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Questo smontaggio non è una guida di riparazione. Per riparare il tuo MiJia QiCycle Folding Electric Bike, usa il nostro manuale di assistenza.

  1. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 1, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 1, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 1, immagine 3 di 3
    • Ti stiamo guardando, piccolo amico della mobilità. Il design esterno è elegante, ma diamo un'occhiata alle caratteristiche tecniche:

    • Motore nel mozzo anteriore da 250 W, 36 V

    • Batteria da 0,21 kWh (con 20 celle Litio-ioni NCR18650PF)

    • 45 km di assistenza alla pedalata con una singola carica

    • Cambio Shimano a 3 velocità nel mozzo posteriore

    • Sensore di coppia che regola la potenza in base alla tua pedalata

    • Computer di bordo integrato con il controller per visualizzare dati in tempo reale su velocità, distanza, potenza ecc.

    Für Europa mit nur 75kg Traglast nicht zu verkaufen.

    Gerhard Hallermayer - Replica

    One question please ananda hub is rated at 30 nm torque while xiaomi says only 7.3nm …any suggestions?

    rott74 - Replica

    Se non si accende il computer di bordo ma la batteria è carica cosa si fa?

    pamarotta - Replica

    • Prima di iniziare, abbiamo sottolineato il fatto che questo aggeggio è pieghevole?

    • Con pochi semplici movimenti può essere trasformato da "pronto per pedalare" a "compatto e trasportabile".

    • Pur con il motore nel mozzo e la batteria, la QiCycle pesa solo 14,5 kg. Più o meno come due bassotti oppure tre gatti.

  2. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 3, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 3, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 3, immagine 3 di 3
    • Per chi non avesse familiarità con le biciclette elettriche pieghevoli, eccone qui un'altra per confronto: la classica, ma simile, pieghevole Brompton. Un modello che però si pone a un livello un filo più alto, anche in senso fisico.

    • La QiCycle ha il passo più corto (870 mm) con ruote più piccole (16"). Anche il manubrio fisso e la sella alla sua massima altezza restano più bassi (cattive notizie per chi supera i 170 cm).

    • Il computer di bordo integrato prevede quattro diverse modalità di regolazione della potenza e visualizza in tempo reale i dati di viaggio (e c'è anche un'app per smartphone per accedere a un'altra buona tonnellata di informazioni).

    I bought one of this but how can i change LCD language from chinese to english?

    parhamsameni - Replica

    Stessa domanda come si aggiorna a inflese

    . Dolcclod - Replica

  3. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 4, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 4, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 4, immagine 3 di 3
    • Abbiamo parlato abbastanza, passiamo all'azione. Iniziamo a fare a pezzi il veicolo cominciando dalla parte più semplice: la sella. Basta aprire due leve a sgancio rapido e viene via!

    • È il tubo della sella a bloccare in posizione il braccio posteriore; quindi basta rimuoverlo per poter ripiegare la bici.

    • Il tubo riporta le indicazioni dei livelli minimo e massimo di regolazione e ha una scanalatura nella parte posteriore. Questo incavo serve ad allineare il tubo e impedire che possa ruotare; tutte le biciclette dovrebbero averlo fatto così!

    • Il prossimo passo è svitare i pedali. Il meccanismo riduce la larghezza complessiva della bicicletta quando è ripiegata.

    • Le bici Brompton hanno da un po' di tempo un sistema (ancora più originale) di ripiegamento dei pedali. Xiaomi potrebbe essersi ispirata a questo.

    What size seatpost clamp does the Qicycle use? Thanks.

    killyrbf - Replica

    What are the dimensions of the seat post? Also, can it be replaced with one with suspension? If so, what brands/models do you recommend?

    Alberto Einstein - Replica

    Hi Alberto, I have a Dahon 33.9 Thud buster long travel seat post from my Dahon jetstream folding bike, the Qicycle also has seat post size 33.9. When I tried the Thud buster on my Qi cycle I ran into a problem with metal shims inside the Qi cycle seatpost keeping the Thud buster from sliding in unfortunately. Hope this helps.

    Colin Young - Replica

  4. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 5, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 5, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 5, immagine 3 di 3
    • La catena resta all'esterno del braccio posteriore e ha un pratico tendicatena che ne rende molto semplice la rimozione.

    • La corona ha 52 denti, il pignone 14. Il che significa un rapporto di 1:2.7 in prima marcia, 1:3.7 in seconda e 1:5 in terza.

    • La catena ha 96 maglie. Non c'è alcuna falsa maglia per aprire la catena, ma basta un comune smagliacatene per smontare qualsiasi maglia.

    So the chain is a single speed Narrow (3/32) or Wide (1/8)?



    fotoreporter_86 - Replica

    Chain is wide and I think the chain line is not right. The chain makes a noise not unlike poorly adjusted derailleur transmission. The cog appears to be Y32203200 and seems to me the only reason to use a wide chain. It is deeply dished to get clearance from the hub and moves chain out of line with the chainring.

    Pauli Hartala - Replica

    I was mistaken in thinking the wide chain was needed only because of the 14t cog. I think I can get better chain line with 16t nexus sprocket but still have to use that wide chain. Not going very fast by pedaling, but pretty easy to climb even without any assistance.

    Pauli Hartala - Replica

    A co myślicie o zębatce do tylnej piasty 12 zębów...

    Mar Bi - Replica

  5. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 6, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 6, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 6, immagine 3 di 3
    • La rimozione della guarnitura, ovvero il gruppo corona-pedivelle, richiede un modesto intervento preliminare: si deve togliere una piccola copertura prima di inserire l'estrattore. Subito dopo, però, si estrae come una qualsiasi guarnitura.

    • Il pezzo successivo da rimuovere del gruppo di propulsione umana è il movimento centrale.

    • Anche qui abbiamo bisogno di un attrezzo standard per biciclette, l'apposita chiave per movimenti centrali, per poter allentare questa parte di hardware.

    • Questi attrezzi possono sembrare insoliti, ma sono di uso comune per la riparazione e manutenzione delle biciclette. Bene Xiaomi, è stata una buona scelta uniformarsi agli standard.

    can we replace the bottom bracket with standard ceramic bearing bb out there in the market?

    loren.djohari - Replica

    which is the size of the bottom bracket?

    i would like to swap the plastic cheap one for one of better quality.

    kind regards

    abel.esteve - Replica

    from this video, the man replaced it with the

    Central movement FSA RPM 7420 68x118mm

    Yolando Siahaya - Replica

    Hey Guys, can someone tell me what is the size of the screws holding the crank? I unfortunately lost the right one and now I have a crank loose, therefore I will not be able to ride the bike until I get a replacement.

    alejandro_masterk - Replica

    The later version has a different bottom bracket. The chain ring is attached to bottom bracket and not the crank arm. I guess it is possibly OEM variant of Ananda bottom bracket S15. It says bbts1sd on a sticker attached to the frame.

    Pauli Hartala - Replica

    Si quelqu'un peut donner les infos après démontage du modèle ef1 ou/et ef2 ce serait top ;-)

    Ynk ēdrd Myr - Replica

  6. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 7, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 7, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 7, immagine 3 di 3
    • Una bella caratteristica della QiCycle è questo cambio nel mozzo Shimano a tre velocità. Abbiamo potuto smontare facilmente la leva a squadra per estrarre il bullone che passa all'interno del mozzo.

    • Quando si smonta il mozzo, la bici deve essere nel rapporto 3. Per regolarlo, il rapporto giusto è il 2.

