” that the disassembly did with the guitar picks. Where is it, so I can replace the stupid metal shield? (It does seem to work without it…BUT it must have had a reason for being there.) By the way, if the phone fails again I will replace it with a Samsung model. Primary reason is, I have to hold the %#*@ thing to my car’s air conditioning duct so the GPS will “occasionally” start working. I need a more reliable GPS, and I can’t use my tablet on the road because it doesn’t have cellular data, and a wifi hot spot costs too much just for using the tablet for GPS. (And no, the phone’s wifi hotspot won’t work because that would require Verizon service (I use Tracfone).

tomreedtoon - Replica

Hoping for some advice... My G5 died out of nowhere (taking a picture). No battery charging light, no indication of charge level, can't be detected by computer recovery software etc. I had some wave files on there that I'd REALLY like to get off, I was only a day or two out from moving them to to the SD. I'm curious if there is a component that I could look at repairing to get it going again, even just for a day. Or if its possible to swap the flash storage of the dead one to another G5 I have that works aside from a broken camera. I'm really hoping I have some options here. Any help?

Tee - Replica

I have a working LG G3 screen (44 pin connector) that I'm trying to jumper wire to a LG Zone 4/Aristo 2/Phoenix 4 (Same phone 210) with no screen (40 pin connector). I have the connector pin outs for both but I want to know is this possible to do?? Scenario: I'm on a deserted island and can't buy a replacement screen for my Zone 4. I know it's going to be a long and tedious task but are the voltages even compatible enough to attempt this?

Please contact me at or if you know anyone who can help me with this information. Thank you.

Stephanie - Replica

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