    • All'altra estremità della bici, abbiamo tirato via la manopola in gomma per poter rimuovere il comando del cambio dal manubrio.

    devo cambiare copertone quindi devo togliere la ruota, in che marcia (rapporto) devo mettere per togliere la ruota dalla bici?

    voi avete scritto in marcia (rapporto) n3 ma nella figura mostrate che sta in marcia (rapporto) n1

    qual’è la maniera corretta per togliere quindi la ruota dalla bici? deve essere inserita la marcia - rapporto 1 o devo inserire la 3 ?

    ed invece se voglio smontare il cambio deve eressero in che marcia (rapporto) ? nella marcia 3?

    se voglio regolare il cambio ho capito che deve essere nella marcia (rapporto) 2

    vaino sereno - Replica

  7. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 8, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 8, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 8, immagine 3 di 3
    • La ruota posteriore è dotata di "roller brake", un tipo di freno al mozzo che è una variante del freno a tamburo. È azionato dalla leva sul manubrio, quindi si può pedalare al contrario liberamente.

    • Questa è una soluzione interessante, perché mantiene i freni protetti dagli elementi atmosferici, benché sia più facile il surriscaldamento nelle discese ripide e prolungate. Questo tipo di freni praticamente non richiede manutenzione, salvo occasionali lubrificazioni.

    • Abbiamo iniziato a sfilare il cavo dei freni, ma sembra che sia rivettato al gruppo del mozzo e quindi rimane attaccato da quella estremità.

    • Perciò abbiamo allentato il bullone che fissa il mozzo al telaio per poter tirar fuori la ruota da 16 pollici con i suoi 28 raggi, il suo cambio a tre rapporti con il freno integrato e anche il flessibile di comando del freno stesso...

    Ciao ragazzi, come fare a regolare il freno posteriore?

    Il mio frena troppo poco, devo praticamente tirare del tutto la leva per avere un effetto frenante di un certo livello.


    matteoparissi - Replica

    Peut-on remplacer ?

    BR-IM31-R 520 grammes d'origine par:

    BR-C3000-R ou

    BR-C3010-R mm +10% de puissance de freinage ou

    BR-C6000-R poids 660 grammes

    Ynk ēdrd Myr - Replica

    The rear brake cable is not riveted to the hub assembly. You just loosen a bolt in the "cable puller" arm of the drum brake and pull out the cable. I was able to replace the cable doing this.

    Pat Diaz - Replica

  8. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Sensore velocità: passo 9, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Sensore velocità: passo 9, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Sensore velocità: passo 9, immagine 3 di 3
    • Ovviamente non avremmo smontato questa bicicletta se non fosse stata una bicicletta di tipo smart. E quindi è ora di controllare il sensore di velocità.

    • Il cavo si connette sotto il supporto della sella e poi corre lungo il telaio fino all'uscita (modulare) di connessione.

    • Siamo riusciti a sfilare il cavo e a liberare il gruppo sensore.

    • Il gruppo sensore che misura la coppia esercitata dal ciclista è l'IDbike TMM4 o qualcosa che ci somiglia molto.

    The TMM4 sensor is used JUST to measure crank torque and NOT to detect speed that is measured directly from the sensors inside the motor

    diego - Replica

    How we can disable the speed limit?

    Vangelis Evangelou - Replica

    It's imposed by the software.

    The Chinese firmware limits the assist to speeds under 20km/h. The European aids you until you reach 25km/h. An unofficial firmware sets the limit speed up to 29km/h I think.

    JC Fuentes -

    My bike has bb torque sensor of type bbts1sd, I can't find any info on that. Looks like it has external bearings. Bike frame doesn't have any qicycle or mijia decals (only tiny mi decals here and there) and it looks like it was thinly sprayed over with matte black paint. I paid €1000 for it, it's an unused bike with full warranty. Manufactured in 2020.

    Pauli Hartala - Replica

    Bjr erreur 16384 correspond a quel câblages svp

    Hello error 16384 corresponds to which wiring please merci thank you

    MERCIER - Replica

  9. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 10, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 10, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 10, immagine 3 di 3
    • Estratta la piccola scheda elettronica, arriviamo al cuore di questo miracoloso sistema di misurazione:

    • Un 1820A, sensore programmabile lineare a effetto Hall

    • Il dispositivo sfrutta l'effetto Hall per monitorare la velocità di rotazione della ruota e quindi determinare la tua velocità di spostamento (e quanto duramente stai pedalando).

    • Il sistema di tre cavi è collegato con un semplice connettore JST, non è saldato. Questo è ciò che chiamiamo modularità.

    It does measure rpm but likely not the wheel but rather the sprocket. This piece of data is then combined with the amount of deflection the chain shows. Nothing much on a city bike like this so the sensor needs to be super sensitive so super expensive. Later versions of this bike use cheaper sensor located at the bottom bracket.

    Pauli Hartala - Replica

    Je me demande si le capteur qui se trouve, sur les nouveaux modèles, au niveau du pédalier et qui est relié par une prise à 6 pin, peut aussi être dérivé afin d'utiliser un variateur de vitesse au doigt?

    Y. Meyer - Replica

  10. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 11, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 11, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 11, immagine 3 di 3
    • Tornando a qualcosa di più meccanico, smontiamo il freno anteriore: un tradizionale freno a caliper.

    • Per trovare altri componenti elettronici, ora puntiamo alla ruota anteriore con il suo motore integrato nel mozzo.

    • Un semplice spinotto ci permette di disconnettere il cavo del motore e quindi di rimuovere la ruota anteriore.

    • In totale, la ruota pesa 2,65 kg, ovvero quasi il 20% dell'intero peso della bicicletta.

  11. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Motore integrato nel mozzo: passo 12, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Motore integrato nel mozzo: passo 12, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Motore integrato nel mozzo: passo 12, immagine 3 di 3
    • Con il coperchio smontato, possiamo tirar fuori l'elemento rotante e scoprire una piccola scheda di forma circolare dietro la copertura posteriore del motore.

    • Oltre a gestire la potenza ha anche tre sensori (uno ogni quattro bobine) per misurare la velocità.

    • Le 12 bobine nella gabbia esterna fanno ruotare fluidamente i 10 magneti permanenti del rotore fino a 260 giri al minuto. Il motore eroga una potenza massima continuativa di 180 W e 7,3 Nm di coppia.

    • I tre ingranaggi sono in plastica per ridurre al massimo l'usura.

    Ist der Hersteller des Motors bekannt bzw. nach dem Öffnen zu Erkennen ?

    Kann es sein, dass der Motor hergestellt wird von:

    Changzhou Huayu Xinfeng Motor ?

    Joerg Bucher - Replica

    Hallo Joerg, den Hersteller des Motors konnten wir bislang noch nicht herausfinden. Die Aufgedruckte Nummer am Motor gab auch keinen Aufschluss über die genaue Herkunft (MV8536VN2C5AN16GF2648). Huayu Xinfeng Motor stellt einige verschiedene Motoren her, jedoch habe ich auf den ersten Blick diesen Motor nicht darunter entdeckt.

    Tobias Isakeit -


    I want to remove the power consumption of the motor and the friction resistance of the front wheel motor. I only use batteries to show time, speed and the use of lights. How does this work?

    MainRoad - Replica

    Please I'm not quite get how to open the hub motor, I've already unscrew 3 screw on the cover lid, still the hub not open, please help.

    Bayu Oktaviantino - Replica

    consigue 3 tornillos de la misma medida, pero mas largos, retiras los tornillos originales, y pones los largos, y haces fuerza en contra de la manecilla del reloj. Si aún asi no puedes, entonces, calca los orificios en una lamina de madera, tres huecos para los tornillos, y un hueco mas grande en el centro, algo asi:



    ______________________________________O__( o )________|



    john -

    Please I'm not quite get how to open the hub motor, I've already unscrew 3 screw on the cover lid, still the hub not open, please help.

    MainRoad - Replica

    Same problem here, did you manage to open it? because no answer after 2 years….

    Antonio Hernandez -

    Why the planetary gears are plastics?

    Does they transfer the power too?

    Googly Head - Replica

    Hi, when looking at the specs for this motor, it clearly says 30Nm, while i know xiaomi has 7,3 Nm in their spec sheet. I think Xiaomi got it wrong and is under selling the torque

    okstor - Replica

    I suspect the value given by motor manufacturer is when you use a cheap square wave controller. Here Xiaomi has chosen enough computational power to run a much better sine wave controller, resulting however a pretty expensive bike for what it is. Well, it says smart in it's name at least where I live. They make another version in their himo range that comes with bigger wheels or some kind of rear suspension cast wheels and disk brakes. They are likely punchy and noisy just like some people like. And drive like a moped if fitted with a throttle lever.

    Pauli Hartala -




    shdd_zm - Replica

    Would there be a way to decrease or stop the sensors for the speed in the motor in any way ?

    wodan - Replica

    how could I disassembly the front-hub after removing that little three side cover screws?

    Anderson Marques - Replica

    qué referencia son los sensores hall que tiene el motor?

    john - Replica

    Hi, in case we need to replace the plastic gears can we buy them anywhere? or should we make them?

    alejandro_vs8 - Replica

    Who is the engine manufacturer?

    ferosat fer - Replica

  12. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 13, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 13, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 13, immagine 3 di 3
    • E ora, benvenuti a metà dello smontaggio.

    • Abbiamo spogliato la QiCycle di buona parte della sua ciclistica. Ci resta uno scheletro di alluminio che pesa 5,5 kg, oltre un terzo del peso complessivo del veicolo.

    • Andiamo avanti estraendo la spina principale dal tubo superiore; questo ci permette di estrarre il "sistema nervoso" che collega insieme tutti i componenti elettronici.

    Does anybody know where to buy this cable? Mine broke and now the bike doesn’t detect when it’s moving.

    Karim - Replica

    The available parts appear to be for the Chinese version with an accelerator lever. Later versions of eu conforming bikes have yet another kind of harness with wires from the brake levers.

    Pauli Hartala -

    Did you found the Eu version of the harness ?

    I have the same problem and can't find the good one.


    Tom Perigaux - Replica

    did anyone find this af of yet? mine broke as well in the eu version

    Menco Niemeijer - Replica

  13. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 14, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 14, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 14, immagine 3 di 3
    • Ci sono solo 4 viti Torx per fissare la cover del computer di bordo e lo schermo TFT da 160×128 pixel è collegato con un semplice connettore ZIF.

    • Sul lato posteriore della scheda, troviamo i seguenti chip:

    • Processore ARM MediaTek MT6261A

    • Controller PIC Microchip PIC16LF1518-I/MV

    • Smart chip Bluetooth per l'illuminazione CSR 1010D A05U

    • eFuse con protezione da sovratensioni Texas Instrument TPS259240

    • Memoria seriale flash da 128 Mb Winbond 25Q128FV

    How to factory reset the trip computer?

    Yen Martinez - Replica

    Same question : How to factory reset the trip computer?

    Because, battery is 100% but computer show 5%, update software failed :-(

    SO no i do not have electrical assistance

    axel ta - Replica

    Ok problem solved with QICYCLE beta software (MC+BMS => ok ; max speed = 30 km/h)

    axel ta -

    Same question, software update failure now MC and BMS show 000-000-00 and i’ve lose electrical assistance

    Clads92 - Replica

    Hi ifixit,

    How did you remove the metal plate that protects the MTK 6261A CPU and the Winbond 25Q128FV CHIP ?

    Best Regards

    JohnDie - Replica

    Carefully ;) but with the help of a side cutter. Removing those shields is not recommended and might effect the function of the chips.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    Ok i took it off :)

    But it's not a chip W25Q128FV on my board..

    It is written 25LQ128CWIG on chip.

    GigaDevice GD25LQ128CWIG

    I have to do a dump jtag.

    JohnDie - il y a 1 heure

    JohnDie - Replica

    行车电脑不能开启,拆开后通过触摸发现“德州仪器TPS259240 eFuse 带过压保护”温度过高(烫手),这一现象只是eFuse的问题?还是其它部件有问题?


    shdd_zm - Replica

    Hey !! Take a look at this playlist.

    30 minutes, and you will have your translated QiCycle !!

    Michele - Replica

    Hello I accidentally dropped the bike and the cover of the bike computer is cracked (thankfully the display looks to work fine). Any ideas where I can get a spare accessory for that cover?

    loukis - Replica

    I have a same issue did you find the computer mont?


    ramazan yavuz -

    Still haven’t found a spare part for this. It looks like you could get the whole display from Aliexpress but they don’t sell it any more.

    loukis -

    Same problem for me, just received and the under-cover of that accesory arrived broken..

    Eco Charlie - Replica

    Hi there, I have the same problem, unfortunately the guy that sold me the bike told me that during the shipping the display holder has got damages, now it’s more or less fixed but I would like to change it, without changing the whole thing that is perfectly working…

    Do you know how could I do it?

    matteoparissi - Replica

    A guy in Spain is selling screen protectors.

    His mail:

    Xiaomi Qicycle EF1 protector de pantalla

    Grimor Jander - Replica

    where can i find a new screen or a new bike computer?

    mine is broken.


    santos.jacintoeti - Replica

    Hi santos. You might want to check out the additional link (wordpress page) here: MiJia QiCycle Folding Electric Bike

    Tobias Isakeit -

    no display to buy :( thanks

    santos.jacintoeti - Replica

  14. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 15, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 15, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 15, immagine 3 di 3
    • Abbiamo tenuto il meglio, o se preferite il massimo (della potenza), alla fine: il tubo portabatterie!

    • Il tubo può essere rimosso con una sola mano, semplicemente premendo un pulsante. Può essere caricato in tre ore tramite la sua connessione laterale a cinque poli.

    • Una discreta percentuale del peso della bicicletta è costituita da questa batteria: pesa 1,46 kg, naturalmente quando è carica al massimo... ;)

    • La capacità dichiarata della batteria é di 5800mAh (208.8Wh). Per fare un confronto del tutto inutile, equivale a oltre 5 iPads Pro 12.9"!

  15. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 16, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 16, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 16, immagine 3 di 3
    • Iniziamo estraendo la luce posteriore. Rimane attaccata a un cavo, ma dà accesso ad alcune viti nascoste. Questo ci permette di accedere all'interno.

    • Questo enorme cordone ombelicale collega la presa di carica alle batterie e al BMS (Sistema Gestione Batteria) all'altro capo e a un circuito a LED dietro la luce posteriore.

    • Abbiamo sfilato la scheda e scoperto alcuni segreti. Questo circuito controlla il Sistema di LED posteriori e alcuni LED spia disposti alle estremità del tubo (probabilmente per indicare l'attività della batteria).

    I’m having trouble prying out the rear light. It’s pretty stuck in my case. What kind of force should be used? Should I rotate it? Or should I pull it?

    IR Here - Replica

    We used a heavy duty suction cup for a better grip. Try turning it counterclockwise. It sits very tight.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    I had to use a craft/hunters knife to slowly pry it apart then suction cupped it off once loosened

    R E-cycled - Replica

    Could you show the voltage output of pins charger ?

    you - Replica

  16. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 17, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 17, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 17, immagine 3 di 3
    • Il vano principale della batteria oppone una fiera resistenza all'apertura. Ci sono cinque viti (nascoste da coperture difficili da estrarre), ma non solo.

    • Portiamo finalmente a termine il compito con un leggero riscaldamento e "buone vibrazioni". Aprendo l'involucro, rompiamo delle mollette monouso. Cattive notizie per chi dovesse sostituire la batteria.

    • Finalmente arriviamo all'agognato premio: 20 celle Panasonic al litio-ioni NCR18650PF. Panasonic è un marchio valido (e sicuro), quindi la ricarica non dovrebbe porre problemi. Non è così per la sostituzione delle celle.

    • Il pacco include una scheda elettronica con il sistema di gestione batteria (BMS).

    Would it be possible to attach a 42v li-ion battery pack to the charging port to charge the bike’s battery pack ?

    wodan - Replica

    @Wodan: did you manage to do this? I’m interested in this too.

    IR Here - Replica

    Hello, I build and repair Ebike Battery Packs, see, yes it would be possible to charge this Pack using a separate Pack, but proble is:

    - the extra pack supplies too much current, the BMS Charging board would be distroyed or stop this “Super-Charging”, since it is not made for currents above 2-3 Amps. higher Charging currents would also reduce lifetime of the internal 18650 Cells

    What you would need is an additional, external 36v (fused!) batteryPack which is connected directly to the Battery + - and increases the internal capacity like I suggested for M365 E-Scooter on my website. this would be permanently connected and can be charged with the original charger.

    Holger Lang - Replica

    There is a guy who creates a battery shell like the original battery but instead it just leads the + - connectors to the back for easy external battery pack connection. he is on a app called telegram and his name is @esedust contact him if you want to attach larger battery packs.

    wodan - Replica

    Who knows if it's possible to replace the cells with the more capacitive ones?

    Konstantin Huseynov - Replica

    yes it seems possible to change the cells with higher capacity than the original 2900mAH make sure to buy the right format 18650 with at least a Continuous Discharge Rating of 10A. I advise to buy a few more cells to test that all cells are around same (not sure what to check and with what?) .

    What tools or technical works is need to replace the cells once the battery is opened?

    poupou - Replica

    Could you say more about the gentle vibrations?

    I’ve been trying to open the battery without much luck. So far, I managed to split the part near the seatpost. I’ve used all my own force to crack it open without luck.

    Do you have further tips and pointers?

    IR Here - Replica

    So I finally managed to open it by creating a lever to amplify the force to crack it open. To my own surprise, my battery contained Samsung 29E cells. The battery cells were built together very well, with several protection mechanisms in place, including a heat sensor.

    IR Here -

    I’ve stripped out the cells and the BMS. Then I wired a new battery pack directly to the GND and VCC. I’ve done a test ride of 5 km and it’s working well.

    Few notes:

    - backlight doesn’t work anymore

    - the display always shows “low voltage”

    IR Here -

    Hi am trying to replace the original battery with another one . Could you please send me som pictures or provide me with the controller diagram pins that goes to the battery since the battery have only red + and black- and the controller have 5 pins coming. I would be really thankful if you can help and send the a picture or explain how to connect the battery. Here is my mail:

    Roberto - Replica

  17. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Sistema gestione batteria: passo 18, immagine 1 di 2 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle, Sistema gestione batteria: passo 18, immagine 2 di 2
    • Il circuito comprende svariate resistenze. Mentre tra i componenti, spiccano questi:

    • Un microprocessore MCU per gestione batteria ATMEL MEGA 328P

    • S11428 33TVF

    • Oscillatore al quarzo FL12.000

    • Sull'altro lato troviamo questi:

    • MOSFET a trincea a canale n Magnachip MDU1931 (x4)

    • Raddrizzatore RS2M

    interessant wäre ob das BMS beim Zellentausch abschaltet, oder diese Möglich ist, um z-Bsp Leistungsfähigere Zellen einzubauen, wie ich es unter mache: 3500maH Samsung, dann hätte der Akku 7aH.

    Holger Lang - Replica

    I made a tutorial for Changing a Custom Boot Logo for Qicycle :

    Grimor Jander - Replica

    Alguien sabría decirme donde se encuentra el sensor de temperatura en la placa bms? mi cargador no carga y creo que puede ser por un fallo entre la batería y el cargador por el dichoso sensor que le puede alertar de temperatura alta y deja de cargar y la luz del cargador se queda en rojo intermitente

    Juanmari - Replica

    Reasons for not charging the battery, It is a fault of the battery control board.

    Normally the controller board will supply 100v+, but the faulty controller board will only supply 50v.

    Does anyone know of any repair information without replacing the control board ?

    thank you.

    Adisak Chongjirajit - Replica

  18. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 19, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 19, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 19, immagine 3 di 3
    • Torniamo al telaio per procedere ancora un po' con lo smontaggio prima di affrontare la restante parte elettronica.

    • La cerniera principale della bicicletta, quella della forcella posteriore, è collegata al tubo principale con un semplice bullone a brugola.

    • Una volta scollegata dal telaio è evidente l'asimmetria della cerniera, che è angolata.

    • Questa forma originale permette un perfetto allineamento in condizione di marcia, ma anche di ripiegare il tutto contro la ruota anteriore quando si deve trasportare la bici.




    shdd_zm - Replica

  19. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 20, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 20, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 20, immagine 3 di 3
    • Il secondo rilevante strumento di "compattazione" della bici è il manubrio pieghevole. Il meccanismo è intelligente e basta tirare una spina per il ripiegamento.

    • Per staccare la forcella anteriore dalla cerniera, usiamo la chiave a brugola da 10 mm, uno strumento non troppo comune ma fondamentale nel mondo della riparazione biciclette.

    • La forcella anteriore è un monoblocco di alluminio e pesa solo 0,71 kg, non molto più di un pallone da calcio!

    Could you please provide detailed dimensions of the fork?

    Alexey Vavilkin - Replica

    My fork broke. Did you manage to get dimensions or find where to buy new one?

    Jev unius - Replica

    The fork is wide enough to house a roller brake but they didn't fit a spacer. Also the axle is longer on the gear side as you can see in the picture on this guide. Another of those anti rotation washers was fitted on the inside of the fork but it's not very thick as you are supposed to add a lock washer under the nut. I think there should be a 5mm thick spacer between the hub and fork or a 3mm spacer if that non turn washer is inside of the fork. This factory setup likely puts the fork under strain until it gets broken.

    Pauli Hartala - Replica

  20. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 21, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 21, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 21, immagine 3 di 3
    • Non ci rimane che il tubo superiore, completo di luce anteriore e del cervello della bici.

    • Questa parte fondamentale di alluminio pesa solo 1,36 kg!

    • Con una decisa rotazione della mano possiamo sbloccare la luce anteriore ed estrarla dalla sua sede.

    • Un singolo cavo e un semplice connettore danno tutta la potenza che serve alla potente luce a LED.

  21. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 22, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 22, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 22, immagine 3 di 3
    • Il cervello L'unità di controllo è montata su una comoda basetta attaccata al telaio con due semplici d viti.

    • Una volta rimosse le viti, si può afferrare l'unità di controllo e farla scorrere fuori lungo la scanalatura di guida.

    • Il cervello del veicolo è un controller monoblocco della Ananda, costruttore di diverse componenti di bici elettriche.

  22. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 23, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 23, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 23, immagine 3 di 3
    Attrezzo utilizzato in questo passaggio:
    • Ovviamente noi non diamo molto peso alla parola "monoblocco". Quindi affrontiamo alcune viti Phillips standard e ci diamo da fare per aprire il cocciuto involucro.

    • Proviamo con un Jimmy e i rinomati Strumenti di Apertura iFixit e tentiamo di forzare il blocco. Il tutto senza successo, nemmeno riscaldando il tutto.

    • Rivolgiamo quindi i nostri sforzi al pannello laterale e quello che abbiamo scoperto vi lascerà a dir poco basiti.

    • Tre schede, collegate da un esercito di contatti, sono annegate in una distesa di gomma trasparente giallastra.

    • Supponiamo che la soluzione serva a smorzare le vibrazioni e a dissipare il calore verso l'involucro di alluminio.

  23. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 24, immagine 1 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 24, immagine 2 di 3 Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 24, immagine 3 di 3
    • La maggior parte dei componenti più importanti è disposta sulla scheda dei contatti di ricarica; qui abbiamo spiato questi componenti:

    • Microcontroller STM32100C8 con processore RISC a 32 bit Arm Cortex-M3

    • Ricetrasmettitore tipo LIN J2602 MCP2003

    • Amplificatori operazionali (op-amp) doppi a bassa potenza Diodes Inc AS358M

    • Transistor GH17M

    • Il resto delle schede immerse nella roba appiccicosa contiene soprattutto condensatori e altri componenti passivi.

  24. Smontaggio Bici Elettrica Pieghevole MiJia QiCycle: passo 25, immagine 1 di 1
    • E con questo la bicicletta è stata ripiegata, riaperta e completamente fatta a pezzi.

    • Tutto questo salvo le parti più banali come le gomme: in fin dei conti siamo qui per la parte "elettrica" di questa bici pieghevole.

    • Quest'immagine è un po' più grande del solito, quindi ti consigliamo di vederla in dettaglio.

    Nice job, I've just received one of these and am much happier with my purchase after learning about the inside of this sweet ride. Thanks!

    Del Riordan - Replica

    hello the cycle does not react the battery, hard bastane time without load by the shipment and delivery, the loader gives green light parapadeante before connecting it to the battery, I do not know how to make the battery work.

    maogonley - Replica

  25. Considerazioni Finali
    • Sono stati usati ovunque componenti standard da bicicletta, il che rende più pratiche le riparazioni.
    • Il gruppo batteria può essere rimosso e sostituito con facilità.
    • I componenti elettronici possono essere rimossi senza danneggiare la bicicletta, estendendo la sua vita e rendendo più facile il riciclo delle parti.
    • L'alloggiamento della sella, il telaio e il motore nel mozzo anteriore non sono standard, quindi la sostituzione è un po' più difficile se il costruttore non offre i ricambi.
    • Il pacco batteria è un gruppo complesso, il guasto di un singolo componente può portare a una sostituzione generale che rappresenta uno spreco.
    Punteggio Riparabilità
    Riparabilità 6 su 10
    (10 è il più facile da riparare)

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Tobias Isakeit

Membro da: 03/31/14

117.426 Reputazione

188 Guide realizzate


Master Techs Membro di Master Techs


322 Membri

2.528 Guide realizzate

128 Commenti

My axiomi qicycle seat post keeps slipping down despite locking d 2 release clamps tightly. Caused a fall from d bike as d seat post slipped and hit d ground jamming d moving bike. How to tighten d 2 clamps to ensure no slippage especially cycling at a higher speed?


Zho - Replica

The quick release clamps can be adjusted by using the bolt on the opposite side of the handle and tightened by closing the handle. The QiCycle is constructed for max 100kg weight. You may also try cleaning the seat post for a better grip (maybe it got a little greasy during the assembly).

Tobias Isakeit -

I am wondering if the two saddle clamps can be replaced. And if so where to find them? Help very much appreciated :).

Jannes - Replica

The saddle clamps should be replaceable with standard quick release clamps of the correct size. Depending on the design the handle might not be curved like the original one and therefore stand off a little bit.

Tobias Isakeit -

Thank you for all the pictures. Unfortunately after a drop of the battery my taillight is not switching on anymore. Do you have detailed pictures of the disassembly of the taillight. Maybe it is only a connector that is loose... Thank you :)

Montie - Replica

Hi Montie, we don't have a separate guide for the back light yet. But to get it off, you need to grab it very tight and turn it counter-clockwise. The rest can be seen on the pictures in step 16 (four screws and the cables inside).

Tobias Isakeit -

Hi Tobias, thanks for the fast reply. I know how to get to the connectors (thanks to your good illustration) but I need to get *into* the light because the connectors which are visible seem to be okay. Obviously I have to peel the red plastic off which is not clipped but sealed. The back (black part) of the light is one single plastic part if I see this right. Any further help would be nice. Should I use a knife? I don"t want to destroy anything...

Montie - Replica

Hi Montie, getting into the light itself without "destroying" it looks quite impossible I guess (we haven't tried it). The light looks as if it is sealed from both sides, front and back.

Tobias Isakeit -


My Charger seems to be dead. Even LED Indicator wont light up and it doesnt charge the bike. Do u have any advice or guide to open it up, or to work the batteryside connector onto another fitting charger?!


Andreas P - Replica

Hi Andreas, unfortunately we haven’t torn down the charger itself. Charging the battery via other means sounds like an experiment I would not recommend unless you know what you are doing.

Tobias Isakeit -

Same with the case you are experiencing, is it now resolved? If so, I would like to get feedback on the issue from you. Thank you

Yosu Hanisusilo -

Someone knows how to bypass/remove/change 20km/h speed limit ?

Thanks in advance


diego - Replica

There is a firmware update. It came automatically to me via the app. I mean I was asked within the app whether I wanted to upgrade the firmware that would lead to 25km/h.

bill depo -

Just FYI: firmware update seems to be possible only by using an Android device, not iOS.

Andrew S. -

I didn’t get any update firmware . what’s the last software version indicated in bicycle info in the app?

Ali Titan -

What does the Max speed mean?

If I'm pedaling quicker than 20km/h then the engine will not help me to reach 30?

Is there mode how can I ride 20km/h without pedaling?

dannique XXII -


I tried to upgrade the Qicycle but it never ask me to upgrade the firmware in the app.

Could you say me which app we have to use ?



I tried with iphone too but it don’t work.

The version of the driving computer is : 1.6

Thx for your help.

Janoyolo -


I just get this bike and I’m very happy with the quality of the model! Your tutorial is great and very clear, I will not hesitate to consult it if needed.

I have one question for you :

I’m 1,85m tall and I have to put the seat at its maximum position in height but that’s fine. The problem comes from the handle which is a bit low.

Do you know if it could be replaced by a foldable adjustable handlebar ? I’ve seen some on the market, and it would solve this issue.

Thanks for your amazing work.


Mourey Leonard - Replica

Yes, it is possible, something like

Although the original stem has much better quality, so I ended up just adding this adapter to make the stem longer:

Andrew S. -

I have another important concern :

My electric motor is not working on my Qicycle.

When I use the different modes with the pushbutton, I’m not feeling any help from the assistance of the motor. The battery works properly, as well as the on-board computer that displays correctly : the battery level, the current speed, the power in Watt and the assistant mode.

The application shows the message : "One issue found : please check the motor line on the left of the front wheel”

I don’t know how to proceed to fix this. Can you help ?

Thank you

Mourey Leonard - Replica

You may want to check the cable on the left hand side of the fork if it is connected properly (see second picture in step 11).

Regarding the height problem in your other comment I’m sorry to tell you that the bike is designed for people under 170cm. The seat post and handle bar post are non-standard components and don’t look like they can be replaced with longer versions.

Tobias Isakeit -

This is not true, there are 3 options:

1) Replace the stem with telescopic one

2) Add the stem adapter

3) Replace the handlebar with curved one

Andrew S. -

Please I'm not quite get how to open the hub motor, I've already unscrew 3 screw on the cover lid, still the hub not open, please help.

Bayu Oktaviantino - Replica

у меня такая же проблема. кажется, что корпус является монолитным. это не так, как там покрыть возможные отвинтите.

Leonid Kazarin -

The lid sits very tight. Try to get a grip through the three holes (for example with two allen wrenches) and turn counterclockwise. (Caution: the lids edge is very sharp)

Tobias Isakeit -

What did you use to open the lid Tobi?

Are you using three allen wrench?

Bayu Oktaviantino -

I used two allen wrenches (short part in the holes long part along the axis) and used the axis as pivot point.

Tobias Isakeit -

Is there a way to buy a battery pack for this bike ? I need one desperately …

Miguel Fonseca - Replica

yes, through Aliexpress.

Or you can check out some of the mods to the battery that other owners (Youtube and Google) have done to change the battery unit. This will obviously void any warranty.

Jay -

La bici mi é arrivata con il display del computer di bordo scheggiato,infranto il display una volta acceso non é leggibile.

Come posso ovviare a questo? È sostituibile con un nuovo display?Dove posso trovarlo?


Agostino - Replica

Aliexpress…. 65€ circa!

fotoreporter_86 -

The chain jumped down while I went uphill and only low engine support. How can I avoid this in the future?

Jürgen Weißmann (7ii) - Replica

Hi Jürgen, check the spring on the rear chain stretcher (see step 5). This should provide enough tension for the chain to not jump.

Tobias Isakeit -


What kind of axel and nuts does the front fork have ?

Is it M10 nuts ?

Thank you

Mourey Leonard - Replica

Hi Mourey, I used a size 19 wrench, so its probably M12.

Tobias Isakeit -

hi! great teardown! do you know the dimensions and weight of the batterypack? i'm planning to buy the bike in china and then send the pack in mail, since its not allowed to take the battery in your suitcase or carry-on in airplane.

maurits irizarri van suchtelen - Replica

Hi maurits, the battery pack itself is 46 x 7 x 7 cm (±0.5cm ;) ), weight is 1.46 kg.

Tobias Isakeit -

Thanks! If its not too much trouble, do you know the size of the bike when folded and the saddle removed? To See if i can fit it in a suitcase without completely taking it apart.

maurits irizarri van suchtelen -

Spiegazione al di sopra di ogni aspettativa. Una pecca, manca la spiegazione su come installare la lingua inglese essendo tutto in cinese.

. Dolcclod - Replica

Dai un’occhiata a questa Playlist.

30 min ed avrai il display in Italiano!!

Michele -

help: I update the firmware with android and now the qicycle go fast to 26 km/h, but the led light rear don’t works more!, instead before it’s ok, also the computer on board don’t read the status of the battery, plase help me!! also other peaple have the same problem…

francesco Villeggia - Replica

I have a problem.

When my bike is off, suddenly the engine on for a second and the wheel turns.

This happens more time for a day. Where is the problem? In the controller or in the computer?

Thank you.

Fabio - Replica

Dear Fabio, I have exactly the same problem than you. I have the bike since 2 weeks and even the bike is off, the wheel turns anytime sometimes one turn sometimes more …

Do you fix it?

Thank you bye

Olivier - Replica

Hi everyone,

Did anybody find the right antitheft combination for the QiCycle ?

I’m thinking about the Kryptonite NY M18-WL + some Hexlox to secure the saddle, handlebar and wheels. But as I’m still waiting for the bike to be delivered, I can’t really figure out if Hexlox can be used on these wheels.

Anybody tried or has other ideas ?

Thx !

Léa Gilezo - Replica


Please can someone help me with the gears? I received my bike on the 28th of this month and I have successfully upgraded to latest firmware. The problem I am having is on the 2nd gear when i pedal it feels like it is skipping, it is not pedalling smoothly. 1st and 3rd gear seem fine and don’t skip.

Any ideas how i can fix this? I notice the yellow dot in the nexus gear is not in the correct lines.

Thanks Az

Az Rahman - Replica

This is because you have folded the bike in 2nd or 3rd gear, and pulled the gear cable, you need to fold it ONLY in 1st gear.

To fix it now you have to follow this procedure:

arnaud greusard -


mein Qicyle hat anscheinend leider einen defekt. Das Rad schaltet sich von selber aus obwohl der Akku noch 80% hat und am Akku selber noch 4 LEDs leuchten. Auch das Update konnte ich nicht aufspielen, es wurde mir von keiner App (ich hab so ziemlich alle Apps probiert) angeboten.

Hat einer ähnliche Probleme? Ich gehe davon aus, dass der Akku defekt ist. Bei Lieferung war er komplett leer, also keine Statu-LED am leuchten.

Beste Grüße, Christian

Christian - Replica

I have recorded the issue. If anyone can help?


Az Rahman - Replica

Hi Bobo,

Thanks for the video. I saw this same video earlier today and followed the same steps but I couldn’t get the yellow dot to align in the middle of the 2 lines as shown on the video.

None the less I turned the cable adjustment all the way in and even though the yellow dot isn’t in the middle of the 2 lines it fixed my issue :)


Az Rahman - Replica

Hi, I need to increase the speed of this bycycle, would you help me with the tutorial, the video. Thank you.

Dušan Hojer - Replica

Dears, I just received my bike, the app on android proposed me the upgrade. Since then, The onboard computer shows my battery being empty, the red light doesn’t work anymore also the electric assistance doesn’t work. Any way to do a downgrade of the onboard computer? (as on the battery the 4 led lights are on when testing.)

honer - Replica

Hi Vincent , take a look here >> <<

I solved same issue following the instruction of the user julferber ( see page 2 )

Be patient and good luck ;-)

Bobo - Replica

Hi, i have Qicycle EF1 since october. The bike worked well since yesterday. Since yesterday, the bike has some issues that are a little bit annoying.

I think it may be that the speed meter is broken, so it does not detect that the bike is in motion. (posible issue of hub gear motor measuring speed?)

-Display don't show speed screen when I run with it (in 22km of my travel, only show this is screen 2 times only 10 seconds, and the display show 0 km/h, 0km, 0wat) But all time this screen doesn't appear. Only show battery screen, the same screen when you're stopped.

-The display tur off when I'm ridding, like when the bike is stop. 1 min for default setting. When I press a button when I'm reading, the screen wake up, like when the bike is stop.

- I can't change the power assistence, If i change the bike continue to 150%.

- In some cases, the bicycle offers less assistance and lowers the power alone, just a few seconds, without any reason. The engine continues, but with less power.


doctorase - Replica


You can follow this to fix your problem:

Az Rahman -

Is it possible to put all the pieces into a bagage 31CM*46CM*70CM?

Tao Wang - Replica

Probably not. Bike dimensions folded are: 450x1000x650 mm. See product page, under specifications.

Tobias Isakeit -

Is there a way to remove the speed sensor or trick it to believe it’s going slower than it is?

arnaud greusard - Replica

I mean to increase the top speed past 25kmh which is still a little slow. Or a firmware hack?

arnaud greusard -

hello: I just got the bike and my mother fell with the bike and she hit the screen. I do not know if it has arrived with defect or has been the blow on the screen! The problem is that suddenly the screen turns off and runs out of energy! Sometimes when it is turned off and the lights are on, the back light stays on for a few seconds when the screen is off, until it shuts off completely. I'm about to buy a screen! I could i check in some way that the screen is causing the bike to turn off?

Andrés - Replica

hello: thanks for your previous response. Today, lift the front wheel of the bike, when I was walking. It stopped working. it went out I checked the cables with the (polymeter tester) and the cables are not broken. What do you advise me to do?

Andrés - Replica


i have MC and BMS show 000-000-00 and i’ve lose electrical assistance !!

can not update MC and BMS with QiCycle app official or not :-(

axel ta - Replica

Salve, sono Vincenzo

ho una qicycle, che negli ultimi giorni mi sta dando problemi, la sento più pesante ed il motore non mi sembra sia scattante come prima.

Da cosa può dipendere? io mi sono accorto di qualche anomalia al cambio, la marcia 3 non entra alla perfezione e la taratura in seconda risulta non corretta, il pallino giallo si trova fuori dalle due estremità di “set” può dipendere da questo? cmq cercando di settarla rimettendo il pallino al centro , ma quando provo a muovere il cavo di riferimento questo non si muove… che posso fare?

grazie a presto.

vinz - Replica

* Why has the control unit 5 pins? It labels plus and minus for the 42V so far so good but what is the e.g. Vlm pin for?

* Also the charging cable has 5 pins. Why is that? The battery has 10 cells in series so I guess it cant be for balancing reasons.

* Where can I find such a connector/socket for the control unit plug?

The reason for my questions are that I am planning to do a 42V battery pack by myself.

Martin Hammer - Replica

Hey Martin,

have you figured this out? I’m also interested in this.

IR Here -

Hi guys,

I am experiencing an issue that has been recorded from others as well in the past.

The motor has stopped working since a few days.

The story:

- I had an accident falling off the bike about a month or two ago and since then I have been experiencing problems with the electrical assistance.

- First symptom was that the motor would not work always

The problem here was that the cable attachment under the battery tube on the front ( connecting the motor, battery, Hall sensor etc. had been slightly removed because of the usage and the crash potentially. The problem was fixed after it was properly attached.

bill depo - Replica

To get the motor to work again I had to completely stop the bike so the Watts would go back to 0 and then start again.

bill depo -

- I kind of got used to the above problem but then the motor would not work at all. The display works as usual (showing Battery, Speed & Watts ).

I opened the black cable from the motor as in the post below and found one of the three (the blue one) fat wires inside (out of 9 in total) cut. I then used one of those wire connectors to connect it back and did it successfully. After removing the cable all the way from the motor to the plug before the torque sensor I tested with a digital multimeter that there is conductive path from each pin of the plug leading to the torque sensor with one pin of the central plug (under the battery) and same between the pins of the plug leading to the motor and the central plug again. So, it seems that everything works correctly with the cable.

bill depo -

Doing the self-test within the app for the bike, I got notified that there is a problem with the front wheel and the left side of the cable . As mentioned previously everything has been plugged correctly and fixed the cables.

My only hypothesis is that either:

1. The torque sensor is not functioning properly (I will try cleaning it as per the link I don’t think it is this having a problem though, cause the Watts displayed are in a normal range that the motor would normally work. Same for the speed therefore the problem must be in the motor

2. The motor has a problem. I have unscrewed the 3 lid screws but can’t open the motor at the moment and even then I wouldn’t know what is the problem and how to fix!

3. There is still a problem with the cable or plugs (eg not making proper contact)

What do you think might be the problem and what should I do next?

bill depo -

Hello, it would be possible to replace the wheels with 20 inch wheel?

faisalhok - Replica


few days ago i bought an used Qicycle. The Bike totally has 12km. Outside it’s in a very good condition.

Now i recognized that the wattmeter still shows “0”. I am sure the motor doesn’t function. Now i need some help .

What I did :

-Flashed back original software now it is :

LINPic 003-013-000

MC 005-017-000 (25km/h)

BMS 018-024-023

Firmware 1.6.613

-Checked Akku -> Loading Okay, Lights Okay

-Checked all cable connections (motor left, controller, display, hall sensor)

-Checked intergrated cable if it is broken. All 16 cable contacts give a signal. I post the wiring of the cable for the community. With my plan you can check if the wiring is ok.

what could i do now ? Buy a new motor, how could i check if it is broken ?

Buy a new controller ? Does this make sense, because all seems ok. The Qicycle Software says “bike is Ok”

Buy a new “Hall sensor”, don’t know if this could be the problem…maybe a expert could tell me.

If somebody help me to get a solution i would donate something.


Harald - Replica

Dear Harald,

My integrated cable has more than one pin broken but I couldn’t figure out what wire to check as all 9 wires look intact in appearance. Please send me the wiring color code for pin numbers that are shown in your wring diagram.

Many thanks in advance.

phu dang -

Oh..sorry, at the Moment couldnt find it…

Harald -

hello, problem is solved, changed the torque sensor/ hall sensor and now the motor starts and the wattmeter works.

Harald - Replica

There is a strong resistance on front wheel only when turning reverse (no resistace moving forward). Motor not working although computer provide all the data even the watt usage. Pls assist any feedback would be very much appreciated

lousky007 - Replica

Hi lousky007!

My bike has the same problem too. I tried unplugging the cable from the controller and the front wheel can be turned backwards without such resistance. I did the same procedure to the hall sensor but the prolem remains the same so a malfunctioned sensor could be ruled out. I guess the segment of cable that connects the front wheel motor to the controller may have some broken wire in it. This segment of cable is very tight so don’t turn the front wheel to the left until it stops as it is prone to failure if you overdo. I ordered a new cable and I am waiting for my delivery. Have you successfully fixed it yet? If yes, please tell me the right cause.

Thank you very much.

phu dang -

Where did you buy this cable?

Karim -

Hi Karim,

I am so sorry for late response. I bought the cable from Aliexpress. Just google it and the results suggest a variety of shops selling it. But at the moment the cable is not available any more. I think you should wait and check it on Aliexpress periodically. In the next five days I will give you the wiring color-pin information, DO NOT discard the cable, it’s the most repairable part once you idenfy the damaged wire(s). I will try get back to you soon. Have a good day!

phu dang -

@phu dang,

sorry i have no color code for the pin numbers, because i only did a measure of the cables. my wiring plan is quite simple you only have to check the numbers of the pins which are wired.

as i wrote above my problem is solved. First problem with the update was an incompatible android smartphone. Changed ist and the update was successful. Second problem was not the wiring, but the hall sensor. Changed it to a new one and evrything was fine.

If you habe broken pins on your cable why don’t you chnage the cable. It costs about 25$ and changing should not be a problem.

Harald - Replica


Thank you very much for your kind reply. The problem my bike is experiencing may be somewhat that relates to the front wheel motor, the controller, the hall sensor, the cable… I have ordered a new cable on Aliexpress and I am waiting for my delivery. But what if I can’t still fix it? I will try replacing with another part by ordering a new one until the problem is resolved. I will let you and everybody in the forum know the exact cause when i have sucessfully fixed it as a way of sharing experience.

Have a good day my friend.

phu dang -

hello phu dang,

best wishes for you to solve the problem. i understand that you are afraid of not finding a solution, for me it was the same. As i said it is easy to check the cable. take my wirking plan and a voltmeter. you can easy do a measure if there is cntact between the poles. As i read in other forums often the hall sensor was the problem. The motor or the platine/chip/controller is rarely the problem. The motor is verry robust. Are there any errors shown when you do checks with the app ? The app should show contact/wiring problems with the motor. In the other forum someone told me to change the hall sensor and he was right.

Harald -

Hello Harald,

I greatly appreciate your kind suggestions and your helpful information. Because at the moment the cable has not been delivered yet so I cannot do anything with my bike. I’m glad to hear that the motor is robust and it seems to immune to malfunction as this part is very expensive. Could you tell me the app you mentioned that can be employed to check problems relating to contacts/wiring with the motor?

Thank you very much and best regards.

phu dang -

Hello Phu Dang,

its the Original App from Mijia .Maybe it is only in Chinese Playstore. You have to sideload the APK, for example here.

The App cant check the motor or the wiring direct. But for me it was so that it showed no error. For other people it showed errors which mostly have to do with wiring in the front to direction of the Motor.

Harald -

Dear Harald,

Thank you very much for your help. I will try the app and let you know what it’s telling later.

Could you send me the address link to buy the torque sensor on aliexpress?

Best Regards.

phu dang -

Hello Phu Dang,

this is the spare part i ordered.

Harald -

Hello Herald,

The item from the link is no longer available. I did google the torque sensor and the LCD monitor but I could not find any items that is available at the moment. OMG this time would be a tough one for me. Do you have another link for those items?

Best Regards

phu dang -

In this link First isahown Not available but if you choose delivery country (for me germany) i am able to put it in the basket. 97 items are available

Harald -

Dear Harald,

I picked Vietnam as the delivery country but the message ”sorry, the product is not available at the moment” kept popping up. I think the best thing I can do now is to wait for the cable assembly to arrive and then decide the next step to do. OMG this is a time-consuming task so I’d better stay calm and wait.

Thank you very much for your kind support.

phu dang -

Hello Herald,

Is it possible to install throttle into this bike?


lowkf - Replica

hello jay,

hahaha i am not a technican for qicycle bikes i am a user as yourself. i think if you are good you could do anything with the bike. here is a video which shows the opposite of a throttle, a mod fro full power

Video only should show that everything is possible, but i don’t know how to do such mods.


Harald -

good afternoon can you tell me the difference between model TDR01Z vs EF1 What is the international version? thank you

sica82 - Replica

Hi, i have Qicycle EF1 since Feb-2017. The bike worked well since yesterday. Since last tow-day before, my bike front wheel inner tube bust. so i open the wheel bolt nut b4 i unplug hub motor wire,. after replace tube with Tyre, re-fix as well same. after test cycling motor not running… the bike has some issues that are a little bit annoying. the computer display motor speed meter show well battery also 100’/. whats a problem can solve me pls…. here Singapore so hard to find a repair shop…

Ramesh. D - Replica

The saddle clamps should be replaceable with standard quick release clamps of the correct size. Depending on the design the handle might not be curved like the original one and therefore stand off a little bit.

Apk Royal - Replica

Très utile, merci beaucoup!

Isabelleni - Replica

Amazing post. I really need some help. The part that connects the seat to the top of the pole has broken on mine and I cannot find the part. I visited many bike stores here in the UK and cannot find a replacement. Also, where is the best place to get a new charger? thanks again

Gazzi Keny - Replica

Hi Gazzi Keny, maybe you’ll find some information here at the answer section: Where can I buy spare parts of Mijia QiCycle Folding Electric Bike?

Tobias Isakeit -

Hi guys,

I bought this bike as used (the total Kms made by the previous owner was 320, so I consider the bike almost new), and I’m going to use it in order to reach my new work place that is at 55 minutes from my house, hopefully I’ll save a lot of money from transports, and I was wondering if this is actually reliable because I’m gonna do something like 30kms per day.

I’m currently waiting a new battery from aliexpress, in order to be able to cover more distance. Do you think that the Qicycle could be ok?

However I have one little problem: the plastic that holds the display to the handlebar was broken due to a problem during the shipping, and even if it holds now, because the previous owner fixed it with glue, I was considering to change that specific part, but I would like to keep the display because it works perfectly, even after I updated the firmware to the 25kmh version.

So basically it is possible to change only the plastic that holds the display, without changing the whole thing?

Thank you very much!


matteoparissi - Replica

Im having problem locking the magnets together phone folded, the magnet can't seem to hold is it a factory defect or are the magnets of the qicycle really weak, or if it an alignment problem. Thanks

Jackson Tan - Replica


do anyone know which nuts are at the front axis ?

Its not just a normal M12 …

best regards

Fritz - Replica

thanks for this wonderful article

vaino sereno - Replica

“Der Akku ist eine komplexe Baugruppe, was einen Ersatz zur puren Verschwendung macht, wenn einzelne Teile nicht mehr funktionieren. “

—Das stimmt, deshalb gibt es Akku Spezialisten wie mich ( die hier auch nur die (verschlissenen) Zellen tauschen können. (natürlich inkl. Punktschweißen, Kapazitätstests, Funktionstests, optionale Leitungserhöhung durch moderne Hochleitungszellen von SAMSUNG usw..)

Holger Lang - Replica

since changing the frontwheel tire severalproblems have developed with the motor.

1. the motor starts before pedaling begins.

2. the motor appears to be on continually, thus the available energy from the akku

is very rapidly reduced.

is a reset possible or any suggestions to deal with the problems ?

I have opened and reconnected the cable connection for the motor on the front fork

during the tire change.

the power for the bike was switched off during the repair.

reidfa - Replica


A have the same problem. I changed the tires and since then motor starts before pedaling begins and if I stop pedaling motor still runs.

George Mileschin -

Hi - how do you switch on the front and rear lights

Shaf Ali - Replica

Hello! The seatpost of my qicycle loosened and crashed into a stone, the bottom part bent and I can't straighten it Anyone know where to get a spare. Thank you

Emilio Martin - Replica

Take a look over here, maybe you’ll find some information in this answer section: Where can I buy spare parts of Mijia QiCycle Folding Electric Bike?

Tobias Isakeit -

I found This page by searching for qicycle accident and need to share my experience. After buying it brand new and using it 5 times to go from home to the tennis court 1km from my house when I was ridding it the welds on the steering column between it and the handle bar cracked open and the handle bar detached completely from the steering column. I had several traumas on legs hands, head and shoulder and an acromic clavicular dislocation level 5. Now Im gonna have to do a surgery to fix my shoulder and as I imported this $@$* from another country there is no company I can sue in my country. I recommend you all to keep an eye on this welding and replace it with something safe or tou might not be as lucky as I was.

gilmarpurin - Replica

How to change Qicycle Boot Logo by Grimor:

Grimor Jander - Replica

After 3 years my bike starts to drive on it‘s own and powers up to 120 watt for 8 seconds after last pedal movement - which unit would you change first?

Marcus Hayer - Replica

Hi all, I just bought a brand new qicycle but I noticed that when moving the front wheel in reverse there is a little resistance if moving slowly that disappear when moving faster. When spinning the front wheel normally there is no resistance at all. Do you think it is ok? Thanks in advance

Alessio Diamanti - Replica

Do you have teardown for the Qicycle EC1? (model: TDP02Z). My EC-1 won’t charge only after 1 time use. Can you help find out What the problem might be? Thanks.

Jones Prabowo - Replica

Hello everyone, I’ve a Xiaomi Mi Qicycle bike, i used it for a few months but a day at some point the screen changed: doesn’t shows me the speed modes anymore and there is no electrical drive anymore. The mode is set one BO+ and i can’t change it. The only options on the display are SET, SUM and INFO. I checked the cables and it seems they are all in place and not damaged. Does anybody know what the problem can be? Somebody that had the same problem? thanks

nicolo.morando - Replica

Gab es hier eine Lösung ? Ich habe das gleiche Problem Mein Rad hat keine 300 km gelaufen


Is bms locking after disconnect from cells ?

Łukasz Dąbrowski - Replica

A non-electronic question: Here with my EF1, the front steerer tube has a bent screw. I think the pull was a bit intense sometimes. Now the folding mechanism can’t be fixated properly anymore and the steerer tube folds ocasionally.

My question is: Where can I get a replacement screw? Does anybody know the specs what screw to look for?

huedrant - Replica

I found one, by the way, in my local screw shop. No online options, only good old shop owners could help me out with the correct screw.

huedrant -


Do you know the manufacturer name and P/N of the charger connector (the one you connect to the bike) ?? I bought a QiCycle charger but its connector does not fit my bike which is a XIAOMI one… Connectors are similar but not the same….

Many thanks in advance.

Christophe ILLGEN - Replica

Hi thank for that very close look to the bike. I wonder what's the size or specs of bottom bracket. Mine makes too much noise I need to replace it.

hadi khalili - Replica

Hello guys,

I bought this bicycle. At least I thought I bought this, but it turned out there is 2nd generation after 2020. I wanted to modify to full throttle but it has a torque sensor in the bottom bracket. Do you have any idea how can I manage a modification?

László Kálmán - Replica

I received the bike for free but i have some issue :

· Battery won't charge anymore, The charger light stay green.

· monitor won't start

· Battery led blink 10 times only when i pushed the button when the charger is plugged.

· I tried the trick by reversing the front wheel, but the charger light still stay green


· I've managed to dismount the battery and charge it to a benchtop power supply at the maximum it can do : 30v and 1.5a ( limits of the benchtop )

· Battery giving me 19v before charging (Black & white wire ) and 21v (black and Red wire)


Still impossible to charge the battery ( voltage is too low i think ) but i'll try again to reverse the front wheel with an Electric drill.

Actually there is still all the led blinking 10 times when and without Charger this time.

Do you think there is any hope to revive the bloc? There is any chance that the BMS is broken due to a direct charge ?

Maybe should i charge each battery individually ?

Somersby - Replica

I ran into a car on my 1 year old bike (their fault). Result: bent fork, damaged head pole and broken front rim. No shop in Germany will fix it for me because they are not the standard parts - as noted here in this page!

If you need parts and you are in Germany - check out Kleinanzeigen, maybe I can help you get back running!

Alex Hernández - Replica

Hello i got the qicycle second hand, but here in Norway its got max speed of 20km, but i want it to go max by the law and that is 25km. i need to change the dashboard to a chinese one because the international version dont have bluetooth, i was hoping that you had a guide on how to remove the part, but i couldent find one, where do i unplug the dashboard?

Olaf Jørgensen - Replica

Hello, do you know how to fix Qicycle that turns off randomly? It was turning off randomly while I was riding it but now it won’t turn on at all. Any help appreciated

veronica.m.tello - Replica

hello.....I'm looking for 6 pin controller, most available in the market is 5 pin. Any help appreciated

rowdy - Replica

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